

Kyrie knew what he needed to do. He went to the Hyuhound camp. After talking to the chief abut what the 'defilers' were called, he fessed up that they were called Hyuhounds. Hyuhounds are semi-sentient creatures in this world. They stand at 2 meters on average and were physically superior to the Horans. They were not war-like and kept to themselves most of the time living in peace with nature and only took from it what they needed neither excessively nor for sport. And so, they also had their own religion. Hearing this from the chief, Kyrie couldn't help but nod in a pondering way. He was tasked with finding god or gods in this world, finding out whether they were at all like the gods in Alleucanth so that their master could rid the world of such parasitic existence. He was closer to their goal with this discovery and had to be even more careful about offing them.

 "Greetings! I come in peace!"