
The Realmwalker's Destiny

Where mythology meets modernity!! Arjun, a curious teenager from Delhi, jumps into the Yamuna River to save a boy, only to find himself in a magical world. There, he learns weaponry and elemental magic, discovering his destiny as a protector against a rising darkness threatening both realms. "The Bridge Between Worlds" follows Arjun's adventurous journey of self-discovery and courage, where he navigates between worlds, forging alliances and facing challenges that test his strength and character.

Hakunamatata007 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Mystery Test commences!

Arjun's mind buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation as he and Krishna made their way towards the cafeteria. The morning's triumph in the written test had bolstered his confidence, yet the looming mystery test kept him on edge.

The cafeteria buzzed with conversation as students filled their plates with a variety of hearty dishes. Arjun joined Krishna and their friends at a table near the window, overlooking the serene courtyard of the GURUKUL.

"You did great in the test, Arjun," Nakul remarked, a genuine smile on his face. "Top of the class. That's impressive."

Arjun nodded, gratitude swelling within him. "Thanks, Nakul. I guess studying paid off."

"Speaking of that," Yudhisthir interjected, leaning forward with a serious expression. "Do you think they'll test us on something we haven't learned yet?"

Krishna shrugged, his eyes thoughtful. "It's possible. The mystery test could be anything. That's why they call it a mystery."

Bheem, who had finally joined them after finishing his meal in record time, grunted. "I just hope it's something I can smash my way through."

Krishna chuckled. "Well, it might not be that straightforward, Bheem."

As they discussed their theories about the upcoming test, Arjun couldn't shake off the encounter with Dushasana earlier. The hostility in the prince's eyes had been unsettling, a reminder that not everyone saw him as a friend or ally in this competitive environment.

The hour passed quickly, and soon they found themselves gathered once more in the grand hall where Guru Drona awaited them. The air hummed with anticipation as students filled the hall, their eyes fixed on the imposing figure at the front.

"Greetings once again, students," Guru Drona began, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Congratulations to those who have qualified for the mystery test. This phase will test your adaptability, creativity, and ability to think on your feet."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "You will enter a dungeon with multiple entrances. Inside, you will encounter various magical obstacles, traps, and mythical creatures. Your task is to retrieve one of the thirty shadow gems placed at the center of the dungeon. Only the first thirty students to retrieve a gem will pass this phase."

A murmur of excitement and apprehension rippled through the hall. Arjun exchanged glances with Krishna and the others, their expressions a mix of determination and nervous energy.

"To aid you," Guru Drona continued, "each of you has been provided with a temporary wand capable of casting two spells: a basic wind attack and a light generation spell. Use them wisely."

Arjun tightened his grip on his wand, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. The grand doors at the back of the hall swung open, revealing the entrance to the dungeon. Without hesitation, the students began to file through, each choosing a different entrance as instructed.

Arjun found himself in a dimly lit corridor, the air heavy with the scent of ancient magic. His wand glowed softly as he cast the light spell, illuminating the path ahead. The dungeon walls seemed to pulse with hidden energy, creating an atmosphere of both wonder and danger.

The first obstacle appeared as he rounded a corner: a series of enchanted vines that writhed and twisted as if alive. Remembering his training, Arjun focused on his wind spell, conjuring a controlled gust that pushed the vines aside, creating a temporary path through.

Further along, he encountered a chamber filled with shifting platforms suspended over a bottomless abyss. With each step, the platforms tilted and swayed, threatening to send him plunging into darkness. Arjun concentrated, using his wind spell to stabilize the platforms beneath his feet, inching his way across with careful precision.

As he navigated deeper into the dungeon, Arjun encountered traps enchanted with illusions—a false floor that revealed a pit of spectral serpents, and mirrors that distorted reality, leading him in circles. Each challenge tested his ability to adapt and think quickly, relying on both his magical abilities and intuition.

Meanwhile, chaos erupted elsewhere in the dungeon. Bheem's powerful voice echoed through the halls as he bulldozed through obstacles with sheer strength. Duryodhana and Dushasana, true to their nature, used their magic not just to navigate but to hinder their competitors, reveling in the chaos they caused.

Arjun pressed on, his determination unwavering despite the mounting challenges. He disarmed traps, solved puzzles, and learned to use his spells with increasing precision and creativity. Yet, with each obstacle overcome, the tension in the dungeon seemed to heighten, the air crackling with unseen magic.

It was during a moment of respite, as he caught his breath near a shimmering pool, that Arjun encountered another student—a tall, wiry figure with a scowl etched deeply into his features.

"Well, well, well," the student sneered, his voice laced with disdain. "If it isn't the outsider."