
The Reader's Guide to Survival

Han Si-woon is your average 32-year-old overworked man that is desperate to find an escape from the harsh cruelty of the world. That is how he found his way into reading novels, specifically transmigration novels. He is currently binge-reading a novel about a young transmigrated hero that wants to desperately go back to Korea, but as Han Si-woon was reading, the bus he is in crashed into a river and he suddenly found himself isekai'd into the world of the young transmigrated hero he was reading. Han Si-woon didn't even have the chance to explore the new world yet and he already met the Young Hero, Baek Chul, at the first second. What's even more concerning is that there is a system-like window popping up from time to time all of a sudden and telling him the future. Just what will Han Si-woon do now?

10000ThoughtsDeep · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Another series of deafening silence envelopes the area as all the men focused their sights on Baek Chul after he just said that this unknown man in front of them is from "home". This dirty man is related to their kingdom's hero? But he looks so... Ugly and poor... are they truly from the same place?

People in their kingdom often tell stories that the homeland where the hero came from is the absolute breeding ground of valiant heroes such as him. They were blessed enough to have a hero like him come from afar to protect them... But if such dirty guy came from the same place then the hero's hometown is not what it is said to be...?

['That's... so disappointing to say the least.']

Han Si-woon's eyes darkened as he read the texts of the soldier's thoughts about him. He could safely assume that he already destroyed his own reputation in this place and maybe slightly damaged Baek Chul's as well. Han Si-woon wanted to hide under the ground in shame. This is not what he wants his first impression to be, but he cannot do anything about it.

The prince of Lunaiv then cleared his throat to garner everyone's attention, "So... Baek Chul, did you really just said that this man is from home? Are you truly sure?" The prince questioned. Han Si-woon doesn't need the notification window to tell him that even the prince is slightly disappointed about this sudden predicament.

Baek Chul nodded towards the prince and showed him Han Si-woon's ID, "These letters and texts, they are from my hometown... He's definitely one of my people."

"Well, what are you going to do with him now?" The prince inquired and turned his head towards Han Si-woon who looks like a famished rat. His hair is messy and dirty, his clothes are wrinkled and maybe even torn, his eyes looks so lifeless and tired, and he looks like he just came out from a hurricane.

['I still cannot believe that this guy is related to Baek Chul... He looks so... Useless?' Arsein thought in disappointment.]

"Excuse me?" Han Si-woon accidentally blurted out as he was deeply offended by what he just read. He had enough being judged so harshly within a day can someone just give him a break?

"What?" The prince asked back in surprise by the sudden raise of voice of Han Si-woon. He then saw Han Si-woon looking at him with eyes filled with grudge and annoyance.

Han Si-woon breathes deeply and tried to calm his mind, 'Wait calm down... Why are you so easily swayed by something that a random floating box that no one can see tells to you? It might be all just in your head...' Han Si-woon then stares at the floating box, still trying to figure out what it is and what does it truly do.

[The man still refuses to believe what he sees despite already using it since he has come to this unknown world. Like an idiot.]

'...Okay now that's definitely not in my head.' Han Si-woon is finally convinced that the box is real.

"Han Si-woon." A cold and deep voice called his name which made him have chills on his spine. Han Si-woon turns around and saw Baek Chul's scarily majestic face close up to him.

This makes Han Si-woon think if this guy is truly from Korea or not, he is just too... Majestically Handsome? His face is just really out of this world. Baek Chul transmigrated into this world in a body that has an identical face to his old face... So the author is basically telling that Baek Chul's true Korean body is a lady killer of lady killers just like his current body. Just how many lady tears were shed for this face?

'Okay, okay enough about his face.' Han Si-woon thought and looks up to Baek Chul who is significantly taller than him, "What are you calling me for?"

"I am Baek Chul... I am from Korea too." Baek Chul introduced himself. He clearly doesn't know what to say as it's been so long since he has met another Korean. He's truly surprised.

'I already know.' Han Si-woon thought while looking at him.

"I... I can see that." Han Si-woon looks at him from head to toe. He then tried to shoo away the awkwardness by asking questions, "What is this place? Why are we here?"

Baek Chul then answered in a straight line with no breaks, "You are currently standing in the border between Lunaiv and Crevean... And I don't know either. But we can try to work together and go back to our own world. I have figured out-"

"W-wait slow down buddy- hold on." Han Si-woon puts his hand up to stop Baek Chul from speaking any further. 'What is this? It's like he has a wiggling worm on his ass he is too abrupt. What happened to How are you? Are you okay? Jesus-'

Baek Chul then remained quiet after being shut up. Han Si-woon then became uneasy, Baek Chul is so obedient and awfully nice... It's like- It's like as if-

[Baek Chul finally found hope that he can now go back to his world and that he is no longer alone in the struggle of going back. But of course he needs to gain this man's favor first and not overwhelm him. They are going back no matter the cost.]

'I fucking knew it... This guy is trying to curry my favor!!! Does he think that by acting nice I will join his plans? HELL NO! I'M NEVER GOING BACK! NEVER!' Han Si-woon shouted in his mind. He then stared at Baek Chul with an awkward smile.

"Look, I know you desperately want to go back to Korea but maybe it's best to go back to your crew first and take rest." Han Si-woon said in a sympathetic tone and patted Baek Chul's shoulders.

["..." The man didn't know that he just put himself in an even more tight position than before.]

"..." After reviewing what he just said after reading the system's texts, he realized he spoke too much, 'Oh shit.'

Baek Chul looked down on him with a cold gaze of suspicion, "I didn't tell anything about me having a crew."

"Uh, you see- about what I said- I mean don't you think it's already obvious that you have one just by what you're wearing?" Han Si-woon stammered as his words are stuck on his throat together with his chest tightening.

Baek Chul's cold gaze then fell down on Han Si-woon like a hundred ton of metal weights. All Han Si-woon could do is stare straight into the eyes of the true nature of the hero he's been reading since God knows when.

Baek Chul is not a nice, quiet and obedient hero... No, he's far from that.

He is a cold and untouchable person that kills anything that comes on his path. He was only being nice because he sees Han Si-woon as an ally... But Han Si-woon broke it, releasing the true nature of the hero he knows the most.

[Baek Chul now deeply suspects this person if he is truly from Korea or a spy planted to ruin him.]

"Seize him." Baek Chul commanded coldly and within an instant all the soldiers came running towards him.

Han Si-woon has no time to explain anything. He immediately turns and ran as fast as he could, slipping through the slim cracks between the wall of soldiers surrounding him and towards the deeper parts of the forest. It seems that the soldiers didn't ran as soon as he slipped past them but instead stood and stare at him run away.

"Sir, that path..." One of the soldiers spoke as he looks at Han Si-woon slowly disappearing within the forest.

Arsein then moved forward and spoke to Baek Chul who just kept staring at the path that Han Si-woon ran off into, "That path is towards the land of Crevean. Baek Chul, maybe he is not from your homeland... Maybe he was supposed to be a spy to distract you."

"No." Baek Chul shortly answered while still not removing his sights.

"What do you mean-?" Prince Arsein paused when he stared at Baek Chul's face. It is the usual stoic face but his eyes are different. It's glowing in color of gold, "Ah... you're using those eyes... You really still can't accept that he isn't one of your kind huh? Well then, what do you see?"

Baek Chul' eyes narrowed in frustration, "I saw a light exploding and everything turns static. I could no longer see anything of him, not that I saw anything in the first place."

"Well that is odd, the Eye of Ra is supposed to see through everyone, to know what they are and if they are truthful... You're saying you can't see through him?" Arsein inquired in suspicion.

Baek Chul then frowned deeply and looks at the ID card within his hand, "I felt a sense of familiarity within him..."

"Hmm?" Arsein hummed in confusion.

Baek Chul ignored him and scowled in frustration of what to do. It wasn't long enough until Baek Chul kicked off his feet and ran towards where Han Si-woon ran, leaving the prince and the guards behind without remarks.

"Ah, he ran off." Arsein said flatly as if he already expected that Baek Chul would do such thing, "I guess we'll wait for him here then."

[The Hero used the skill "Eye of Ra" towards the running man yet he could not see anything as he was blinded by light.]

Han Si-woon who is running for his life non-stop read the text that the screen shows to him, he almost ran out of oxygen in his lungs from the sudden shock, "HA! HAAA! HA! WHA- WHAT DID YOU SAY?! HE USED THE EYE ON RA ON ME?!"

'Crazy... I didn't know he was that desperate... He does know that he could only use the Eye of Ra again in 5 months right?!' Han Si-woon thought in disbelief.

The Eye of Ra is an overpowered insight skill that can give the user any information he wants from the one he looks at. Baek Chul often tries to use it on S-class dungeon bosses and tries to spend it wisely because of the time duration that it takes to use it again... And for Han Si-woon to know that Baek Chul used that on a mere plain man like him is bollocks! Unbelievable!

"It's seems like he's not as smart as I thought... The Eye of Ra huh?! Baek Chul you are crazy!" Han Si-woon blurted as he kept running and running.

And as if the devil was summoned by his name, Baek Chul is found running beside him, "How do you know I have the Eye of Ra?"

"SON OF A- UGH!!!" Han Si-woon was so aghast by Baek Chul's face suddenly appearing out of nowhere that he tripped on a rock and fell with his face first. Before he could even react and stand up Baek Chul already has a hold on him and pulled him up. As soon as he was stood a gleaming white sword is pointed at his neck.

Baek Chul then looks at him coldly, "You are making me have mixed feelings with you. Are you truly Korean or are you a spy?"

Han Si-woon then gulped while staring at the sword that could slice his neck at any second in front of him, "I am a certified Korean of course."

"Then how did you know that I have a crew? How did you know that I have the Eye of Ra? Why are you running towards the Crevean grounds?" Baek Chul coldly questioned while his eyes are gleaming with murderous intent.

"... Okay those are a lot of questions." Han Si-woon then swallowed his saliva, "Okay I will answer the last one first, I didn't even know where I was running. All I was thinking about is how to run away from all of you, that's all I swear!"

"What about the remaining two questions?"

"...Oookay- that one will be hard to answer. I bet you won't even believe me haha..."

Baek Chul moves his blades closer to his neck and spoke in a threatening tone, "Answer."

"I...I uh..." Han Si-woon closed his eyes for a second. Which answer is the best that could make him get out of here alive? 'I still don't know what the screen entirely does. But I think it has something to do with foresight and books. It gives me texts about what will happen before it happen in a form of a novel format... So it gives me the power of the future?'

Han Si-woon pursed his lips while thinking. What good will it gives if he tells Baek Chul that he has the power of the future? That just makes him even more threatening than he already is to Baek Chul... And also if he wants to be low-key he has to act like one or else he will get dragged to the main character's mess left and right.

Han Si-woon then sighed, "I... I uh..." he first gulped before speaking, he is not sure if this is the right answer but it is better than telling that he is basically omniscient, "I can... read minds."

"You... can what?" Baek Chul asked in disbelief. He was so appalled that his sword lowered.

Han Si-woon then gulped and took this chance to prove himself even further, "I don't know what happened either... I just came here and suddenly I was overwhelmed with numerous voices in my head roaring all at once. I was just a Regular Korean citizen that was about to die in a bus crash... But then I found myself here... in this weird place together with this weird powers."

[Baek Chul seems to be in deep thought, as if piecing all the pieces together. He seems almost convinced.]

Han Si-woon then kept going, "Look, I am just as confused as you are... I-I am just scared. I don't know where I am and everyone seems to want my head... I-..." He then continued it with a final punch, he spoke in Korean, "You're the only one I could trust."

Baek Chul's eyes widened, "You... You speak Korean."

Han Si-woon then smiled awkwardly and kept speaking in Korean, "I told you I am Korean... But it seems like I am unwelcomed, everyone wants to kill me it's scary."

"No i... I didn't..." Baek Chul faltered as if words ran out of his stoic mouth. Realizing what he has done, he thinks there is no way to gain his trust again.

[The Hero was completely persuaded and convinced by the man's words. If the Uddnowd was a person, it would probably be appalled by the man's audacity to act and lie such way.]

Han Si-woon then internally smiled ear to ear in victory knowing that he managed to survive another day. He probably should've just applied to be an actor than waste his life away completing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He would probably be loaded by now and not suffering like this.

Baek Chul then slowly turned towards Han Si-woon, head held low, "I..." Han Si-woon knows what Baek Chul is about to say which he is patiently waiting to hear. He will probably be the first person to ever get an apology from the Hero of Lunaiv like this.

[All arrows are aimed at the two of them. Arrows of Creveans as the two seem to threaten to cross the border unnoticed.]

"What the... BAEK CHUL DUCK!" Han Si-woon yelled and immediately dived into the ground. Meanwhile Baek Chul was alerted by Han Si-woon shout and finally had a sense of his surroundings. He was too busy dealing with Han Si-woon that he didn't gave a care on where they stood without knowing that they are on the verge of breaking into the borders of Crevean.

Baek Chul sensed arrows coming into his way and immediately turned and blocked them. The firings of arrows are constant making him very busy. Baek Chul swings and swings his sword with exact precision to block the thousands of arrows coming at him.

Meanwhile, Han Si-woon who is on the ground then looks up to see Baek Chul busy defending. He then thought this will be a good chance to run away as much as he can but stopped when an arrow almost pierced through his hand, good thing it hit the ground instead, "Eek! What the hell is wrong with this place?!" Everything just wants to kill him today!

Baek Chul gritted his teeth as he looks around. He cannot see where the archers are because of the constant attacks. He then scowled and knitted his brow, "Hey! I think it's time to prove what you said even further!" referring to Han Si-woon who is lying flat on the ground.

Han Si-woon already read Baek Chul's intention and that is what he honestly wants to do as well, "You really don't trust easily huh?! Got it!"

[The archer on the second birch tree to the right heard what the Hero said but is confused, "What are they talking about?"]

Han Si-woon then grinned, "The second birch to the right!"

Without hesitation, Baek Chul moved like the wind and turned towards the tree that Han Si-woon is referring to. In a matter of seconds he managed to run over there and sliced the tree in half causing it to fall and hit other trees where the other archers are placed causing a disturbance in their formation.

[The Captain who is standing on the center back was then appalled when Baek Chul started to attack where their forces are exactly placed, "What?! How could he know?!"]

"Center Back!" Han Si-woon shouted shortly and without complaints Baek Chul immediately headed towards the said location. Moving like a terrifying hurricane, he immediately sliced down the tree with terrifying speed.

"Shit!" the captain yelled, "It's dangerous! Let's go back!" He shouted to the others and swiftly let the areas. All that is left now are gigantic cut trees and leaves flying everywhere.

Baek Chul then sighed and puts his sword into his sheathe and then turned his head back to look at how Han Si-woon was doing, while doing so, he thought, 'So he can really read minds-'

Baek Chul's thoughts were interrupted when he found Han Si-woon nowhere in sight, Just Arsein and the soldiers standing blankly while looking at him, "Where is Han Si-woon?"

"If you're talking about that guy he ran that way." Arsein pointed at his back deep into the forest once again.

Baek Chul was left speechless. He could feel his blood starting to boil. He feels like he's being played, "He's dead once I find him."

"Oh I know he will." Arsein sighed and watched Baek Chul run off once again deep into the forest, leaving them again.

One of the guards then spoke, "Should we follow them?"

"Oh please I am too tired for that now." Arsein sighed and stretched his back. "Let's just wait for them. They won't take long. After all, Baek Chul is really good at hunting rabbits."

And after waiting for a few minutes more, they then heard the crunch of leaves coming their way. When they looked they saw Han Si-woon being carried like a stray cat by Baek Chul who seems to be deeply displeased. Arsein then chuckled when he saw Baek Chul's face; this is the first time he has seen Baek Chul look like this. Looks like the cold and collected person finally found his ice breaker huh?

"So, what do you want to do with him?" Arsein asked while looking at Han Si-woon's dirtier than ever before face.

"He's going to be part of my crew now." Baek Chul answered with a grunt.

Han Si-woon's eyes then dilated in shock, "Huh?! Hey I didn't say yes to that!"

"Do you think you have a choice after tricking me?" Baek Chul glared at him which made Han Si-woon shut his mouth.

Arsein then gasped, "Huh, interesting. Fill me in with the details later. Let's go back first."

Baek Chul nodded and the soldiers behind sighed in relief. Meanwhile Han Si-woon was clearly not happy but he has no choice at the moment.

No matter how hard he tried to get away from the main character it seems like he can't escape him even if he ran to the other side of the globe. He is now thinking just what did he do to deserve such fate?