
the reality of the game

An underated unpublished game that Lin and his brother made become reality, but she got betrayed by his own lover on the 100th floor. and learning that she has been cheated on by her best friend. and ended up dying, but once she opened her eyes she is back from the past before the apocalypse happened. now planning how to survive and earned what he deserves.

jhem_zynn · Teen
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12 Chs

chapter 10

Things really peaceful since master Catherine is really distracted to leech.. I mean have some time with his fiance, which is you can see on that poor prince's face that he's need help to get her off of him.

But I let them be because it's really the first time I saw master Catherine happy, not the forcefully way, but in real way. She really love this guy, that I'm afraid that she might do something stupid to get this guy by herself.

But something really bothering me. It's the prince's knight, he's been staring at me from the time we met on the main door, he didn't even go and talk to me or asked what's in his head.

I just ignore him and do some shits I have to do, like preparing some teas, and some desserts, do some things master Catherine wants and needs but this guy won't let his eyes get off of me, he's like master Catherine but not in the physical way. If he don't want to do something or asked me anything about some questions flying on his hallow head I will forcefully asked him calmly....


it's been hours of constantly just going to ask him or try to talk to him, but he just ran or just ignore me and change the direction he's looking, but once I start doing my shits he's staring again!.

So now we're the only people here in the library, and I can't literally do this shit anymore, I hate someone staring at me and even the people who will just fucking ignore you when you asked them calmly.


And that's the only thing he said?!, I'm just going to ignore what's he's going to say or even think he's existence, and just take a book to ease my mind.

"It's still weird that you have two names kitten."

I stop what's I'm doing and look at him, the way he look at me is different than earlier. He used to look at me like a jokingly way and just staring in annoying way. But now he's looking at me with a curious and full of questions eyes.

"It's really coincidence that we met again, and I'm still amazed how you get away from my sight earlier. Right Ms "Isabella"?, Or that's what's your other name."

That's why he's so familiar, even though he have some illusion magic, Isabella's skills can detect that magic, but since it's only in low level, it's really useful.

"... I don't know what's your talking about Mr. Knight."

"I know you remember it, and you know what will happened if you didn't participate here."

This bitch really want to cause some chaos and if that happened some extra work. AND I DON'T WANT THAT!!.

"... What do you want?"

"Oh nothing!! I just want some answer, that's all!"

"What if I don't want to answer it..."

"... Then it's your choice, wether you want to do it in easy and peaceful way or in hard and destructive way?."

For the little fight we have earlier he seems have very high level than other people here, so in my current status I don't have any thing to fight him.

"... It's not even your business to ask about my name, but if it's about destroying things here then my first name is my name parents gave to me..."

Then a sudden images got into my head. Is it Isabella's memories?, Have neglective parents and abandon her when she was 8 and got adopted by the... HEAD OF THE MAIDS?!.  And give her the name "Isabella".

"...And that second name is what my adopted mom gave to me."

"Why are you seems hesitant to say that?".

"Giving bad memories."

I place my eyes on the book on my hand again and just flip them faster, since I don't really need to read it because of the players codes, I just have to "read" it until you finish the book and you will learn what's the book contained.

"It's seems like your not really reading there."



"Nothing, it's just boring to guard that brat."

"It's more boring here!!"

"But you're entertaining to watched at."

This guy really a total shit, and to think at it. Why is he here for the first place? He's the crown prince and he's going with his brother to his brother's fiance's mansion.

"How looking at someone's reading WITHOUT even saying a WORD ENTERTAINING?!".

"Your not even reading you're just flipping the book."

"Still Mr. "Knight" you're the personal knight of the 3rd prince, you should company him through his.... Difficulty right now."

"And you're also the princess's personal maid, you should be also by her side right?."

This tyrant!!, He should be just killing people in his castle what is he really doing here?!!!!.

"We're different Mr. Knight, even though I'm her personal maid she just throw me out and just ordering me to get out of her sight so I have time to go here."

"She did that?"

Fuck I have to say something since I know tyrants don't like brats and shits like this in their kingdoms.

"Well... She.. have personal life, she want sometimes to be alone and she's happy if she's alone sometimes, so I didn't bothered her anymore..."

When I close the book since it's already finished a screen pop out.

[ Recovery of corrupted letters 10%]

I just need to do this many times to see the letters then learned their language to understand the words. But I should go back and look after Catherine, she might be leeching over the 3rd prince.

"Now where are we going?."

"We're going back to miss Catherine."

"It's boring there though!!"

"I don't care."

We go and walk out the library but got bump into Victoria Isabella's adopted mother.

"Oh there you are Isabella, give this to young miss. It's an invitation to a tea party."

She gave me a letter with seal on it.

"It's from the Cameron family."

He still here!!.

"Well looks like I know where is it from!!."

I look at Victoria and she seems worried about something, she knows something that I didn't know yet, but I know I will figure it sooner.

"Thanks....Let's go"

I go and he's just following me while looking round, I still don't know why he is titled as [the tyrant prince] he just look like a dumb but strong guy and a attention seeker.

"Um Mr. Knight."


"... Ok . Mr.-"

"Just Sean."

"... Sean..., Why did you attack me earlier."

"I already told you, you're suspicious and with two name."

"Still not a reasonable since what if it's not me and just a lost wanderers or someone passing by!!"

"Not my problem, and I trust my gut. You still suspicious, but since I'm lazy and you seems interesting, I want someone to entertain me for a moment."

This guy really see me as an entertainer, or even just a pawn on his chess game, that he can sacrifice whenever he wants.

Once we got to Catherine, she is really leeching on the 3rd prince, and the prince seems really awkward and looking at us and wanting an help.

But we didn't even look at him, and I hand the letter at Catherine.

"Miss Catherine, you have an tea party invitation from Cameron family."

Then she stop and freeze which make us questioned her strange behavior, because of her heavy white makeup we didn't see but I can feel she went pale and even seems scared about it.

What did Cameron family do to her to act like that?.