
The Reawakening of the Mysterious

Delve into a world where the veil of the ordinary is ripped apart, unveiling the chilling resurgence of the supernatural in "The Reawakening of the Mysterious." I am the voice of the unseen, the echo of the ancient, and the harbinger of a new age where the dormant forces of the beyond stir once more. This tale follows the journey of Yang Jian, an unlikely hero thrust into the heart of a spectral uprising. In a society where the lines between reality and the supernatural blur, "The Reawakening of the Mysterious" presents a chilling hierarchy of ghosts and spirits, each with their own terrifying abilities and enigmatic rules that govern their existence. Yang Jian, armed with an extraordinary gift to command these entities, leads a team of misfits, each possessing unique skills to combat the otherworldly threats. They navigate a labyrinth of fear, unraveling mysteries that threaten to consume the sanity of the brave and the foolish alike. This is not just a battle for survival; it is a strategic game of power and wit, where every move can either quell the darkness or unleash an even greater horror. Join us on this electrifying adventure where the supernatural is the new frontier, and the only certainty is the unexpected. Will you stand with Yang Jian and face the shadows of "The Reawakening of the Mysterious"? Or will you become one with the darkness that now stirs?

three_fat · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The Revenge of the Ghost Tamer

"Is everything settled?"

Yan Li, lying on the ground, looked at the Hao Shaowen and his group who had disappeared from the room and looked at Yang Jian with some suspicion.

"Jesus, don't talk, you are too bad, as a ghost tamer, you were nailed to the ground by a group of such people and beaten at will. If it were said that as a ghost tamer, I would lose face." Yang Jian sat on the sofa with a small spoon eating a fun egg.

"By the way, chocolate flavor, do you want to eat it?"

He picked up a mouthful with a plastic spoon and stretched it out.

"... Can't you let me go first?" Yan Li said.

"Wait a moment, wait for the thing in my body to calm down before, I can't be sure if it will be stimulated after contacting the blood on your body." Yang Jian said with his eyes closed.

It seems to be enjoying the delicious food, but in fact, he feels the eyes in his body wriggling, and some strange things are brewing.

This feeling... is the fierce ghost reviving.

"The effect of the red paper is not great, unless you can snatch that red newspaper from the ghost's hand again... However, it is very difficult to find a hidden ghost in a city area, and it is not certain whether that ghost is still in Dachang City."

Yang Jian took a look at the red paper that had completely cracked.

The red paper fell to the ground and was completely useless, and finally, it completely dissipated like paper ash.

"Newspaper is just a carrier, the ghost's power contained on it is the real reason to suppress the revival of my ghost eye, but the residual power on it is too weak, so it was completely useless after suppressing it a few times."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly: "It seems that what Hao Shaowen said is true."

"Ghosts can indeed suppress another ghost... just like Yan Li can suppress that headless ghost shadow, but there is still some uncertain variable."

Thinking about it.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

It was as if his heart and lungs were torn apart, deep into the bones.

Something tore a gap in his chest.

A scarlet eye emerged.

This is the seventh eye that has grown on him.

"Aren't you starting at this time?"

Yan Li saw his painful appearance, his heart jumped fiercely, and he said urgently: "If you are going to revive, hurry up and let me go. I don't want to deal with the ghost in your body."

Yang Jian was sweating on his forehead at the moment, panting: "I can't die for the time being... It's just that the boundary I set has been broken, in this way, I estimate that my revival time has been greatly shortened, although I can't be sure, but this time should be within a month."

The ghost that can produce the ghost domain is indeed terrifying.

How many times has he used the ghost domain?

You can count it on your fingers, but it's just these few times, first the suppression of the red paper failed, and then the eyes grew.

And next, this revival speed will become faster and faster.

"Sorry, if it wasn't for my mistake here, you shouldn't be so serious this time."

Yan Li felt a bit apologetic.

Because he made Yang Jian use his ability one more time.

"What a joke, is it your reason? Whether to come here or not, whether to use the ability is my decision, as an adult, you have to have your own responsibility."

Yang Jian shook his body and stood up.

He picked up the baton on the ground and pried open the nails on Yan Li's hand.

"Besides, if I don't make trouble, trouble will find me, first solve the Hao Shaowen and his group of people, which is also a matter of saving trouble, otherwise, when he catches my family and threatens me, the situation will only become worse... Since it's a death anyway, it's better to just let go and fight."

He pulled out the last nail, and Yan Li regained his freedom.

"What do you want to do?"

Yan Li stood up, and his whole body was bleeding, and the previous wounds were healing rapidly.

Yang Jian took a look.

This should be the special ability of Yan Li's ghost blood, no wonder Hao Shaowen didn't kill him with so many shots.

"I'm going to your club to have a look, and make a few phone calls."

Yang Jian suddenly put a mobile phone on the table.

Hao Shaowen's mobile phone.

"In addition... I'm not going to let go of anyone on this phone's contact list, and I will never leave an enemy to be unfavorable to my family in the future. As the ancients said, 'When cutting grass, you have to eradicate the roots.' I'm not only going to eradicate the roots but also to lift the mud where the grass grows. Most of the people who can be on this person's phone list are also people in the industry, even if there are one or two innocent people, it doesn't matter."

Yang Jian's expression became more and more indifferent, and his eyes showed a faint red light.

"Better to kill the wrong person than to let go, if these pests don't die out, our families will suffer."

Yan Li said with some suspicion: "This, how can this be possible, we don't know how many times we can use the power of the fierce ghost in this state."

He could see that Yang Jian was more deeply influenced by the fierce ghost.

But he did not object to his almost brutal method.

Who let Hao Shaowen take the initiative, and the mastermind is not dead yet.

It's just that although the plan is good, it is too difficult to implement.

"There is a plan in the Thirty-Six Stratagems called 'Borrowing a Knife to Kill Someone.'"

Yang Jian said: "I know a ghost, a bit terrifying, I plan to let that ghost kill the people on this contact list, if they can escape this ghost's attack, then... it's their life."

"Have you mastered the action law of that ghost?"


Yan Li took a breath and looked at him in shock.

I didn't expect Yang Jian to hide such a hand, and he was terrible enough with the ghost domain, and he could also use other ghosts to do things for him.

"But the mobile phone has a password, it's locked."

Yang Jian clicked on the mobile phone, but it requires a password.

"So what?"

Yang Jian said: "It doesn't matter, I just know the owner of a mobile phone shop, who should be able to crack it. I'll handle this matter, you go and contact the buyer."

"Wait, are you really going to sell this ghost? Hao Shaowen said before, if you control two ghosts, there is a chance to extend the revival time. This headless ghost was caught hard, why not keep it and try?"

Suddenly, Yan Li reminded.

"I thought of it long ago, I didn't plan to sell it for real, I plan to sell a fake one."

Yang Jian suddenly said: "This is not to make money, but to take this opportunity to contact something that cannot be contacted."

"Hao Shaowen's method is only a general idea, but it lacks a specific detail. You won't really try to take the headless ghost like this, right? In case you are taken over by the headless ghost, not only is the headless ghost released, but it also controls the ghost in your body. At that time, you are equivalent to indirectly raising a more terrifying ghost."

"This, I didn't think about it so much."

Yan Li was a bit embarrassed.

"Someone has succeeded, someone will study, and if someone studies, they will definitely find some rules. There are rules and plans. The ghost in our hands is a brick to knock on the door, and it is the chip to get a specific implementation plan. Although our time is not much, it is not so urgent."

After that, Yang Jian looked at him and said, "When can you contact the buyer the fastest?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Okay, tomorrow night, I'll wait for your call."

Yang Jian put away the baton, as well as the gun left by Hao Shaowen, and immediately set off.

Before leaving, he reminded again: "If you fall again, don't say you know me, ask someone to collect the body for you."