
The Realm's Jester

Imagine if kings and queens could touch the stars. Now imagine the these stars gives them immeasurable strength and wealth. How much of the earth's surface and seas do you think would be painted in red. Imagine that there are spirits for everything. A fire spirit, water spirit, hate spirit, pain spirit, love spirit and so many more. Now what would you do if you could control these spirits and bend them to your will. This is the legend of the six realms.

Myst3rys · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Scream's Ending

With Sally absent the room became much more quiet. Only the occasional groans from Otis could be heard. The previous clean white floor was now painted in red patches. Otis slowly opened his eyes and saw a red liquid drop in front of his eyes as warm blood still fell from his head. His vision was horrible now but he could still see the little specs. The specs were no longer colorful like the rainbow. Instead all the colors were replaced with red and purple lights.

Why me? Why did dad abandon me? Why did uncle abandon me? Why did mom have to die? Why did I have to get a useless spirit? Why me?

Otis cried as he closed his eyes. He had a long day and needed some proper rest but his body would not move, so he slept on the hard cold floor.


"Good Morning Mr. Otis"

Otis slowly opened his eyes at the abrupt awakening. His body is still aching and still unable to move. Otis struggled to lift his head to look at Sally. When his eyes reached sally his eyes widened and his bottom quivered. In Sally's small slender hands was a blue blowtorch.

Sally had a dangerous smile on her face, promising Otis a bad time. This made Otis cry inside as sally walked over it hands she put down the blowtorch and,


The sound of cuffs being locked could be heard, Otis looked up at his hands and saw his thin wrists locked in the metal cuffs. A long metal chain followed behind the cuffs and Sally picked it up. She started walking towards on white walls, Otis's back rubbed the cold white floor he was dragged along by Sally.

Sally stopped dragging Otis and looked up at a hook on the ceiling. Both of its ends were connected to the ceiling but there was a hole in the middle of the hook as if asking the chain to go through it. Sally climbed a ladder until she reached the hook After reaching the hook she put the chain through the hole and jumped down.

As Sally's body fell back to the ground Otis's lying body was aggressively yanked up into the air. Sally's feet reached the floor and Otis's body was in the air hanging by his hands. Otis just hung in the air gently swaying back and forth, Otis turned his head towards Sally and watched her nail her side of the chain to the floor.

Stepping back after successfully hanging Otis in the air, Sally walked towards the blue blowtorch and her hands gripped the black handle as she picked it up. She walked slowly over to Otis.

Otis, who saw Sally coming over, felt helpless; he knew that as soon as she got started he would scream and plead just like he had yesterday but he couldn't do anything about it.

Sally turned on the blowtorch and the blue flames came out of the head. Sally stopped the flames two inches away from Otis's body she traced up and down his body, the blue flame waved by all of the purple bruises and crusty dried blood until it stopped at Otis's left peck.

The flame slowly got closer as Otis's body instinctively arched backwards trying to run from the flame. The flame continued it's approach and eventually


The first voice heard this morning was Otis's scream as the flame touched his skin. Otis's body squirmed and his legs kicked in the air as he tried to avoid the blue flame, but his constant moving only made the pain worse as the flame burned more and more of his body with each turn. The flame continued burning Otis's skin leaving grotusque burn marks everywhere it touched. Otis's screams became raspy and his vision began to disappear as he began to pass out due to the pain.

Sally, seeing Otis's consciousness fade, turned off the blowtorch and quickly picked up a bucket of water. She ran over to Otis and roughly tossed the water in his face,


Otis screamed as he felt the water splash his burn marks. His battered body hung from the ceiling, without any strength in his body Otis's head hung down, the water in his hair dripped down his body causing a soft echo every time it hit the floor.

Otis heard Sally's footsteps walk away towards the tool table. This time he did not bother trying to look and see what she was doing. He knew whatever it was it would cause him immense pain so he just braced himself hoping it will be over soon. Sally came back with a whip and


The sound of a whip could be heard echoing in the white room. Otis again screamed at the top of his lungs as the whip hit his face, chest, legs, stomach and anything Sally saw was unmarked. The session ended and sally went back to the table and came back with a revolver, she held it to Otis's and


A bullet lodged itself into Otis's left arm, the prisoner's outside of the white room heard a raspy scream after the loud gunshot. Sally continued to shoot as if she was at target practice leaving holes everywhere in Otis's body.

After the shooting was over the corner of Otis's lips curved into a smile.

It's finally over

Otis was happy for the first time since he's been in this room. Otis's thoughts were interrupted by a soft hand, the hand roughly squeezed his cheeks together forcing his mouth open. Otis's bruised eyes widened in surprise as he watched a faint golden substance rush down his throat. Sally stepped back after feeding Otis the potion and scanned his body.

The bullet holes on Otis's body slowly began to heal, the Purple bruises on his skin returned to their original colors, and some of the burn marks returned to normal, his fingernails gradually began to grow back. All together, Otis's skin began to look a little less tortured but there were still clear signs of Sally's artwork on his body.

Otis saw his skin slowly get better and this only confused him more because he wondered why they would waste a potion on him, and his body only healed on the outside and his important organs. Internally Otis still felt every broken bone and every previous scar Sally gave him.

"Awesome! With this you won't die in your stay here."

Sally twirled a small glass bottle with a faint golden liquid inside and she jumped up and down in excitement. Otis saw this and a cold shiver ran down his spine. Sally skipped back to the table and picked up two mysterious sticks. She skipped back over to Otis, put the head of the two sticks to Otis's chess and pressed a button,


Otis's body shook frantically as sparks of lightning came out of the small black sticks. The prisoners once again heard the screams of Otis through the walls. Sally stopped after around thirty minutes of torture. Without even looking at Otis she turned around and walked back to the table she picked up another item and walked back to Otis. This scene happened over and over and over again. Blades, fire, electricity, blunt objects, water, bullets, poison, even using her fists Sally continued to conduct her art work on his body for the remainder of the day. Whenever he would get close to dying or losing consciousness she would feed him the golden potion.

The next day she tried many different items and techniques on Otis. The echoes of his screams woke up the prisoners in the dungeon. Day after day, night after night the scene repeated itself. Everyday Otis became more and more lifeless as he was mercilessly tortured.

Today is Otis's ninety-eighth day in this white room. The door opened and a woman with pale skin and straight dark hair walked through, her brown eyes looking at Otis who was sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the wall. Sally's eyes narrowed and her lips went straight as she looked at Otis slumped over in the corner of the room.

"This is no longer fun." Sally said as she turned around and walked back out the room.

Otis's dead eyes looked at Sally leaving the room. Otis was currently unrecognizable; his body was covered in scars, bruises, burns, cuts, and blood everywhere from head to toe. His curly black hair was gone.

Over the past three months Sally has tortured Otis mercilessly, but for the past two weeks Otis has stopped giving Sally any reaction or any screams no matter how creative she got he no longer fought for his life or begged her to stop. He would only stare at her lifelessly and accept anything she did. Today Sally felt that her toy was no longer fun and decided it was time to get rid of him.

Sally turned and left the room. Thirty minutes later she walked back in the room, this time followed by two big burly men and a third tall muscular man. Otis has gotten completely used to the specs of small and can see clearly now the features of the man in front of him. He was tall, maybe one hundred and ninety centimeters, his body was chiseled, you could see his muscles through his shirt, he had strong facial features, black hair and brown eyes.

A truly fitting look for a crime boss

"Looks like you did a number on him eh."

Sally scoffed at Hank's comment an replied,

"He was fun while he lasted but I can confirm he knows nothing of his uncle's disappearance."

"Haha we both know you knew that a long time ago sally." Hank said with a smile

Sally smirked at Hank and turned around to walk out of the door. Without looking back she shouted,

"He's all yours now Hank"

Hank took one last look at Sally leaving the room and turned back to the revolting figure sitting lifelessly in the corner.

Truly horrific.Hank thought before turning back around and stepping towards the exit. Before his metallic black dress shoes crossed the doorframe Hank turned his head towards the two big guys and gave them an order,

"Clean and heal him up before bringing him to my office."

One of the men walked over to Otis and reached his hands down to carry Otis in the princess position. He lifted Otis and his eyes widened in shock as he slightly tumbled backwards. Then ma had expected Otis's body to weigh more than it did and was temporarily surprised. Once he realized the body was a light as a feather he casually tossed it over his shoulder and walked towards the iron door.

Otis's head bobbled against the man's back as he was carried towards the dungeon's exit. Otis's leg's were extremely thin, his arms were the size of a pencil, his chest was caved in and his rib bones were protruding through his thin stomach. His previous healthy face was now malnourished and stained with dried blood and scars. The only nourishment Otis had during his three month stay here was the shitty prisoner food that Sally force fed him every once in a while. The only baths that he had was the flogging that Sally liked to do every night claiming that he was dirty. Otis was truly an art of disaster.

While twitching his nose at the repelling smell, the big man rushed out of the dungeon with Otis bobbling over his shoulder. After five minutes the men reached a bathroom surrounded with wooden walls and a big bathtub in the middle of it. The men sat Otis down beside the bathtub and took off his pants showing his fully naked body, then without warning,


They tossed Otis inside the tub causing water to splash out of the tub and spill onto the floor. Otis, surprised by being thrown into the bathtub, pushed his head from under water and began to catch his breath. After catching his breath Otis felt a rough substance rubbing against his back he turned to look at the cause and saw the two men scrubbing his back with the rags.

"W-what are you guys doing?" Otis asked, struggling to get out his first words in weeks.

"Following orders, so shut up and stay still." One of the men replied

Listening to the big man, Otis turned back around and looked at the water he was in, he realized the water had a faint golden glow to it similar to the health potions that he is very familiar with. His eyes continued to follow the water until they reached his chest where a peculiar bronze necklace was wrapped around his neck. Otis tilted his head and one of his eyebrows rose as he looked at the necklace.

Have I always worn a necklace? Otis asked himself

Otis's slender fingers wrapped around the purple circular pendant. The picture on the pendant was just a bunch of thorns wrapping around the pendant as if trying to strangle it.

Otis's fingers fully enveloped the pendant and suddenly a metallic white rock appeared in his hands. It was about half the size of his and with a small chunk missing out of it. Otis's heart began to race and his breathing suddenly quickened as he panaked, trying to find a way to put the rock back in the pendant. Otis touched the rock back to the pendant and it disappeared as if it was never there. Otis slowly looked at the two men who were roughly washing his body and sighed in relief. It appeared that the two giants were too preoccupied with cleaning his body to notice the weird rock that suddenly appeared in his hand. After his heart slowed back down and his breathing steadied, Otis leaned back letting his back feel the cold surface of the bathtub and tilted his head to the wood ceiling.

What is the star doing in the necklace, no what is the necklace doing around my neck. Did I put it there? Has it been there this whole time and I just haven't noticed?

"Get up."

While deep in thought Otis was interrupted by a deep voice as he turned to look at the two giants. He attempted to stand up expecting to fall back down, only for his eyes to widen in surprise as he easily stood up. Now that he thought about it Otis's whole body felt fresh and new. Otis stepped out of the bathtub and stumbled a little bit as he got used to walking again. After taking a few slow steps the two men walked up to him and tossed him some clean clothes.

"Put these on and come out when you're done." They ordered as they walked out the room.

Otis picked up the clothes and began to put them on one by one looking at the water in the tub as he did so.

It appears this water can fully heal the injuries in my body, rather than just the fatal ones like the potion. Interesting. Otis thought as he put the brown long sleeve cotton shirt over his head. After putting on the shirt Otis walked out of the room and saw the two men waiting on either side of the door like bouncers.

The men began to walk down the long hallways of what Otis assumed was a mansion. The men stopped once they reached a wooden door. One of the men raised his arm and knocked his knuckles twice on the door.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" An indifferent voice sounded from behind the door

The men pushed the door open and slid to each of it standing guard. Otis walked in slowly and his eyes connected to a pair of calm brown eyes looking back at him. Otis recognized the man in the expensive looking black suit.

Hank. Otis cursed