
The Reader will create his own ending

"No matter how many times i pinch myself, the results remain the same. It really is the Flaura City huh?" said Blaze while looking around. Blaze Ignis (a 18 - years old high schooler) one day , suddenly wakes up to find himself in a field of beautiful flowers and soft grass. He remembered reading his favorite novel and wishing he would just transmigrate as one of the characters of the novel and get rid of his shitty life, before falling asleep. This novel was more precious to him than his own life (not exaggerating). it was what kept him going, when he almost gave up on his life too many times....His parents were pressurizing him because of the college entrance exam , and of course the high school graduation exams. Always comparing him to his cousins, in EVERY damn thing, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ignoring his own achievements and hard work. This has been going on for the past 5 years , since he was 13....his endurance was definitely at its limits. Anyways...seems like a god has granted his wish, except he is in his own body and he has a system which is not supposed to exist at "this" point in time. It also contains some skills he has never read about before...and the description box is just showing [???] , even some skill names are hidden in a similar way. His only objective is to prevent the tragedies that are to follow Frore (MC of the novel) and through a change of events , obtain the kind of ending he wants to see. But ,is it really as simple of a task as it seems to him??

TrishWalker · LGBT+
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58 Chs

Uphill Castle Dungeon

Outside the uphill castle dungeon.

"Wow , it really is an 'uphill castle'." Blaze commented due to the beautiful but, eerie castle in front of him, with a red crescent moon in the background.

He could hear the wolves howling in the forest nearby. Frore was standing beside him lost in thought. He was thinking about what the receptionist has said to them earlier. 

{"This dungeon is an exception to the party number rule. However, you can not enter it alone. Not much is known about it. But, do be careful. Many people went there in pair or groups, but very few returned. Those who make it back alive, can't remember much about it, properly. But, there is one thing i can tell you, that dungeon has it's own rules. Fulfill it's requirements and complete the dungeon successfully. I wish you good luck."}

"Frore, no matter what happens after we go in , follow whatever the creature of the dungeon tells you to do, strictly. I have a feeling that the 'disappearance' of the hunters , has something to do with breaking the rules of this dungeon. And, trust me no matter what. Got it?"

Frore nodded his head.

They walked towards the huge castle gate, and it opened on its own.

{Feels like the beginning of a horror movie.}

When they entered, it was dark inside and they quickly got surrounded by a thick fog. The visibility dropped to zero and Blaze could barely see his own hand. 

"Frore...!" he shouted , but received no response.

Then he received a notification on his status window.

["All stats and skills, other than mental skills have been locked inside this dungeon. Inventory has also been locked."]


["Dear user, you are basically back to being a normal human here. Be extra careful of your surroundings. Getting injured here, could be fatal."]

{Shit! No wonder only a few made it out alive.}

The fog started clearing up and he could hear the sound of shoes clacking behind him. He turned around and saw a handsome butler, with crimson red eyes and long black hair tied up with a ribbon. He was wearing a plain white mask and holding a plate, with a designer black mask in it.

"I greet our esteemed guest. Please, wear this mask while you are inside the castle. Remember, you are never to take this mask off under any circumstance." 

His voice was deep and chill inducing. But, Blaze was not fazed by it. He just quietly took the mask and placed it on his face. After putting it on, his clothes changed into a formal designer suit , with a pair of matching pair of boots. Thankfully 'Kaiser' was still on his waist.

Frore's original weapons have a special feature in them. The maker, Frore and the master of the weapon are forever tied to it. No one else, can wield them except for the two, unless the previous master is dead and there is a new master.

They can also locate the weapon whenever they want. Kind of like a tracking device. That's why Blaze wasn't worried, Frore should be able to find him easily, if he wanted to.

"I apologize, if you feel uncomfortable in these clothes. However, it is the rule of the castle to always wear formal clothing inside. Now, please let me show you to your room."

He brought Blaze to a room on the second floor.

"Here it is, if you need my assistance with anything, just ring the bell on the side table. You are free to explore the castle during daytime, you must never be late for the meal and you must accept any request the lord makes of you. You must be in your room before 8p.m. sharp. The breakfast is served at 8a.m. , lunch is held at 2p.m. and dinner is served at 7p.m. Now, do you have any questions?"

"Do you know where the boy, who came here with me is? Also, when can we leave the castle?"

Basically, Blaze was asking what the clear conditions of the dungeon were. Obviously, he can't ask about it directly to an entity of the dungeon. Also he was done analyzing his situation.

{According to how things have been going so far, I probably have to 'act' as a character that the dungeon master wishes to see and I would also have to save Frore probably.}

The butler smiled and answered , "Oh...you mean your partner. You don't have to worry you will be able to meet him soon. As for the second question, you will get the answer to it during dinner. Now i shall take my leave." and then he left and closed the door of the room.

Bruh-- when i was writing about that outfit transformation, i kept getting reminded of Barbie's ballgown transformations.

And, i ended up imagining Blaze in Barbie's ballgown.

Blaze is the new Barbie~

Ahahahaha~ omg it was so...hilarious.

Lmfao...hahaha.. *Ahem* I apologize.

Now, if you will excuse me, i have another chapter to write.


TrishWalkercreators' thoughts