
The Reaper's Heir

A 'normal' girl, Omisha, gets accepted into a university for supernaturals. As the year goes on, many strange occurrences begin to happen. It appears that someone is after Omisha. Just who or what is going after her? And why?

Snow133 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

In this world, there are two reigning species: Supernaturals and Humans. Many years ago, after multiple incidents, the two species agreed to co-exist under one condition, to never repeat the mistakes the both of them did. Ever since, the world has been at peace, until now.

A girl with black and dull blue-tipped hair flipped through the stack of letters that she found on the kitchen table. Omisha. A girl who lived in a human-populated city. A strange one at that too; With the ability to see souls and auras. Perhaps her abilities were a blessing from the gods, or perhaps she was supernatural.

After a few seconds, Omisha found the letter she wanted and walked inside. Leaving the rest of the stack where she found them, she walked up to her room.

As a joke, she had applied to a university that was specifically for supernaturals. Almost everything she had put on the form was lies, so it's doubtful that she would get in.

Flopping down onto her bed, she carefully tear open the letter and started to read the paper.

Suddenly, she sat up quickly, eyes widening, as she read and her hands began to tremble. She was accepted! But how? Surely they saw through the lies that I put! Well, then again, I didn't lie about my ability to see souls and auras, but still!

And I did this without permission! How are my parents going to react??

Her eyes wandered down to the bottom of the page, seeing words in bold. They read, "YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED. THERE IS NO TURNING BACK"

The ominous tone sent shivers down her spine and she sighed, falling back onto the bed with a groan. Omisha let the piece of paper gently fall onto her face and groaned once again. "Welp, there goes the option to reject it."

She stared up at the ceiling as she recalled everything about the uni when she first looked at it.

The University itself was named Supernatural University. One of the very first universities to be set up for the supernatural.

The precise location of the university is unknown since it resides in a separate dimension, a pocket dimension of some sort. The only way to get to the university was through a set portal which was in every supernatural city.

Even so, there are extra security precautions such as the force field surrounding the campus, portals with filtered locations, and magic surveillance.

Outside of the campus was a small town that had stores and restaurants with exotic foods and items. The town also gives the students the chance to explore different cultures of each supernatural race.

There was also a forest with a lake in the middle. The lake has been said to hold magical properties, especially under the moonlight, but nothing has been proven. The forest itself has also been rumored to house multiple magical creatures, such as nine-tailed foxes, unicorns, pegasi, and more.

The only way to access these areas though were also through portals. The portals are provided by the school, but students cannot travel outside of the dimension without permission.

The university offered a wide variety of courses such as magicology, creating magic tools, supernatural history, and many more. Each course had a set limit of years that the student needs to pass to graduate. Omisha chose to major in spiritology, the study of spiritual happenings, objects and more and it would take 4 years to graduate.

Other than the main courses, the university also required a year of general education of math, literature and composition, and physical education.

Omisha sighed and closed her eyes. Out of all the people in the world, this just had to happen to her. She stuffed her face into her pillow with a groan and thought to herself, What did I do to make this happen to me...

With a groan, she lifted her head before propping herself up on her arm. She took out her phone and started to play games, trying to take her mind off the situation.

It was early the next morning when Omisha woke up. She hazily looked around before noticing her door was open.

Huh, I thought I closed it... she shrugged it off, letting out a small yawn. She stood up, walking hazily out of her room and down the stairs into the kitchen.

As Omisha walked in, she noticed her dad was sitting at the table and her mom was in the kitchen. She sat opposite from my dad, who was reading a newspaper and waited.

She soon noticed it was unusually silent, but shrugged it off, too tired to think about it.

Finally, her mom placed the plate of breakfast in front of her and she thanked her mom before digging in.

After a few more minutes of silence, her mom faked a cough and she swallowed her food, "Hm?"

"We need to talk Omisha." her mom spoke and held a familiar piece of paper up.

Omisha's eyesight was still hazy so she didn't realize at first what it was.

"How…" her mom paused, seeming to calm herself, "How did you get accepted into a supernatural school?"

It took Omisha a minute to process what she said. She suddenly stood up shocked. "H-how did you know that?" she asked alarmed before finally noticing that her mom was holding up the acceptance letter. Well crap, she searched her mom's eyes for a reaction and all she could see was concern. Hesitating, Omisha finally explained that it was supposed to just be a joke.

After her explanation, her mom sighed and looked at her straight in the eyes. "You're going."

Omisha's jaw dropped. She accepted it right away? "But...but…" she was at a loss of words.

Placing the paper down, "It seems you don't have a choice anyway." She remarked before starting to eat.

"We'll talk about this when we come back home." her dad spoke up as he finished his breakfast.

Omisha silently sat down and started to eat with her mind full of questions. She spent another day being on her phone, scrolling through the internet while anxiously waiting for the end of the day.

Putting down her phone, she glanced out of the window. It was noon. She sighed, got up, and changed out of my pajamas into a sweater and jeans.

Omisha walked through the door, locking it and walked down the sidewalk. She put in her earbuds and listened to music as she stuffed her hands into her pockets. She watched as strands of her hair were blown around by the wind as she walked.

Omisha decided to walk to the park and on her way there, she noticed a new instrument shop. She stared at it with a blank face before sighing and continued to walk, not paying attention.

She sighed, looking up at the sky and watched the clouds for a moment. Most of her friends were busy nowadays, getting ready for university. She walked into the park and sat down at a bench, watching the clouds pass.

She didn't know how long she was there for, but it was evening when she was suddenly snapped out of her daze when she felt her phone vibrate. Omisha looked at the screen and saw it was her mom calling her. She sighed and answered the call before walking back home.

When she walked through the door, she saw her parents sitting in the living room and looked at her when she closed the door. She sat on a separate couch from them and her mom grabbed a small decorative box from a side table and passed it to her. She looked at her in confusion.

Omisha inspected it for a minute before looking at her and back at the box, "Thank you…but why are you so accepting about this…?"

"Well…honestly, I don't know myself..." her mom answered.

After a few seconds, she got up and sat next to Omisha and hugged her. Soon her dad did the same. She wasn't sure what was going on but accepted their hugs either way.

Today was the day Omisha was supposed to leave. Her parents took her to a nearby city filled with supernaturals. She stared in awe, watching as many races of supernaturals go about their day.

They arrived at a restricted area that had a troll as a guard. Her dad showed the troll stationed at the gate her acceptance letter and the guard nodded before opening the gate.

Wow, Dad didn't flinch at all… Omisha noted as the car drove through the gate.

Beyond the gate was a small building. Getting out of the car and looking inside, Omisha saw that only a door was inside. She opened it and instead of a room or something, there was a swirling portal. She glanced at her parents and they nodded. With a smile, she looked back at the portal before taking a deep breath and walked through the portal.

On the other side of the portal, Omisha found herself in a lobby. She saw many supernatural creatures standing around the lobby and started to grow anxious.

She walked forward to the front desk and looked around. There were many supernaturals like fairies, vampires, and more. She stared in awe before realizing she was at the front desk.

"Hello! Please tell me your first and last name." The girl at the desk spoke happily.

"...Omisha Vermillious."

"Hm...Vermillious...Vermillious...Ah! Here you are! Flat 345 and here's your key and uniform! Classes start tomorrow at 8 A.M and breakfast, lunch and dinner will be in the dining hall." She informed her.

"Thank you," Omisha waved goodbye to her before walking to the dormitories. She avoided the supernaturals as much as she could not wanting to attract attention.

"Flat 345...345…" after some amount of time searching, she found the flat. Omisha held up the key and looked at it, seeing her reflection staring back at her from the shiny metal before finally inserting it into the lock. She turned it and opened the door. It was silent at first before hearing loud crashes and curses.

Soon a fairy pops out from one of the rooms. "Oh! Hello new roomie!" She exclaimed with a bright grin.


The fairy stood up and dusted off her dress before bouncing over to Omisha, "My name is Phoenix Amberflight! I'm a fire fairy!"

"Omisha Vermillious…" Omisha could tell that the fairy had something to do with fire because of her clothes. Her short, sleeveless dress was red, orange, and yellow with a bit of black. The hemline of the dress was trimmed to look a bit like an upside-down dancing fire and fingerless gloves with the same color scheme.

"Oooh, what a beautiful name!" She exclaimed.

"Are you a freshman?" Omisha asked curiously.

Phoenix grinned, "Yep!"

"Ah," Omisha glanced around the flat, noting 6 other doors, "So um...who else will be living with us?" she asked.

Phoenix paused as she thought, "Hm

…I think there's going to be 3 other boys and another girl."


"Let me show you around!"

Omisha nodded, putting down her luggage, "Alright."

This right here is the lounge!" she gestured toward the large area they stood in.

In the middle of the lounge were a couple of couches and chairs with a coffee table in the middle. On the right was a small kitchen with a table and 3 chairs. On 2 of the walls were 3 separate rooms each.

Omisha glanced around, "Where are the bathrooms?"

"Ah, they're over there!" Phoenix gestured behind her. On the remaining wall were two doors, with one labeled 'girls', and the other 'boys'.


Phoenix started to skip to one of the doors, "Let me show you your room! Come on!"

She certainly lives up to her element...Omisha thought before smiling slightly. She grabbed her luggage and followed after Phoenix.

Phoenix stood in front of a door waiting for Omisha.

She took a second to look at the door. It was a normal wooden door with her name etched into it.

Phoenix grabbed the doorknob and opened it up to a medium-sized room already furnished. Omisha looked in awe and placed down her bag. The bed and wardrobe were in one corner of the room by a window and the desk was placed on the opposite wall.

"This is your room!" Phoenix happily stated.

"Wow..." is all Omisha could say. She placed her luggage on the bed and glanced out the window.

Phoenix brightened, "Oh yeah! There's a festival to celebrate the new year, wanna come with?!"

Omisha thought for a second. "Sure," she replied with a smile.

"Yay!" Phoenix exclaimed, "let's go then!"

"Hold up, we're going now?" Omisha asked in surprise

"Obviously!" Phoenix replies before sliding out the door.

Omisha sighed in exasperation but smiled and followed after her.

The festival was in the courtyard and there were several tents set up with many supernaturals gathering around.

Omisha started to feel anxious as she stared at the area. After a minute of hesitation, she finally following after Phoenix who was way ahead of her.

Omisha finally caught up to her as she was looking through food stands.

"Oooo! Most of these are normal human foods, who would have expected?!" Phoenix murmured to herself.

She murmured loud enough for Omisha to hear as she bought a coffee, "You never had this kind of food before?" Omisha asked as she walked up to Phoenix.

"Nope!" She replies and continued walking.

Omisha rolled her eyes before walking after her.

Soon, they were in front of the biggest tent in the area.

"What's this?" Omisha asked.

"It's the clubs' tent! You sign up for clubs here and now only!" Phoenix replied before skipping inside.

Omisha's eyesight lingered on the exterior of the tent for a few more seconds before walking inside after Phoenix. She threw away her coffee at the trashcan at the entrance and looked around.

The inside was much larger than it appeared from the outside. There were booths lined up along the sides of the tent, each for a different club.

Omisha stood there looking in awe before she felt someone bump into her. She stumbled forward and looked behind her.

The person who bumped into her was a tall male. He had silver hair with crimson-red eyes.

Omisha flinched as he looked at her with his piercing eyes. After a few seconds of hesitation, she murmured, "Oh sorry,"

"...It's fine," he spoke.

After a moment of awkward silence, Omisha quickly excused herself and quickly walked away. She could feel his eyes burning into her back and she walked even faster.

After a few minutes of looking, I finally found Phoenix talking with another fairy behind a booth. Phoenix then spotted me and waved me over.

"Hey, Omisha!"

"Hey." Omisha took a glance at the booth Phoenix was looking at.

It was colored in multiple shades of blue and many items that were made for swimming.

Glancing at the sign, she saw it in the booth for the swimming club. "You want to join the swimming club?"

Phoenix laughed, "No thanks, I'm a fire fairy, so it wouldn't work at all."

Omisha chuckled, "Alright." With a wave, she went off and wandered around the spacious area, looking at all the different clubs.

After a while, Omisha walked outside and leaned on the wall opposite of the tent, waiting for Phoenix.

Minutes passed and Phoenix came up to her, out of breath from running. "There you are! I've been looking for you!" she huffed.

"Sorry, I'm not really used to big crowds," Omisha murmured.

Phoenix sighed. "Let's go to the lounge, I bet more people are there now!"

Omisha nodded and Phoenix grabbed her by the wrist as she started to drag her back to the flat.

With how excited she was, Omisha was barely able to keep up with her.

As they walked into the lounge, Phoenix immediately noticed a girl sitting on the couch.

The girl had long, wavy golden hair and pointy ears, making it obvious she was an elf.

"Oh! Katherine!" Phoenix called out excitedly and pointed to me saying, "This is Omisha! Omisha this is Katherine Sage!"

"Hello…" Katherine said shyly

I waved back and Phoenix spoke, "Are the rest of our roommates here too?"

"Yes...they're on the roof…"

"Let's go then!"

She walked up to the door and glanced at the pad with buttons beside it. Omisha hadn't noticed it before but she could see that the buttons were labeled. Phoenix pressed the button labeled 'roof'. She glanced back at us with a smile before stepping through the portal. Omisha and Katherine exchanged glances before following after her.

The roof was decorated with lights, chairs, tables and more. The area was surrounded by multiple doors that presumably were portals.

Phoenix looked around, "So where are our roommates…?"

Katherine also looked around before noticing a group of 3 guys, "Oh. They're over there."

"Ah!" Phoenix walked up to the 3 guys, "So you're our roommates?" She asked with a grin.

The guys turned to look at her.

Phoenix seemed to brighten as her gaze lands on one of them, "Oh! James!!"

"Oh, hey Phoenix." a vampire with blonde hair spoke.

Omisha and Katherine walked up to them.

Omisha pointed at both of them, "You two know each other?"

Phoenix skipped over to him and wrapped her arm around his neck, "Yep! We've been friends since junior high!"

Katherine giggled, "I would never have expected that."

Phoenix looked at her, "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh...nothing." Katherine joked with a smile.

With a pout, Phoenix turned around, "Anyways, did you guys save us some seats?"

"Yep!" a boy with light brown hair and wolf-like ears replied, then looked at me. The other two also looked behind them and I noticed the same guy from before.

"Hello, my name is James Collisto." The vampire politely spoke.

"Ash Echo." the guy from earlier spoke in a bored tone.

"And I'm Tyler Reed!"

Phoenix grinned, "I'm Phoenix Amberflight, and this," she gestured towards Katherine, "is Katherine Sage!"

"And I'm Omisha Vermillious." she murmured, taking a seat between James and Ash while Phoenix and Katherine took seats next to Tyler.

After a few minutes of talking, Phoenix spoke up, "By the way, what supernatural being are you guys? Other than James, I know he's a vampire." she asked with a laugh.

Tyler grinned, "I'm a werewolf!" He said with a smug smirk.

Ash took a sip out of his cup, "Shadow creature."

"If you're a shadow creature then why do you look like a human?" Katherine asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Ash is a rare kind of a shadow creature, he has the ability to change between a human and a shadow creature," James replied instead of Ash.

"Huh, I never heard of that before…" Katherine murmured.

"Anyways what are you, Katherine?" Phoenix interrupted.

"Oh! I...uh I'm an elf." Katherine smiled gently.

Phoenix stood up and put her hands on her hips, "Heh! I'm a fairy!" She spoke with pride.

Tyler turned to Omisha, "Now it's your turn, Omisha!"

"Oh, uh...well…" after a few seconds of hesitation, I decided to let them figure it out, "Do I need to say what I am?"

"Of course you do!" Phoenix replied.

Well, shit, Omisha cursed to herself. How could she explain she was human?

James suddenly interrupted, "If she doesn't want to tell us then that's fine, Phoenix."


James looked at her straight in the eyes, "Phoenix."

Phoenix huffed and sighed, "Fine."

An awkward silence fell on the group and Omisha shifted her weight, uncomfortable with the silence. After a minute or two, Tyler spoke up.

"So uh, where are you guys from?"

"Country, nation, or city?" James asked.

"Doesn't matter."

"Hm, I'm from Frauce."

Ash looked down at his phone, "The Shadow Lands."

Phoenix grinned, "I'm from the fair folk empire!"

"I was also from there." Katherine smiled gently.

"I'm from Casaline," Omisha spoke.

Tyler gave a toothy grin, "And I'm from Astos!"

The group continued to talk, learning more about each other.

Eventually, Phoenix took out her phone, checking the time, "Wow! It's already 1 in the morning!" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Time sure does pass when you're with friends, am I right?" Tyler comments with a toothy grin, "Oh yeah, what's your first class tomorrow Omisha?"

"Oh um...I think it's spiritology…with professor Heart or something?" she answered unsurely.

"Cool! I'm in the same class! Can't wait!" he spoke excitedly and I smiled shyly, "Well I'm turning in! "Night, you guys!"

"I think I'll also do the same. Goodnight." James said, standing up from his chair and walked to the hatch.

Katherine nodded with a smile and stood up.

"I'm gonna turn in for the night too," Phoenix added and walked behind Katherine.

Omisha watched the two go down the hatch before flinching as she heard Ash speak. She had almost forgotten he was still here.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" he asked

She shook her head before looking up at the stars with a small smile, "The night's way too beautiful tonight to be asleep."

He hummed in reply and joined her.

A few minutes of silence passed before he stood up, "I'm turning in for tonight. Good night, Omisha." and walked away.

"Good night…" she murmured back.