
The Reapers Obsessed With Me

Aku has a miserable life, drunk abusive father, over obsessive, compulsive mother, and a older brother who’s to self important to care. Schools not much better for him, bullied and harassed for his gloomy outlook and appearance, his only save and grace is a singular female. At least until she sends some of her guy friends after him. With nothing left to live for, his fate is up in the air as he survives something he shouldn’t have.

Narrator_Kun · Horror
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3 Chs

A nose for a nose (2) PS:any triggers, dont read, this isn’t your novel

(Another warning!!! Any triggers? yes? Don't read! No? Go ahead and know your in for a ride)

-throughout the day-

most of my classes didn't have this new girl, only my two elective classes. I don't think words have gotten around yet, but that doesn't mean that it would get better for my classes, it'd probably make it worse, so I should probably enjoy this, lesser evil whilst I can.

-Tylers perspective, 20 mins before 6th period, back of the school-

"Phew" a long puff of smoke comes out of my cig, the smell of nicotine and other miscellaneous shit i dont care about fills the air around me

"man, this place has really gone to shit" i chuckle "the only good part of this shithole is that stress reliever"

—same area different perspective—

he didnt even regard him as a human, just known as a stress reliever to him, this was my justification for what i was about to do to him, just around the corner i pull a kitchen knife out of my pocket, think for moment, and barely stop myself, later, remember, make them feel what he felt first, after that its fair game, just breathe, a couple of facial bruises and a broken nose, then you can cut hm up into itty bitty pieces

after inhaling and exhaling, collecting myself i put my knife away, i round the corner as he turns away, finally finished with his smoke break, i grab both his wrists and lock them together with a single hand, he yells a few times, but promptly shoving his face into the rough brick wall shuts up his trap.

Tyler-"what the fuck!?!" He screams "what the hell do you want with me!?!"

i have to hold myself back from speaking, i cant be found out, ever. I grab his hair and slam his face against the wall, maybe ill just shatter his nose, its *technically* breaking it, i let his cries of pain sound out as i continue to bash his face into a bloody pulp, barely able to stop myself from killing him.

i drop him and take some blood off his face, licking it off two of my fingers

"yea, tastes like fucking shit and half of a whore, with a hint of what? Sleezy businessman? Not even worth treating myself to my work, filthy fucking mongrel"

-6th period, returning to the MC's view-

Tyler is gone, one of his friends found him with a messed up face, the police were called but nothing was found, whoever messed him up was good, you'd normally thing this would be good news, but that just give his goons ammunition to work wit

Ryan-"bet this fucker hired someone" one of his goons says with interest "so how'd you do it? Huh? HUH!?!"

he kicks me in the gut, knowing i didnt do it, just happy to find a reason to get out early and mess up his favorite punching bag

he wraps his arm around my shoulder after picking me up to lay on my knees, and looks me in my already thoroughly fucked face

Ryan-"fucking freak" he grins as he punches me in the jaw

i recoil back, landing right into the brick wall of the school

Ryan-"so i was thinking, its only fair if we do this to you, cause you caused this in the first place"

like hell i did, the fucking asshole… if only i could just wrap my fucking hands around his throat and, make him die

he picks me up roughly, and turns me to face the same bloody stain where Tyler was smashed up

Ryan-"so, like i said, its only fair, an eye for an eye and all that"

i can feel it bubbling up, an uncontrollable rage, the one that feeds into my mothers delusions, caused by my mothers delusions, i know once i slip, my time here is over, just like everywhere else, but i want to do it, so bad, all I'd need to do is break free and-

as my head is pulled back a familiar, but new female voice enters the area

Sylvia-"if you would please lay of my partner, we have things to discuss"

Ryan-"look, your pretty looks may have gotten you your way, but you see, me and my friend here have a couple of differences to sort out, so quietly buzz off broad"

I'm not even facing her direction, but i know this feeling, its palpable, shes pissed, not just pissed, but dangerous levels of pissed, but, if i cant be the one to do it, she might as well

Sylvia-"broad? Oh, I'm sorry, i forgot that it takes one to know one, while we're on the topic, hows the tipping? I have to say, your mother tips quite well"

Ryan-"you… you fucking cunt… how… how fucking DARE you!" In a rage he lets go and rushes at the girl

as if on instinct, she doges by shifting out of the way and tripping him

Sylvia-"ohmygod I'm so sorry, i really dont like hugs and i forgot how uncoordinated you male servicemen can be after taking it in the ass, i deeply apologize!" To finish off her sentence, she kicks him in the chin, providing a clean knockout

i knew it, shes dangerous too, no one here's normal in this crap hole, i really need to get awa-

sylvia-"hey, you ok Aku?"

to late… ill just have to play it safe, i nod slowly

sylvia-"oki doki! Ill just leave you to walk home then, need me to accompany you?"

on one hand, strong tall lady, who may or may not dissuade my father, on the second hand this may make my moms delusions worse, and another point, she may be danger and want to murder me to keep her reputation spick and span…

after a moment of deep consideration i shake my head and walk off, feeling a strange feeling as i do

—apartment, 4 person, 6th floor—

as i walk up to my parents apartment, i met with the stench of alcohol and other nicotine like smells coming off it

Jokes on me for actually thinking my father would actually stop smoking, jokes on me to think my father would stop drinking

i sniff again, smelling all the rancid trash

jokes on me for thinking my mother would stop praying to be isekai'd and actually pick up, i sigh

i open the door and walk in, its to soon for my father to be back, so that only leaves-

birther-"awwwwwwwmygoooood booboo what happened?" She rushes over, pretending to actually care about my condition "dont worry" she says with a crazed look in her eyes "the more hardships you face, the more op of a power youll awaken too!"

oh fuck, shes in one of those moods

birther-"speaking of which" she eyes the chopping board "youve been taking a bit long, usually kids get their power at 16"

shes in lala land, she probably didnt take her meds, i need something, anything, to distract her, wait, that might work, i inhale, and let out in a raspy voice

"actu…ally, there… wa…sss a transsss…fur… student" i hold back a coughing fit, i dont want to experience that again

her eyes light up, slightly disappointed, but also excited

birther-"so its one of those story's hmmmmmm? That's acceptable, who am i to argue with the 'kami'"

oh shit, shes mixing butchered Japanese with English again, i probably made a huge mistake, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-

she passes out on the floor

oh thank god, she ate my food, wait, that was the last of them, god damnit! Ok, calm down, you can always sneak more later, next, homework count, if I'm correct, all ripped up besides the group project, next step, food

i look in the fridge, only enough for three, maybe if i take small bits from each, no, not enough time, ok, ill just suppress it like usual, next step, fucking hide