
The real Lucifer

Unknown_error · Urban
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4 Chs


Luis one of the main character and the second most powerful God/angel after the most powerful person the creator of creations God himself (the God of curse, the foolish God or the cruel God that doesn't have specific name). She was god's one of it's favorite children.

Luis was created generation and generations before life was created. She was mostly sended for missions to explore the underworld, far lands, and beyond for a choirs or missions.

At that time the population wasn't big and it was more peaceful then from the future when the war happen between Lucifer and the place where all started.

Luis was soft, confident and intelligent but mostly her beauty was shining like a star that anyone could've not help it but look at her. She was just like her mother Aurora the goddess of Venus.

"Luis are you prepared with all of your resources? Do you need help?" asked her mother Aurora. She was preparing herself to go on trip in the far lands with her pet dragon ivy. Ivy is Her favorite reddesh pink dragon and best friend since they were created both at the same time. Her mother was caring a charm necklace to her for keep herself safe from anything that's aroundin the far lands. She handed the necklace to Luis and Luis said to her mother "I am ready but I'm nervous since it's my first time going alone with my dragon on a trip" her mother understood how she was feeling and felt guilty that shell be sent alone but she comforted her that she'll will be fine and everything will go according to the plan. Luis felt that she'll get in big challenge and meet some danger around her. She then took a deep breath and and ask her mother why is she giving her the charm necklace. "It's because I want you to be safe no matter what will wait for you in the other side of the path" she took the necklace from her mom, prepared with her friend and flew away higher and higher to the sky above the clouds. The journey of Luis started and the beginning of lucifer began.

Main characters:

Luis ange/God (the second most powerful being existed)

Lucifer angel/god (the third most powerful being after Luis his creator that share same energy and aura)

Support caracter:

Aurora the goddess

Mermaid Fallopia

Yahweh (warrior/God)

Archangel Haniel

Ivy the dragon

Before the war between Lucifer and God and around the time when the first humans were created:




Uriel -7 angels that follow God's comand.




Shadow/ unknown and other new caracters that will appear in the future (maximum 1milion souls)