
The Reaper Refuses to be just a Cannon fodder

On the 50th Anniversary as a Reaper, Reaper 1729 Marina decided to call it quits. Her friend Clotho, the number one Novelist in the "Universal Soul Assignment and Affairs Bureau", offered her the roll of the second male lead's first love in her new bestseller, "Sweet Charming princess of the Fire Lord". The second male lead's first love is beautiful, rich, has a loving family and a loyal boyfriend, however unfortunately as per the original storyline she is destined to die in her lover's arms right after he confesses her his love and later make multiple flashback appearances in the novel. Marina the 10 time "Best Grim Reaper Award" winner is determined to change the flow of fate for this dimension forever and live a good life.

Ryha · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Worst Possible Transmigration (1)

Marina woke up to a shooting pain in the left side of her chest. She groggily tried to move her head when she was hit with a sharp headache and body pain, her ears kept ringing with someone's screams. With great difficulty she moved her eyelids, only to find that each of her eyelids felt like it weighed a ton. As soon as she manage to open them she came face to face to a maniacal looking lady in a labcoat. She held a scalpel in one hand and was grinning at her as if she was a predator looking down on it's prey.

"Well, well look who is awake! It was getting really boring here with no proper audience to my magnificent show!"

The maniac noticed Marina's minute movements and her surprised expression, and became more excited. Marina arched her neck with great difficulty to look at the source of her greatest pain only to find that the maniac had placed her other hand on what seem like a scalpel wound on her left upper chest.

"Leave her alone you monster! You ugly old hag, come at me you beast."

A coarse and dry male voice sounded beside her. The maniac seemed pleased with herself and turned around to get a woolen gauze that reeked of alcohol and spread it on Marina's open wound. Suddenly, a pain akin to that of a million ant bites spread through Marina's chest. Marina's eyes flew wide open as she gasped for breathe and shuddered like a fish on dry land. Marina could feel that her current body was seriously injured besides the scalpel wound, and even a minor touch felt like a blow let alone an alcohol bandage. She nearly fainted from convulsing. Marina was always a level headed person with great pain tolerance, she had previously once even cut off her own hand during a mission as a reaper in the tundra region of the universe.

Even under the intense pain, she tried to organize her thoughts. She seem to have successfully transmigrated as per her wish into a bestseller novel by her friend the Goddess of Fate, Clotho[1]. Clotho was an amateur novelist in the "Universal Soul Assignment and Affairs Bureau" and have won the best novelist award consecutively for the last 4000 or so years. Easy for her to spin one, as someone who spins the fate of living beings across the universe all she need to do is to grab a particularly interesting fate and turn it into a bestseller. However, she had been drunk when she made this request of Clotho and have no idea currently as to which story she was in at the moment. She just hoped that this was not some BDSM, gore or crime thriller. She vaguely remembered Atropos[1] smiling at her before her blacked out.

'Damn it Atropos, did you send me to some Horror Thriller?'

She mentally facepalmed herself at this thought, she just was bored of the mundane routine of her reaper life and wanted to relax by returning to the reincarnation cycle, but that didn't mean that she needed something that was hardcore. All she wanted was a loving family and a decent life, was that too much to ask for?

Her chain of thought was broken when the maniac brought out a pair of surgical retractors and pulled the wound open. Fresh blood sprung out and the metallic smell induced a new wave of nausea in her. Pain at this point was so high that her body has become numb and she had no more feelings. She closed her eyes and tried her best to bite down and keep a level head.

"Marina, please stay with me! Don't fall asleep! Please stay awake!"

The young man started howling again seeing that she was slipping. She was slightly annoyed by this constant screaming, but since she could see that he was doing it for her see forgave him in her mind. He knew that Marina was so injured at this point that if she lost her conscious now, she might never wake up again. He was scared to death before when she stopped responding, he as a man couldn't be able to handle the pain let alone a fragile and pampered woman like Marina. But that did not prevent her from twitching her eyebrows from annoyance. Seeing that she was responding to his voice he continued again.

"Marina, I Ariel, swear to god that if we get out of here, I will take care of you for my entire life."

Marina was at the moment controlling her breathing assessing her personal injuries and formulating her plans when she heard this. Even though she was aching all over she couldn't help turning around to look at the young man who was tied up to what seem like a dentist's dental engine to her right. His silvery hair was wet with his own sweat, his purple eyes were staring at her in desperation. It was obvious that he too was bruised and battered. Suddenly a realization stuck to her.

'Damn it Atropos! You send me to "Sweet charming princess of the Fire Lord"!'

As a vivid reader of Clothos' novels, she always thought that this one was the worst. The character Marina was the second male lead's first love and had been killed before the story even started. The second male lead Ariel is attracted to the heroine only because of her resemblance to her. He later introduces her to Marina's family who then accept her as a god daughter and also aids the hero become the fire lord in this book just because of this resemblance. The reaper Marina was very vocal about her complaints as a reader and many other readers admitted that this piece of work was subpar compared to Clothos' other works. The heroine was basically just an ornament for gathering supporters for the fire lord and was a naïve girl who only knew how to be pampered and be sweet, while the hero was a happy go lucky guy with a carefree personality attracting birds and bees wherever he went. The entire story revolved around their love-hate relationship and the hero's quest to become the ultimate Fire Lord who freed his people from the evil warlords oppressing them.

Now that she had an idea of what was going on and that she had roughly regained control of her body, suppressing the pain being inflicted was a piece of cake. Every reaper soul in the universe were taught the basic methods to control every molecule in the body, they occupied. For every mission, every reaper were to use special bodies, designed for the particular mission. Even though she was currently a Humanoid lifeform and no longer a reaper, her soul control techniques were enough to block the pain in this mortal body.

[1] Clotho and Atropos : She(Clotho) is one of the Three Fates or Moirai who spins the thread of human life; the other two draw out (Lachesis) and cut (Atropos) the thread in ancient Greek mythology.