
The Reaper Transmigration (Dropped)

Yuuto died and got reincarnated into "Akame Ga Kill!" How will he change the plot? Watch as he recreate the Empire from it root by killing all who stand in his way. The MC does not know about the future event that will happen in Akame Ga Kill. First 4 chapters is really short, it get longer after. Will update whenever I have time to write.

BlurryHamster · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Akame Ga Kill! (7)

[ A/N: I'm changing my writing style slowly. I changed something in this chapter if you can find it then....your a god??? ]

"So why did you call me here?"

Najenda took out a folder and showed it to Yuuto

"It going to be your first mission"

Yuuto opened the folder, there were picture of his target and the deed he done.

There are evidence of at least 10 people missing everyday leading to this person. One of the person who escaped spend all his saving for this mission.

People were captured, raped, tortured until their skin fall out, then sent to be food to dog.

His target was James Teku, he's a noble, just not any noble but a super rich one. Apparently his family have been funding the empire for generations so they were the major supporter of the empire.

[ A/N: I have no idea how to do Japanese name or any name at all so I just used some English name generator. Weirdest name ever if you ask me ]

Due to that, there are many guard around him, some even have teigu.

Teigu are equipment that grant people superpower like controlling water or ability to fly. But Teigu have it own consciousness so it choose it owner.

Najenda continued speaking,

"Of course you won't do this alone, even Akame would have difficulties doing this alone so I will send her with you and you'll be getting 100 gold coins"

The reward was quite big, with 100 gold coins Yuuto could buy a big house.

Yuuto closed the folder

"No, I'll do it alone"

Najenda just look at Yuuto with a confused look while blinking her eyes

"You know what Teigu are right?"

Yuuto nodded

"Then you know how hard this mission is right?

He nodded again

Najenda pinched her forehead and release a big sigh

"How about I'll let Akame go with you just in case"

"Fine but it not my problem if she mess up"

"Alright get out of here"

Najenda was thinking, 'Why does people who join my group are always weird' she release a sigh again

Since Akame was next to Najenda, she naturally heard their conversation.

'He's too arrogant, but why does he remind me of myself? Whatever since he joined Night Raid, he part of the family so I will protect him' Akame thought to herself as she follow Yuuto


[Mission: Kill James Teku]

[Description: Self-explanatory]

[Reward: 4,700 SP + Mysterious Shop + 9 Attributes Point + Better relation with Night Raid]

[Punishment: Death by poison]


They arrived at a big mansion. It had a giant gate with 5 guards around it. The mansion is located inside a forest so no one outside would know what about to happen.

Yuuto turned toward Akame

"You stay right here, I'll go alone"

"No, my job is to protect you so I'll go with you"

"Fine, I'll handle the three guards on the right and you handle 2 on the left"

The guard1 head a sound near the bush. He went to check it, guard2 saw guard1 walking into the dark

"Hey where are you going?"

"I thought I heard a sound over here but look like it just my imagination"

"Hahahaha don't try to scare me like that"


"Hey are you the-"

Guard2 head fall off and hit the ground, blood was raining out from his neck.

Guard3 saw this and immediately raise his gun but his hole hand was cut.

"Help m-"

Then his head also got cut. Yuuto wave his hand and blood splash from the string on to the ground

"I need you to be quiet"

While on Akame side, she sneaked behind guard4 and stab him through the mouth from behind.

She then proceed to stab the last guard in the chest.

Akame then turned around and start walking toward Yuuto.

Yuuto raised his hand and point his string at Akame, she widened her eye and try to block it but couldn't.

At the last moment, the string then turn to the left and cut guard5 neck behind her. Akame blushed in embarrassment, she was suppose to protect Yuuto but here he was protecting her.

Who would of guess that the guard hid a porn magazine next to his chest though. While the guard did get cut by Murasame and the poison was spreading.

It was not faster than dying by getting stab in the heart. So she got caught off guard.

They proceed to sneak into the mansion. It was obvious which room James Teku was in with all the yell for help in his bedroom.

There was no light inside the room except for 2 candles. The reason why there only 2 candles? probably because he wanted his 'experience' to be spicier.

Akame doesn't understand what James was doing here. She didn't learn any of this stuff since no one ever taught her.

She just shrugged it off and focus on her mission.

Because of that, Yuuto and Akame easily sneaked in. Yuuto implanted his invisible string in front of James neck and gripped it.

His head fell off but there were no blood coming out. Suddenly the light in the room was turned on, guards came in and surrounded the room.

Yuuto saw James fake body suddenly disappear as if it was a projection.

'That must be a Teigu ability'

James came into the room while the guards pointed their gun at Akame and Yuuto.

"Hahaha! Can't believe the Night Raid actually went here"

'Look like we got caught in their trap, but how? Najenda always investigate the person who made the request' Akame was thinking inside her head.

"You must be thinking how we knew right? Hahaha! We followed the woman and saw she was begging to you guy for help! I'll get her after dealing with you guy for 'betraying' me"


What will happen now? Will Yuuto be able to escape? Idk don't ask me. Oh wait I do know but no spoiler.

This was suppose to be release tomorrow or maybe even 2 days later but I'm in a good mood since there a snow day today. No school yay