
The Reader will create his own ending

"No matter how many times i pinch myself, the results remain the same. It really is the Flaura City huh?" said Blaze while looking around. Blaze Ignis (a 18 - years old high schooler) one day , suddenly wakes up to find himself in a field of beautiful flowers and soft grass. He remembered reading his favorite novel and wishing he would just transmigrate as one of the characters of the novel and get rid of his shitty life, before falling asleep. This novel was more precious to him than his own life (not exaggerating). it was what kept him going, when he almost gave up on his life too many times....His parents were pressurizing him because of the college entrance exam , and of course the high school graduation exams. Always comparing him to his cousins, in EVERY damn thing, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ignoring his own achievements and hard work. This has been going on for the past 5 years , since he was 13....his endurance was definitely at its limits. Anyways...seems like a god has granted his wish, except he is in his own body and he has a system which is not supposed to exist at "this" point in time. It also contains some skills he has never read about before...and the description box is just showing [???] , even some skill names are hidden in a similar way. His only objective is to prevent the tragedies that are to follow Frore (MC of the novel) and through a change of events , obtain the kind of ending he wants to see. But ,is it really as simple of a task as it seems to him??

TrishWalker · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


After Frore had his fill, Blaze asked. 

"Frore if you are not too busy, would you mind showing me around the castle?"

"Sure." Frore replied while rubbing the cream on the new bite mark on Blaze's neck.

Frore guided him to a large library, inner garden and then to an antique's room, where a tall black statue of a person with a robe was standing. Then after showing him a few paintings and some rooms. He left Blaze, saying he had something to do. 

Blaze went back to the library, in hope of finding some clues, that could help him in restoring Frore's memory.

Just when he was searching for a book, the butler spoke up from behind him.

"Dear guest, can I help you with something?"

Blaze flinched. {When did he get here...? I did not sense him entering.}

"Um... I was just looking for a book related to this castle's history."

The butler picked out a plain but elegant looking book with a red cover and handed it to Blaze. "Here you go."

He had a beautiful flower vase with red roses in his hand. 

Blaze took the book. 

"May I offer a piece of advice?"

Blaze wondered what he had to say and nodded his head, "go on."

"You won't find a method to help him regain his memories by looking through books here."

{Damn... Are my thoughts that transparent?} Blaze looked at the butler with a mix of anger and embarrassment in his eyes.

"At the rate things are going, you won't be able to restore his memory in time and both of you will be trapped here, forever."

"I can give you a chance."

Blaze had a questioning gaze. So, the butler continued.

"If you want to, you can leave right now. But on the condition that, the lord will forget all about you, even the memories that you have made here and will actually become the lord of this castle, a complete vampire." He then took a step to the side and the dungeon gate appeared behind him.

"Then would you agree to my deal?"

"I would like to decline that offer. Didn't you call me him my 'partner'? Then I won't be leaving without my 'partner'." Blaze replied emotionlessly.

The butler just smiled and bowed, "I understand."

"Ah, yes. One more thing. The lord had sent you these flowers from the inner garden. He said that you seem to like them, so you should keep some in your room. Shall I keep them in your room?" 

Blaze looked at the flowers with some amusement. 

{I just said that the inner garden was really beautiful, and he actually sent me some of the roses... He is really out here giving content to the readers for shipping material. Haiz.... but it's not like i can reject them.}

"Yes, please do and say, "thank you" to the lord for me."

".... I understand."

Blaze spent some time in the library and then returned to his room. 

When he opened the door, a sweet flowery scent entered his nose.

{Such a nice smell, is it because of the flowers?}

*yawn* "...I feel so...tired all of a sudden."

He then looked at the wall clock.

{There is still some time in lunch, I should be able to take a nap.}

Blaze fell sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

When Blaze woke up, it was already 11 p.m. 

He had a mild headache and still felt a bit drowsy, but as soon as he looked at the time all of his sleepiness vanished in an instant. 

{Shit! I missed both the lunch and the dinner. Frore even warned me about it. What's going to happen now...?}

Then he thought of something and instantly turned calm, {But, wait...there is definitely something fishy going on here. I have a pretty good sense of time, no matter how tired I was, I would always wake up on time for my studies and tests...with or without the alarm it doesn't matter. Besides, I have a nice stamina, even if I looked around the castle and spent some time in the library; I wouldn't have been this tired in the first place...}

And, after a bit of thinking Blaze realized, "That smell...those flowers!"

"So you have finally noticed...." the butler spoke up from behind him.

"I am restricted to do you any harm, unless you break the castle rules. But, making you fall asleep is not considered as 'harming' you." he explained with a smile.

This time Blaze did not flinch, instead he felt a chill creeping up on his back.

{Since when was he standing there...?}

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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