
The Reaper Transmigration (Dropped)

Yuuto died and got reincarnated into "Akame Ga Kill!" How will he change the plot? Watch as he recreate the Empire from it root by killing all who stand in his way. The MC does not know about the future event that will happen in Akame Ga Kill. First 4 chapters is really short, it get longer after. Will update whenever I have time to write.

BlurryHamster · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Akame Ga Kill! (4)

'Is all girl like this? If so then I would probably never go shopping with a girl' Sweat flow down his back as Yuuto thought to himself as he watched the two guards carry a big/giant/enormous box that is two time their size which contain stuff that Aria bought from one store.

Yuuto never had any opportunity to talk and hangout with girl in his past life. He didn't had any friend except for the people he worked with for his job.

He looked around and saw a young boy around 1-3 years younger than him. He wasn't dressed up like other guard around here.

Yuuto decided to talk to the boy since he had nothing to do because he doesn't really need to be a bodyguard since Aria had ton of guard around her.

"Hey" Yuuto greeted the boy

"Oh! Hey"

"You don't look like your around here, do you work as Aria guard?" Yuuto asked

"I'm from outside the capital, I came here yesterday and had to live on the streets. I got scammed by giant boobs lady, grrr one day I will get my revenge!"

'Giant boobs lady? What kind of nickname is that?'

"Miss Aria found me on the street and decide to take me into her manor and save me from the cold street. I didn't se you this morning, are you Miss Aria guard?"

Yuuto nodded his head

"Yea, I'm Aria temporary guard for the day"

They talked to each other and became good friend even though they only knew each other for a few hours.

He learned that the boy name was Tatsumi.

Tatsumi told Yuuto that he came to the capital to make money to support his village. He also told him that he had two other friend that was in the capital.

Yuuto have a bad feeling about those two for some reason.


<11:37 PM>

Yuuto was currently laying on a nice looking bed in a luxurious looking room. He was in Aria manor, why? well...


"I think I should go back to my home now" Yuuto said to Aria parents

"No! I want Yuuto here" Aria said as she look at her parents

"Can you stay here for today?" Aria Mom asked nicely

Seeing this Yuuto couldn't just straight up decline them.

"*sigh* Alright..."

<Flashback End>


'What is Tatsumi doing going out at this hour?' he asked himself

Tatsumi room was next to his so he can hear Tatsumi door opening.

Yuuto went out of his room, he saw Tatsumi looking out the window

He went next to Tatsumi and looked out the window too. Yuuto widened his eyes, he saw a group of people standing on string as they glow under the moonlight.

Yuuto heard Tatsumi mutter, "Night Raid"

'Night Raid?' Yuuto looked back into his memories and found it

'A group of criminals with wanted poster all around the empire. They are known as a group of talented assassins for hire and they operate in at night which make up for their name'

Yuuto stare at the group of assassins, one person particularly stood out to him.

A girl with a black cloak that hide her skin, long black hair that travel down her back and two scarlet eyes that glowed in the dark.

'Those eyes feel so empty..., just like my last life'