
The reawakened

This book is about a girl named Yami who discovers her true potential throughout her time as a demon hunter. She then gets reminded of her disturbing past and becomes something she never wanted to be.

Maliyah_Holmes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Yami's Backstory

Yami makes takes a sleeping back out of her closet and lays on it. She then falls asleep.

When Yami was born, her hair was black. Her parents didn't think much of it and thought it meant she was special. And boy were they right. When Yami was three, her hair turned white just like her parents were. They didn't know what was wrong with her. But they didn't care as long as she was strong.

When Yami was 5, she was forced to do training. Training was horrible. She got tortured every time she failed to make a spell. She would get hanged by her arms in front of a crowd of demons. They had to throw things at her that would hurt her or else, they would be executed

They threw knifes, needles, and even magic. Yami would always go home covered in blood and bruises. Her parents would also always abuse her because she was so weak. Yami had 4 siblings...but because she was so weak, her parents forced her to watch 2 of her closes siblings get killed before her eyes. Yami was terrified. She screamed and cried. She tried to close her eyes but she couldn't.

They locked her inside a room that had no windows and it cancelled our magic. The room was also full of pests. One day she was taken out of the room to do training. Her father looked disgusted because she couldn't make or use and spells, not a single one. He proceeded to say "Your not my daughter. Someone like you shouldn't exist. We should've killed you instead of your siblings." Yami cried and said "You should've. They never deserved it. You're the W-"

Her dad smacked her. "Who do you think you are? Someone like you doesn't have the right to speak in front of me."

After her punishment (Torture), she locked inside of the room again. And there, in the back of the room, were her two sibling's head hung up. Yami screamed in terror. She was then showed an illusion where her siblings walked towards her, covered in blood. The girl said "Sister... I Looked up to you. But now I'm dead. It's your fault! You monster! You can't even use your magic! I can't even call you my older sister. I'm ashamed."

Yami cries and says "It's not my fault..... Please f-" both of her siblings disappear and she sees the heads again. She screams and cries. That's when her brother, Yamiki, sneaks in and covers her mouth. He then says "Sister! Be quiet. I think father and mother wants to kill you. I don't want you to die. Please use your magic. And also, I bought you a cookie! Mother says it's human food. I tried it and it tastes so good." Yami smiles and eats the cookie. She quickly hugs her brother and cries. "I miss them. Mother and father hanged their heads in here. Please! Please get me out. I'm sorry. They starved me for the last 3 days."

That's when the mother grabs Yamiki by his neck and said "Oh? You wanna feed the rat! Now you're going to die and she's going to watch!" Yami is terrified, she can't lose another person she cares about. Not again. That's when she was forced into a corner and she started laughing. Her hair started turning back black. Yami then says "Let go of him or you're going to die" she grins and explodes her mother's entire torso. Her mother regenerates and grins. Her mother then says "Explode" and one of Yami's hearts explodes and Yami falls to the ground and her hair turns white. When Yami wakes up, her parents are just standing there.

She quickly gets up, worried that she's about to get hurt again until she realizes she's in a bed. It's so.... Confrontable. Yami looks around and she's in a decorated room. It looks familiar. Yami then says "Where am I?" The father says "You're in your room of course..." Yami is confused and says "My? I'm in MY room?"

Her parents finally gave her back her room. Yami was happy. She finally gets to sleep on a bed... In a room. But the excitement didn't last long because Yami hand training again, but she didn't have the power she had before. She had returned to normal. Her parents gave her the usual punishment and took away her room. Again. Yami was sad but at least her brother is okay.

That's when her mom walks in with Yamiki's head and hangs it up. Yami, who forgot that the heads were there, is terrified. She screams and cries. Her mother then sews her mouth shut and says "You scream to much"

Yami had to sit there.... Day and night. In a room, unable to speak or scream. All alone with the heads of her dead siblings. No food, no water. Nothing. Roaches running around the room. No furniture. Barely any light. She just wished she was dead. She wished.... She was a human.

Yami had her usual training and then her usual punishment. As she hung there she hears "That's why her siblings are dead... She's useless and so were her siblings!" That's when Yami snapped. Her hair turned black and she laughed like maniac. She teleports behind the demon and killed it, exploding it's entire body.

Yami then started killing every last one of them with a grin on her face. She then dragged their heads back home and as soon as her mother opened the door, Yami threw them in her face. The mother clapped her hands while squealing and jumping. The father runs in and he also looks a bit excited but he doesn't want to show it. He throws a knife at her and it disappears. After 5 seconds knofe shot out of his neck.

Yami started laughing like a mad man and disappeared. She went into the city and went on a rampage. She killed anyone and everyone she saw. It was madness! Her parents could Sense the bloodlust and immediately knew to stop her. Her dad teleported there and Yami immediately pounces on him. She rips out one of his hearts and throws it onto the ground and steps on it.

She continued to attack her father until her mother arrived and together they managed to stop Yami. They eventually found out what was wrong and sealed away yami's other personality and 3/4 of her powers.

One day Yami says her parents arguing and escaped. She ran and ran. She didn't want to live like that. It was too much. She went through that for 15 years. And that day, Yami managed to escape. She the. Replaced her memories and put herself into a 1 year coma.

Present time:

When Yami woke up, Rei was gone. She got up and looked for her. She was downstairs eating. Yami was relieved and she then remembers when she was younger she couldn't eat anything. Kurayami noticed Yami was thinking about something that was bothering her so he placed his hand on her shoulder. Yami smiled and they went downstairs and joined everyone.