
The Realm's Jester

Imagine if kings and queens could touch the stars. Now imagine the these stars gives them immeasurable strength and wealth. How much of the earth's surface and seas do you think would be painted in red. Imagine that there are spirits for everything. A fire spirit, water spirit, hate spirit, pain spirit, love spirit and so many more. Now what would you do if you could control these spirits and bend them to your will. This is the legend of the six realms.

Myst3rys · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Inevitability of war

Grogs were a type of mutated beast. There were two types of mutated beast, a natural mutated beast and the black mutated beast. A natural mutated beast gains its power by being favored by a spirit similar to an essential. However a black mutated beast gained its power by eating other mutated beasts. Therefore its body turns black and it gains no spirit abilities but its body and strength are greatly enhanced. The beast that stood in front of Margrett right now had brown fur and brown eyes and the shape similar to that of a werewolf.

In one step the beast charged at Margrett and swung his club, Margrett set her sword on fire and swung to parry his attack. The next moment Margrett's burning sword swung straight through the grog's club breaking into pieces. Without hesitating Margrett continued her pursuit, swinging her sword at his throat.

The beast stepped back and dodged the swing, Margrett continued to swing at his torso, his chest, his legs and finally she thrusted the giant blade directly at his face. Caught off guard by the sudden change in attack the grog's eyes widened as he attempted to move his head to the side but it was too late.

Splat! Black blood splattered on the grogs face as the blade pointed inches away from his left eye impaled the grog's rough paw. With Margrett's blade stuck in its paw the grog slightly grinned and swiftly lifted his leg to kick margaret in her ribs.

Margrett was sent in the air by the grogs kick and she landed on her back. Groaning in pain Margrett quickly got up and got in a defensive stance. The grog's brown club began to fix itself as small rocks formed the shape of a club. The grog then picked up another rock and It grew into another club within his hand. With two clubs in his hands now the grog sprinted towards Margrett.

Margrett maintained her defensive stance and parried the grogs constant blows at her. Suddenly the grog aggressively stomped the ground and a sharp earth spike sprouted from the ground and flew towards Margrett. Surprised by the sudden danger, Margrett desperately blocked the earth spike coming towards her stomach.

The grog sent his glub towards Margrett's head. With her sword still at her stomach Margrett tried to dodge the incoming club however,

Smack! A giant club sent Margrett to the ground and her head bounced in the rough dirt. A second later a big foot wicked into her stomach sending her a few feet backwards.

Her head was ringing and she could taste the dirt in her mouth as she clutched her stomach in pain. The grog slowly approached Margrett with a sinister grin on his face. To him this was a hunt, and he had caught his prey.

The grog stopped a foot away from Margrett who was now on all fours looking at the ground. He lifted his club and smashed it towards the ground.

Sling! In a last ditch effort Margrett had snatched her knife out of her boot and swung at the grog's neck while simultaneously dodging the club. The grog put it's hand up just in time to block the knife, but a moment later its giant brown paw slid off of his wrist and fell to the ground with a thump.

The grog grunted in pain as he clutched his severed hand and looked at Margrett with a furious gaze. A second later, the loud galloping of a horse took the attention of the grog.

The grogs eyes shifted towards the noise and he saw a mysterious cloud of gray fog coming towards him fast. The grog tightened his grip on his club and slightly crouched down preparing to stand his ground against the approaching fog.

A few seconds later the fog had clouded the grogs vision completely, barely allowing the grog to see his own feet. The grog swung his club frantically and blindly around in anger as he heard the galloping of a horse running circles around him as if taunting him.

After a few minutes of continuous frantic swinging the grog cleared the gray fog. While heavily breathing the grog swayed his head left and right, desperately searching for the taunting horse but nothing was there. Nothing at all including his prey.

Suddenly, the grog threw his club towards a nearby tree creating a small crater in its trunk, he raised his closed fist and pounded the ground and roared a deafening roar, creating a wave that scared away all the birds and insects.

Minutes before Margrett's fight with the grog,

Otis leaned his back on a dark tree as he sat comfortably on the ground. His eyes were pointed to the sky as he thought about his life as an attendant so far. Honestly it was not the worst thing in the world especially since his essence was pretty lacksadiscal in her treatment towards him.

He had thought about ending his own life many times over. At least it would be better than living the rest of his life as a slave. He had told himself that many times to justify his plan to commit suicide. But every time he would go to the courtyard and see that knucklehead Dariel, his heart would waver and he would delay his suicide plan for another time.

Otis's heart slightly wavered when he thought about what might happen to Dariel in the battle, while he himself leisurely sat near a tree.

A second later the ground slightly shook causing Otis to lose his balance. Otis instinctively put his hand on the ground to regain his balance and looked towards the battle deep in the forest.

Otis scanned his surroundings for a moment searching for the cause before he eventually put it aside and relaxed. As he took a sigh of relief Otis noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Two small groups of gray lights were underground.

Essentials? But Otis quickly put aside this thought. In his mind there was no reason for essentials to be hiding underground this far away from the battle. Otis looked closer at the lights and realized that there was a small crack in the ground above where the lights were.

Alarms went off in Otis's head as he thought that clearly this was not a coincidence. At the same time the ground shook again, this time harder causing Otis to fall over. The cracks that appeared above the lights grew in size.

Otis staggered to his feet and grabbed the reins of his horse. Otis narrowed his eyes while steadily staring at the clump of spirits underground. The cracks gradually grew like vines before suddenly,

Boom! The ground exploded and spawned two tall and hairy creatures. Otis immediately hopped on his horse and snapped the reins. The horse sprinted forwards creating a trail of dust as it passed the two grogs.

In a panic Otis rode his horse through the woods avoiding any conflict while he desperately searched for Margrett. After several minutes of riding Otis saw what looked like the aftermath of a fight. His heart sank when he saw Margrett on the ground helplessly crawling away from the one handed beast.

Otis's hand quickly reached in the bag on his waist and scrambled for a bit before he pulled out a stack of brown paper. He tightened his grip on the paper and snapped the reins, sending the horse sprinting towards Margrett.

Seventy feet away from Margrett and the beast Otis uttered a word, "Imperium." After the word left his mouth a gray smoke appeared from the stack of papers in his hand. The smoke grew denser as he got closer to Margrett.

Upon reaching Margrett Otis took a circle around the grog to spread the smoke fully around the beast. Completing a full circle around the grog Otis approached the defeated Margrett, while riding Otis bent down and stretched his hand down towards Margrett.

He missed. Otis's hand missed Margrett's as she reached out from the ground. The horse did not stop forcing Otis to send another circle around the grog. Again he reached his hand out and again he failed. This scene repeated itself a few times before Otis's and Margretts hands clasped together. Finally feeling contact Otis desperately pulled his arm with all his strength, however after a few attempts to pull Margrett Otis let out a sudden exhale as his arms slumped back down.

Damn! This girl needs to lose some weight. After a few seconds of dragging Margrett beside his horse in an attempt to pick her up Otis pulled the reins making the horse's two front legs go in the air as it came to a sudden stop.

Otis hopped off of the horse and bent down to put Margrett's arm around his shoulder. Quickly, Otis stood up and assisted Margrett on the horse. After making sure Margrett was securely on the horse Otis hopped on the horse and snapped at the reins. As he made his escape a sudden club grazed Otis's cheek, late to respond Otis jerked his head away from the club while turning his head in it's direction.

His eyes locked onto a tall silhouette in the gray smoke and he kicked the horse urging it to go faster. Otis knew that if he could even slightly see the grog through the smoke it wouldn't be long before the smoke faded and the grog would be free.

Deep inside the Purple Forest.

Deep inside the forest where the green and brown leaves and the fresh green grass is replaced with beautiful violet leaves and grass, the battle of beast and humans raged at its highest. Thousands of bodies continued to get dragged in and out of the battle. Elements of all kinds flashed across the violet trees creating a canvas of corpses on the ground.

Surrounded by human corpses and living beasts, a tall, dark skin man performed a beautiful sword dance, cleaving all beasts that came near him. The head of a furry tiger thumped to the ground, spilling blood on the purple grass. Dariel walked over to the tiger's severed body and pulled his small dual ax from the tiger's stomach.

Suddenly, the ground erupted causing Dariel's head to instinctively turn towards the explosion as his body got into a fighting stance. A moment later a grog pulled itself out from the hole and rushed towards an essential.

Dariel chased after the grog, forced to watch as the grog shredded through the soldiers leaving burnt corpses in its wake. Dariel increased his sprint, jumping over corpses. Close to the oblivious grog Dariel hopped high in the air, holding his dual axes over his head and in a swift motion he swung his axes down towards the oblivious grog, slicing two neat lines down the grog's back.

The grog howled in pain as his fist caught fire and swung across Dariel's face. Sparks cracked on Dariel's face as he dodged and swung his left ax towards the grog's face. The grog swerved to the left and punched towards Dariel, however his punch was too slow as he quickly retreated attempting to avoid the ax aiming towards its neck.

Blood trickled down the grog's neck and he barely managed to avoid decapitation. Dariel continued his attack by continuously charging and harazing the grog. The battle became a repeat of the grog barley dodging Dariel's attacks while retreating.

After several minutes of wearing down the grog Dariel finally had an opening he hastily slashed down on the kneeling grogs neck, his eyes locked onto the kill shot as his ax cut clean through the gorg's neck, giving the grog a quick, clean death.

Dariel left knee slumped to the ground in exhaustion, forcing him to kneel over the dead grog. Dariel's head hung down as he tried to steady his erratic breathing. After a few moments of catching his breath Dariel slowly got to his feet while raising his head. A slight crackle sounded in the air and Dariel's eyes widened as he looked up from the ground.


A furry foot contacted harshly with Dariel's stomach, forcing him to drop his axes as he flew through the air.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Dariel clutched his stomach and coughed as he hurried to his feet. Without giving him time to process the grog pounced at Dariel and swung its sharp sword down at him. Dariel rolled backwards swiftly avoiding the blade lunged towards the grogs ankles while simultaneously snatching his knife from its scabbard.

The grog grunted in pain as Dariel sliced its ankle and dodged out of its range. Finally having a moment to breathe both of them stood in a standoff, within the first move.

Dariel crouched down in a low stance with one knife in his hand. After a moment Dariel's eyes narrowed and he threw his arm towards the grog, releasing dirt in its face. The grog swiped at the dirt with his offhand and momentarily closed his eyes before opening them again, but that was all Dariel needed. Upon opening his eyes the grog's eyes widened in panic and he lowered his head to cover his neck.


A small dagger nearly separated the grog's chin from his head as it hung grotesquely from his face. Dariel followed up with a stab towards its chest, only to be stopped by a strong hand on his wrist. Immediately Dariel let go of the dagger and caught it with his opposite hand and with a fancy twirl, he stabbed the grog's leg.

The grog let out a slight grunt from its half severed jaw before tossing Dariel by his wrist.

Crack! Dariel's body swung into a tree and broke a few of Dariels ribs. Dariel stumbled back to his feet leaning on the tree as he did.

The grog slid the small blade from his thigh and tossed it behind him. It gradually raised its brown eyes towards Dariel and his gaze narrowed as his pupils slowly transformed into shining crimson red color. At the same time red flames gathered around his chin and thigh, mending his previous serious injuries.

Dariel took a few steps back and he felt a sudden chill in his spine as his instincts told him to run. Seeing the frightened Dariel the grog slightly grind with his newly fixed chin and let out a roar.


The air around Dariel suddenly became denser and his knees slightly buckled under the pressure. Flames erupted out of nothing and covered violet grass around them and climbed the trees leaving a sea of flames around Dariel.

The grogs crimson eyes shone brighter, reflecting the power of a third gate fire essential. The royal eyes! The power received upon entering the third gate of the fire spirit. Its power puts anyone around in an instant sea of flames and makes all the other spirits succumb to its pressure.

Dariel looked into the rural eyes of this grog and it reminded him that this was an essential he was facing, and a strong one at that. Dariel looked around at the spreading flames with hopeless eyes. It was only a matter of time before the flames caught him.

While in his thoughts an arrow shot by his vision. Dariel's eyes followed the arrowed path and found it stuck in the grog's neck. He quickly jerked his head back and saw an old man on his gray horse.

Commander Brandy! Dariel smiled as he saw the commander as he was knocking another arrow in his bow.

The commander shot another arrow at the grog, but unlike the first time the grog was prepared. The grog caught the arrow at his chest and burned it into dust.

Brandy looked at Dariel and shouted, "Run!" Dariel did not hesitate as he started running towards Brandy, occasionally limping and grunting in pain.

The grog bursted towards Dariel determined to not let his prey escape. Arrows whizzed it's way, slowing down its approach.

Commander Brandy helped up the injured Dariel onto his horse and shifted towards the butt of the horse before commanding, "Take the reins!"

Brandy took the reins and kicked the horse, Brandy continued to fire arrows after the approaching grog slowed him down. After shooting his last arrow the grog was at least one hundred feet away and losing ground. Brandy sighed in relief and his body relaxed, sending a soothing chill down his body. Brandy turned around to face the front..


Dark red blood splattered on Dariel's back. Brandy looked down with wide eyes, a sharp sword could be seen from the front of the commander's armor. A drop of blood dropped on the horses fur and brandy reached for his mouth

Cough! Cough!

Blood splattered on his hand as his head began to spin and he lost his balance. Dariel looked back just in time to catch the falling commander, "No!" Dariel screamed as he reached his hand out barely catching Brandy in time.

Dariel glanced at the approaching grog before looking back at Brandy. Struggling to get him up Dariel yanked the sword out of the commander's stomach causing Brandy to yelp in pain, and placed the commander's stomach on the horse, his head bobbing on the side of the horse with each gallop and the blood trickled by the second but he was alive.

Dariel turned his head back around just in time to avoid a thick tree beach as he ducked his head. Soon after a big log laid across the road, the horse approached out at full speed and jumped over it with no problem.

Wait! Suddenly, Dariel remembered something as he turned around and reached his hand out to catch the falling commander. Dariels hands grazed Brandy's fingertips as the commander fell off the horse and tumbled down the grass leaving a trail of blood.

Dariel looked at the body then glanced at the grog. Making a decision he turned around and continued to ride forwards. His eyes welled with tears and his lips trembled. He put his head down in shame as the scene continued to play in his head. Commander Brandy was dead.