
The Rebellious Nun and the Witty Taoist

"The Rebellious Nun and the Witty Taoist" spins a tale of martial arts, mischief, and the occasional fish fry in the world of Jianghu.  Mei Lin, once a spirited nun known for sneaking smokes instead of meditating, finds herself entangled in the intrigues of the Black Moon Sect following her audacious escape from the confines of the White Lotus Temple. Rising as the Scarlet Shadow, the Evil Sect leader's cunning strategist and rumored paramour, she becomes both a figure of awe and consternation for her old friend, Zhang Wei. Meanwhile, Zhang Wei, now a senior Taoist elder tasked with maintaining discipline in the Azure Cloud sect, faces his greatest challenge yet: dealing with Mei Lin, his former partner-in-mischief turned shadowy operative, who is brought in by his sect's overzealous disciples following the death of the Evil Tyrant, Jiang Hei.  Mei Lin's capture has thrust Zhang Wei into a quagmire of sect politics and his own conflicting emotions. Their reunion, a decade in the making, unfolds with dry humor and razor-sharp banter as they skillfully dance around truths buried beneath layers of deception and unspoken yearning. Amidst Jianghu’s descent into chaos under the new leadership of the Black Moon Sect, Mei Lin and Zhang Wei must untangle their intricate history. With new insights emerging that blur Zhang Wei’s understanding of where righteousness ends and wickedness begins, they confront the daunting task of redefining their roles in a world teetering on the edge of moral ambiguity.  With their trademark dry wit and undeniable chemistry, they navigate a shifting landscape where alliances are as fickle as the wind, and where laughter serves as their shield against the perils of honor and ambition.

PirateSasha · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Fierce Woman

The oppressive atmosphere was thick with the weight of anticipation. The flickering light of oil lamps cast long shadows on the walls, creating an eerie ambiance that added to the room's tension. The elders of the Azure Cloud sect sat in a semi-circle, their faces a mix of sternness and curiosity, with their eyes on their captive.

Even Grand Elder Qiu, an elder of the sect from two generations ago had been brought out of reclusiveness by her infamy. Just his presence showed how much importance the sect placed on her. 

Elder Mun, the previous generation's sect leader's junior brother leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he examined her. "Scarlet Shadow, you stand before us as an enemy of the Azure Cloud sect," he began, his voice cold and authoritative. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Scarlet Shadow. This infamous name that had shaken the Jianghu. The right hand woman of the evil tyrant Jiang Hei. The administrator of the evil sect. The witch of carnage who worked from the shadows. All these titles, all these deeds he had heard about, he couldn't connect the face in front of him to that.

Mei Lin. That was her name. Hardly anyone called her that, hardly anyone used it anymore. Even for him, it was a name he hadn't dared to speak for so many years. Her face still seemed familiar yet unfamiliar to him, this face of the person to whom that name belonged to, who had once smiled at him, teased him, even cried in front of him. It was the face that had been haunting his dreams for the past decade. The same face that ignored the Grand Elder's question only to meet his gaze unflinchingly as if inviting him to greet her. 

Zhang Wei couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Many times he had imagined seeing her again, but never, never like this. She seemed pitiful yet fierce, a haunting contrast that tugged at his heart and clouded his thoughts. Her once radiant face, now pale and gaunt, was etched with the lines of hardship and pain. Despite her evident physical weakness, her eyes blazed with a defiant fire that refused to be extinguished. They bore into him, a silent testament to her unbroken spirit.

He tried to maintain his composure, but the elders in the room noticed the flicker of emotion on his face. Grand Elder Qiu, frowned slightly. "Elder Zhang, do you know this woman?" he asked, suspicion lacing his tone.

Zhang Wei hesitated, the conflict within him evident. "Yes Elder, I... I have seen her before," he replied, choosing his words carefully. "A long time ago."

She tilted her head slightly, looking up at him as if saying indeed it had been a long time. More than a decade had passed after all. 

"She was a novice nun at the White Lotus Temple before it was burned down by the Black Moon Sect," the Sect Leader spoke finally.

The elders exchanged glances and nodded, accepting this explanation. It was not uncommon for members of their sect to have crossed paths with the novices from the nearby nunnery in the past. 

Mei Lin chuckled, her tone languid, her gaze sharp as she focused on Zhang Wei's shixiong who seemingly remembered her. "White Blossom Temple. It's been a while since someone has spoken that vile name in my presence."

A moment of silence followed her dry, almost raspy voice. It reminded everyone in the room that it was this very nun who was responsible for the nunnery being burnt to crisp, having guided the evil sect and its leader to set fire to her former home. 

The elders turned their attention back to Mei Lin, debating her fate. Some argued for her immediate execution, citing the threat she posed, while others saw the potential in extracting information from her. The room buzzed with tension, their voices rising and falling in heated discussion.

Elder Wen, in charge of the sect's finances, growing impatient, leaned forward. "Speak, Scarlet Shadow. Tell us what we need to know, and perhaps we will show you mercy."

Mei Lin's eyes left his, meeting the speaker's. Her lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. "Mercy? From you? I'd sooner trust a snake," she replied, her voice steady despite the tension in the room.

The sect elders continued their heated debate. "She is too dangerous to be kept alive," one elder argued. "We should execute her immediately."

Another elder countered, "But she possesses invaluable knowledge about the Black Moon Sect. We must extract that information first."

The disciple guarding her, growing impatient with Mei Lin's silence, drew his sword. "Speak, Scarlet Shadow. What do you know of the Black Moon Sect's plans?"

Mei Lin's lips curled into a faint smile. "Even the Evil Sect has loyalty, little kid. You think I will betray my comrades so easily?"

Her defiance stoked the elders' anger. "Insolent woman!" one of them spat. "You underestimate the severity of your situation."

"Do I?" Mei Lin's eyes blazed with determination. "Perhaps it is you who underestimate me."

She was clad in a tattered dark cloak that hung loosely over her shoulders, its fabric worn and frayed from relentless battles and harsh elements. The crimson cloak, once perhaps a symbol of her formidable presence, was now a mere shadow of its former self. Stained patches of darker areas marred the cloth, like the evidence of bloodshed. Even the metallic scent of blood lingered around her, mingling with the damp, musty air of the interrogation room, creating an almost suffocating atmosphere.

Beneath the cloak, glimpses of her battered form were visible. Scars and wounds, stark white and red lines stood out against her otherwise smooth skin, peeking out from her shoulders and collarbone. Each mark told a tale of survival, a silent chronicle of the battles she had fought and the pain she had endured. Her wrists, bound tightly with rough ropes, bore raw, red welts, evidence of her captivity and struggle.

The state of her hair added to her pitiable yet fierce appearance. Once lustrous and well-hidden under a white veil she often took off in Zhang Wei's presence, it now hung in disheveled strands, matted with dirt and dried blood. It framed her face in a wild, untamed halo, adding to the intensity of her gaze.

To Zhang Wei, the sight was almost unbearable. The once vibrant and hopeful girl he had known was now a warrior marked by suffering, her body a canvas of her struggles. Yet, despite everything, she held her head high, her gaze unwavering. It was this fierce resilience that both broke and bolstered his resolve. The contrast between the frailty of her physical state and the strength of her spirit was a poignant reminder of the depth of her character and the trials she had faced.

Her presence in the room, even in such a weakened state, commanded attention. The elders' disdainful looks and harsh words seemed to bounce off her, unable to pierce the armor of her defiance. Each time they tried to belittle her or break her spirit, she met them with a stare that spoke of an unyielding will, a determination forged in the fires of adversity.

Zhang Wei's heart ached as he stood there, caught between his duty to the sect and his unresolved feelings for Mei Lin. The woman before him was a far cry from the girl he had once known, yet in her fierce eyes, he saw the same spirit that had always captivated him. The weight of his responsibilities bore down on him, but so did the desire to protect her. 

The Sect Leader, coming under the pressure of the elders, stood up. "Speak, Scarlet Shadow. We know your loyalty lies with the evil tyrant. Now that he is defeated, we know you have nowhere to go."

Mei Lin lifted her head, her eyes burning. "So? Because he is dead, does that mean you've won?" she spat, her voice laced with venom. "You so-called righteousness sects are so strange. The elders sit on their asses speaking of losses and sacrifices, sending these naive young novices out to carry out dangerous tasks far beyond their capabilities," She looked up right at the Sect Leader, as if daring him to deny her words, "At least this time, you were lucky. No naive young Taoist died for your honor."

Sect Leader Zhang Pei's face twisted with anger. "Watch your tongue, woman. You are in no position to insult us."

"Insult you?" Mei Lin laughed bitterly. "You should be used to it by now. How many times have you betrayed your own principles for the sake of convenience? You're nothing but snakes, hiding behind your precious honor."

The room fell into an uneasy silence. The elders exchanged glances, their anger simmering beneath the surface. Zhang Wei's struggle intensified as he watched Mei Lin challenge the very foundation of the sect he had devoted his life to. Her words cut deep, stirring doubts he had long buried.

The Sect Leader's voice was cold. "We are not here to debate our principles. We are here to determine your fate. Tell us what you know about the Black Moon Sect's plans."

Mei Lin's eyes narrowed. "And why would I do that? So you can twist my words and use them to justify your next betrayal? I'd rather die than give you the satisfaction."

Elder Liang slammed his fist on the table. "Enough! You will answer our questions, or we will make you."

"Make me?" Mei Lin sneered. "You can try."

The elders' faces reddened with anger. "You dare mock us?" one of them spat.

Mei Lin laughed, a sound devoid of mirth. "Mock you? Why should I waste my breath on mockery when your actions speak for themselves? Look at you, a room full of supposedly powerful men, trembling before a mere subordinate of the evil sect. Even the so-called future generation of your sect. It's almost pitiable how much the Azure Cloud Sect has degraded. Just look at this young one standing guard, look how scared he is."

"You insolent woman…," Liang Wen, the disciple guarding her whom she had addressed, lost his temper and pressed his sword against her neck, nicking her neck and a thin red line followed.

"Oh dear, aren't you trembling? Did I say something wrong?" she laughed. Indeed he was, no doubt, since the woman before him was equivalent to a mythical demon from hell the young disciples had heard stories about. Such was her infamy. Zhang Wei's throat was dry seeing how little fear she held for the blade. He wanted to pull her away and shake some sense into her. 

"Your fear of me is almost flattering," she continued, her voice steady and mocking. "To be so afraid of someone who can no longer wield her qi. Oh how the mighty righteous sects have fallen."

The disciple seemed close to actually pushing his sword into her neck out of anger when Zhang Wei spoke. "Sheath your sword." His voice was calm and steady, a long cry from his inner turmoil.

The disciple gave Zhang Wei a look of betrayal, "But elder…"

Zhang Wei's cold gaze bore into the disciple. "Liang Wen, now is not the time. Sheath your sword."

The words of Grand Elder Qiu followed, "Indeed, Elder Zhang is right. It isn't the time for swords, young disciple." Very reluctantly, Liang Wen returned his sword to its sheath, like the obedient young disciple he was. 

The elders' frustration grew. Mei Lin was extremely uncooperative and her every word either brought out old wounds or insulted their pride. The killing intent the elders directed at her was palpable. Never in their life have they had their pride insulted like this. Their honor was at stake. 

They wanted to kill her. Perhaps, the fault was hers too, for she egged them on, as if wanting to be killed. But they wouldn't kill her that easily.

He saw elders look at him, the head of the disciplinary committee. Zhang Wei could see that harsher methods of interrogation were being considered. He didn't think he could bear it, using torture on Mei Lin. Her life was hanging by a thread as it was. He had to delay it somehow. He knew he had to act, to find a way to protect Mei Lin without revealing too much.

The consensus was rapidly shifting towards Mei Lin's execution.

Watching Mei Lin sass the elders is like witnessing a stand-up comedy roast with high stakes—it was hard to tell who is more on edge! It’s probably Zhang Wei though, who is the most anxious.

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