
The Reaper of Souls

Zero was living the life of a normal kid in high school when he was suddenly thrown into a world of beasts and death. Everyone is currently struggling to simply survive, the world's order has been turned upside down. People are dying from beasts and humans alike. Follow Zero as he unlocks the power he has inherited. follow as he learns about the how, and why this is happening to their world. Zero is thrown into this new world, so he is drawn to the familiar, humans! However, when humans become a larger danger to Zero than the beasts, he must decide on what to do. Buckle down to save those that wish him death? Or go it alone? ----- This is a work of fiction and therefore not real ----- __________ The Cover is not my creation. If the creator of the cover would like me to take it down, contact me and I will. __________

Zuess_Wraith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

Specific Use

As the hospital rooms door was busted down, Zero waited inside the bathroom. As the Goblin busted the bathroom down, Zero lunged forward. He had broken a leg off the chair that sat in his room next to the bed, and was thankful that it broke so there was a pointed end. Before the Goblin could react, Zero slammed the stick down on its back. Zero was surprised to find the stick nearly bounced off, before his weight behind the strike caused it to pierce through it and sliding through its chest.

Zero quickly stood and watched the second Goblin wind its arm back before throwing the spike. As soon as it released the spike, Zero ducked while falling to the side. The spike went flying through were Zero was just standing, however he was already up and running towards the last Goblin. Zero brought the second leg chair up, making it look like he was about to repeat his previous attack. As the Goblin's eyes were watching the make shift spike, Zero kicked out, his foot connecting with the Goblins chest.

The Goblin went flying backwards into the wall, directly to the right of the window. Without pause, Zero rushed forward and slammed the base of his foot into the Goblins head before repeating it until it was a crushed mess. Zero looked between the two, as though they might get back up. When they didn't, he let out a sigh before collecting the three souls and breaking the remaining two legs of the chair. The third leg broke into a point, while the 4th ended up with an end with multiple little points.

'Those two souls healed an inch hole through my entire shoulder, however 15 couldn't heal all the Blood Needles. I don't know the specifics, however it seems they can heal a rather large single wound, but not a bunch of tiny small ones. That means I can engage in a melee as long as I don't get multiple wounds.' Zero knew it sounded easy enough, however with abilities that could fire hundreds of teeny tiny needles, he knew sustaining injuries was inevitable.

Zero quickly made his way down the hallway, once more repeating the process from before. Once more he heard her call for help. This time, he moved into the room, only he positioned himself so he was within lunging distance of the woman. The woman appeared, only to be slightly shocked that he was so close. After a second though, the evil smile returned and Zero knew the spikes were coming.

Zero lunged at her, the sharp stick aiming for her throat. The woman started taking quick steps back just as Zero passed the area that the spikes would have hit him. As Zero made it within five feet of the women, she shouted. "EXTEND!" Zero waited a split second before jumping to the left. There was a scream before Zero hit the ground, the wind getting knocked out of him.

Without pause, Zero quickly jumped to his feet, pain flashing through his right shoulder. Zero prepared to move again, only to find the women suspended in a standing position, dozens of red spikes going in through the front of her and out the back. There was a light groan from her, and Zero noticed a tear fall down her cheek.

Zero wasn't vindictive, however he wasn't above holding a grudge against someone that had killed him. "I will enjoy the 15 souls you have. And you were right, hunting people is definitely smarter then hunting the Goblins." The women looked confused, no doubt not able to think as a needle had pierced her skull.

The girl shortly died after that. Without pause or remorse, Zero took the 15 souls and started breaking the needles that had nearly completely blocked the bathroom door. The first thing Zero noticed after the adrenaline faded was that multiple needles had pierced his shoulder. 'Window, If I use the souls to aid in the healing process, what will happen to the blood needles?'


Any and all foreign material will be emitted from the Host unless specified by Host

Zero nodded before giving the window a request. 'Window, use the least amount of souls to emit the blood needles and to stabilize my condition.


Host has requested a specific use of the souls.


<9> Souls will be used to emit the foreign material and to stabilize the Host's body. Please note that the Host will not be healed, and will only have the wounds sealed to stabilize the Hosts condition. Will the Host go through with this?

(Yes) (No)

Zero clicked yes and winced as he felt the needles fall out of his skin. To his relief, he felt a cooling come over the shadow and the pain was numbed. After five minutes, he had finished creating a hole he could climb through in the needles, and the wounds on his back had all closed. 'The coolness instantly left, and the pain is still there. I'm arm is also stiff, but 9 souls is still rather expensive compared to the pole.

'Window, how do you calculate how many souls are needed to heal something?'


<1> soul is required to close and heal any wound smaller then seven inches. Due to the Host having <15> individual wounds on their right shoulder, <30> souls would have been used to completely heal the Host. Due to the Hosts request to use the least amount of souls possible to stabilize their condition, <9> souls were used to emit the foreign material and to close the wounds. Please note that the Hosts wounds have not been healed, but have only been closed.

Zero nodded at the windows words. 'It was good of me to request it uses the least amount, although the pain is still there. After everything I've gone through, it seems my pain tolerance is rather high.'