
the Realm of Talomét

A prophecy here, a little chaos there. Add some ruins and reincarnates. Everything will be fine, right? Currently on brief hiatus. Updates here and AO3 on Sundays (US EST).

tysaembir · Fantasy
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14 Chs

11 - Disconnect

"This is far bigger than just them wanting me with them, far, far bigger. I know a great deal more about the Balmorne history than Petra, but I don't know everything... You knew that dance as well as I did, and we both know it wasn't one of the five, which is why no one else out there knew it."

She began to pace, thinking aloud. "We need to keep moving, staying out of Order sight and Tracker sights—I have a feeling they already know we've stepped back onto Talométan soil. But, I also need to know what these images mean… These…memories…if that's what they are… Could be…" She stopped in front of Danann, her expression turning stern. "Why are you here, Danann Mahon? Truly? And why do you ask so much about the old realm? Who are you?"

Petra shifted behind Noemi, also wanting to know the answer.

Noemi watched him gather himself and inhale, determined.

"Because…I have them, too…the memories. Albeit not the same ones, but from another viewpoint in the same experience." Another deep breath. "Because there is a Resistance that exists against the Order, who keep the true memories and stories of old Balmorne alive, to fight the oppression of the Order in hopes to bring back the balance of peace. And, since the ones unknowingly charged with upholding that balance had failed, they were reincarnated. Including their distinct Kinetic abilities."

Danann paused, waiting for his reveal to sink in before speaking again. "With the death of the Solar Guarapriet*, Chaos had free reign: the Lunar Guarapriet, consumed in her grief, turned away from the world. Before she did completely, she and the protector of them, a Priegua**, both set in place two prophecies to happen after the Calamity. One, should they both fall, all three would reincarnate to bring back and once again uphold the balance of peace. Two, that the circumstances be changed in order to ensure the balance being restored and the chaos contained."

"'The chaos contained?' What exactly do you mean?" Noemi stared, more than uncomfortable and a bit confused.

"'Circumstances'? What circumstances?" Petra shared in Noemi's confusion.

Danann echoed their feelings. "It's been a shit time since the Triadic was unleashed. More than a few events leading to it happening. If you're seeing the memories now, then…then that means that They'll be moving soon. Real soon."

Petra, still cross, didn't look convinced; however, Noemi was more on the side of concern. The room was filled with uneasy tension. "What does that have to do with us? With you? I'm not really seeing the connection here."

Danann rolled his eyes. "It means that, from here on out, it'd be better if we travelled together, and quickly." He looked to Noemi, searching her face for approval, concern, and affirmation. "So, where are we going next?"

She hadn't realized that she was gripping her arms tightly, unable to shake the chill that came with the visions.

"I…I don't know. But, whichever way it is…it feels even more pertinent that we get there as soon as possible. There's…there's just too many missing pieces, too many blank spots and things that I don't understand or know…"

In the back of her mind, the image of a cottage house flashed to the forefront. She glanced over at Petra and nodded, knowing she received the same image.

"But, I think I know somewhere we can start...and maybe even stay a while to avoid anyone looking for us."

*Guarapriet : Guardian-Priestx

** Priegua : Protector of Guarapriet

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