
The Reaper Possesses the Fallen Villainess

Tsure · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

The imperial palace lay in disarray, bearing the scars of an apparent terrorist attack that left prominent figures gravely wounded. Only thanks to the resilience of the emperor and a handful of valiant individuals was the crisis averted. For now, the royal family sought refuge in an alternate palace.

"What did you just say?" The girl, seated in an intricately designed chair, questioned with surprise and irritation evident in her crystal blue eyes, which radiated an angered aura as her blonde hair swayed through her movements.

"That's precisely what I reported, Your Highness. Princess Leysia has managed to escape," the servant replied.

In response, a teacup was hurled in the servant's direction, shattering on impact and leaving blood trails on their face.

"But how? That woman couldn't have escaped the prison! Tell me everything!" the girl demanded.

"Julie, calm down," a man interjected, entering the room.

"How could I not calm down? That wicked woman escaped, and I was worried!" Julie exclaimed, feigning distress.

The besotted man rushed to her side, embracing her. "There, there, Elli will protect you," he reassured her.

After a while, Julie pretended to have regained composure. "I'm fine now..."

"Is that so?" Elli inquired.

Both of them took their seats, and Julie resumed questioning. "Elli, how did she escape? I'm sure it's because of the terrorist attack... She's the reason why they attacked."

"Unfortunately, no. This time, she wasn't the cause. The terrorists were radicals from the previous empire that our country defeated. They sought revenge on us, and there's no connection to Leysia," Elli explained.

"How did she escape, then?"

"I hate to say it, but she likely had assistance. A skilled fighter at that," Elli revealed.


"Whoever helped her deserves commendation. They killed all the guards in the prison, including Steve, one of the imperial guards personally protecting His Highness."

"Steve died?" Julie exclaimed, rising from her seat.

"Julie, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing," she stammered, hiding her true feelings.

'Steve died? He was one of my most valuable pawns... That idiot! Even though he was rash, his skills were real!'

Julie bit her lip in frustration.

'Someone formidable is Leysia's ally? I can't allow it!'

"It's okay, Julie. I'm always by your side, no matter what," Elli comforted.

"Thank you, Elli. I already know that," Julie replied, hugging him tightly.

'I must eliminate Leysia now before she becomes a threat to my future plans...'


Ah, nothing beats a river wash, huh? It's been a week since I escaped that terrible place, and now I'm living in the wilds. I needed rest after all.

I didn't actually struggle that much because I was used to this environment. When you're a soldier, you need to be a survivalist expert to efficiently move and persevere. Not that it matters.

I've been living off mushrooms and occasionally rabbits that I hunt.

I've been walking for a week now, but this forest is spacious, huh?

But now that I've seen my own reflection, I can't help but realize that the body I've possessed is very beautiful. I think they called her Leysia?

I'm sorry, Leysia, but I'm going to remove everything on your face.

I picked up a knife and some sap from the tree, mixed them together in a makeshift bowl I made.

"I need to survive, so I'll discard everything except your body."

I generously applied the bubbly mixture to her eyebrows and scraped them off, giving her a more masculine look.

Let's face it, being a woman in the medieval period is a nightmare. So, I had to do what I have to do to gain an advantage.

I must look like a man to blend in.

I cut off her platinum blonde hair and styled it accordingly. I also applied some natural dye to make it look black.

'How are you still hot despite this?'

No matter what I do, some features don't disappear.

Hmmmm... this is fine.

Thankfully, her bust isn't that big, or it would be a problem to conceal them.

Somehow, this body is screaming at me for saying that...

But who are you really?

And what is this world exactly?

Just as I began contemplating my situation, I heard some rustling in the nearby bushes.

I carefully unsheathed my sword.

After a while, something came out. It was a short humanoid with long ears and green skin.

'That's totally a goblin, isn't it?'

And I saw them dragging something...


I totally want to leave them alone. I heard goblins "do" that to women.

But my battle sense is tingling. It's been a while since I last shed blood, aside from in the prison.

The goblins began to walk around to drink. They amount to at least 10.

From their movements, it looked like they were trying to find a suitable nest?

This body sometimes synchronizes with my memory.

Her memories help me sometimes when I don't know something. But sometimes, she also doesn't know things.

I carefully sneaked up to one of them that's away from the pack.

I slashed it in the throat.


Light... And soft. It's as if they're weak. But aren't they supposed to be as strong as a 10-year-old child?

Even in my world, we imagine goblins the same. But the only terrifying thing about them is their intelligence.

Reminds me of that goblin slayer. I'll kill them all because the only good goblin is a dead goblin.

Now I'm quite disappointed. I thought that maybe I'd get some real bloody action.

Before I realized it, the goblin team was already finished.


I thought that the other world was fun, but this is not fun at all...

Well, look at the bright side, maybe I'll encounter stronger enemies!

Hmmm... The thing they were dragging is moving...

I slashed through the bag at the entrance and poured the content outside.

'A person?'

I freed the man from the ropes and removed the gag from his mouth.

"Thank you for saving me, adventurer!"


It was a man with dusty clothes. Although he kinda looked like someone I know... Not know, like I think I've seen him.

"You... You don't happen to be named Greg, are you?"