
The reaper of anime

William, your average guy that works for an average job dies in an elevator accident. Due to his average life his soul became balanced, he was neither good nor bad and after he dies the Grim Reaper shows up, not to guide him to the next realm but for help! {Beginner writer, and I do not promise a steady update of chapters!} (So a Harem does not really fit the early stages of what I have planned so do not get your hopes up if you want that.) The picture has been shamelessly stolen by me, so if you have any complaints and you have proof that I need to put some effort in removing it then go for it. This novel is dropped.

Godack · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter One.

Every day is the same, you wake up, go to work and return. Relax for a bit and go to sleep. It is monotone, plain and boring, yet I like it. I never wanted my life to be exciting, I wanted it to be average and easy to get through without having a challenge.

I work an average job, have an average build and appearance. Nothing stands out about me, maybe the only thing that would stand out about me is that I am too average, but that is something I don't want.

My name is William, one of the most average names there are and I am 27 years old and work for an average wage at an average company, it is neither challenging or interesting, all day at work I will be seen in my cubicle typing reports or getting yelled at by my supervisor for my average performance. My company is one of those companies with a slogan "We strive for a better world." It is something average.

But one day, one faithful day my average life ended. It ended when the elevator of my apartment building failed, the cables that held the elevator up snapped and I crashed 10 stories before hitting the ground…

So here I am, bleeding out in an elevator with a collapsed lung and multiple broken bones. It is a miracle that I didn't die instantly but a curse nonetheless. The pain never came though so with a weird smile all I could do was wait for me to slowly bleed out. All I could do was hope for death to come sooner, this average life of mine finally ended.

Were there any regrets? No, since I never set any goals I wanted to do in life I didn't miss out on something. Maybe that vacation that I was supposed to get next week was something to look forward to but it is okay.

Whilst the average guy was bleeding out the rescuers outside which had arrived not long ago were busy working to get the elevator open and to see if anyone had survived. Their hopes weren't high since it did fall 10 stories before hitting the ground. Yet unbeknownst to the workers outside our average guy passed away with a relieved smile on his face.

William after some unknown period of time opened his eyes, only to see a colorless room. He couldn't tell what color the room was since it was neither black nor white or anything in between but that didn't matter. All that matters to William right now is that he knew he died and wants to know what he is doing here…

A man… no, more like a skeleton humanoid was watching William in the room where he woke up. This being was assessing how William would react and Williams' reaction was indeed the right one, or that was what the being felt. After a minute or so the being decided to announce his present to the semi confused human that has just awoken after his death…

"Hello William, you seem to accept the fact that you have died really well." The man that had previously been observing told William. William hearing this new and unfamiliar voice turned his head only to see this skeletal being dressed in a dark hooded cloak with a scythe on his back.

"So, are you the Grim Reaper taking me to the next realm to be judged?" William asked not knowing what to do honestly. William expected nothingness after he died, he wasn't a religious person like his parents were and he didn't really think that isekai that some of the younger workers at his company used to talk about was real.

"I indeed am what you know as the Grim Reaper, but I won't be taking you to the next realm." The Grim Reaper said. William, who was trying to figure things out, had no clue as to why the Grim Reaper would show up if not to take him to the next realm. Seeing Williams confusing the Grim Reaper continued on.

"I am here because of you, well more because of your soul. It is in perfect balance, it is neither good nor bad, you desire nothing and yet you lived on, well until you died at least." The Grim Reaper said to William with a slight chuckle lifting the uneasiness that was unknowingly building inside of William.

"Well that clears something up, but what do you want to do with me, or well… my soul?" William asked, getting a bit curious. He was curious as to why the Grim Reaper would visit him after he died if not to guide him to the next realm. The Grim Reaper sighed, well the equivalent of what sighing would be in a skeletal body.

"A couple of hundred standard years ago a change happened in the multiverse and my powers dwindled, I am not as strong as I used to be so I sought for a soul, a soul of perfect balance to teach and later on help or maybe even replace me in my duties." The Grim Reaper said turning his way to look at something William couldn't see.

"So let me get this straight, you want me to become the Grim Reaper?" William said with the same confused face that he had when he came to this place. Williams' mind was in turmoil right now, he never did anything special and noteworthy yet here he is, being asked by The Grim Reaper to replace him? Isn't this just a big joke afterall? This thought passed through his mind that him being here was a joke, but dying definitely felt as real as it gets so he threw the thought away. The Grim Reaper who had already turned back to look at William answered his question.

"It is not your goal to replace me, but if you can you may. My final goal is to find someone who can do my duty as good as I did back in my prime. And before you say that I could just train myself back to that power, I can't. My powers have been permanently sealed, so that is out of the question." Now William knew it wasn't a joke since the reasoning was perfectly fine, he wanted to accept it. It was weird why he would want to accept it since his whole life had been average so why would he want to, but he just felt like it would be better than that vacation that he would have gotten next week if he hadn't died and that says a lot coming from William.

So this is my first attempt at doing something serious, I may or may not regret it later and some people may raise their pitchforks at me for dropping it suddenly but I will try to get it to ten chapters at least within 20 days.

Please comment on anything that I did wrong or if you have any better ideas then this stupid specimen.

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