

Alvin is a normal boy with a normal life till the day his parents die. Now the fate of the world comes crashing down on his shoulders when he's told that he is a guardian of the Lighter class- of the Guard, an international secret organisation tasked with protecting the world from the creatures that roam the dark side of the world.

AOP_2782 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 1

Chemistry was never my thing and it never will be. I hated the subject from the start. And my chemistry teacher is certainly not helping. He is always blabbering about the use of chemistry in our daily lives- but I'm not buying it. Give me Physics any day. If I don't get out of this class soon, I'm gonna be bored to death. The chemistry lab is a big spacious room with two tables at each side of the room and 12 chairs lined at each. Several chemicals are placed on tabletops. Most are in glass containers. With a flick of my finger on one of the tubes, I knock over one of the containers and the domino effect causes other flasks to shatter on the ground.

Several smells assault the lab and I pick up my bag, running out before any blame is placed on me. My teacher shouts something out, probably security but I'm too far away to know for sure. Down the corridor, there's no one and I thank the Heavens for my luck. Bolting down the stairs, I get to the ground floor and move across the paved pathway to the big heavy metal gate in front of me. Locked. Taking an hairpin from my pocket, I jiggle the lock and a click is a reward for my effort. Swinging open the gate, I start running down the street the way home.

Three minutes later, two dudes with the school logo are on my tail. Being quick on my legs was never a problem for me. Dodging the traffic, I parkour over a car and slide down the hood. Distracted, I turn back and then I hear the honk of a car. I widen my eyes. I'm going to die because of Chemistry....all the more reason to hate it. Before the car hits me, I hear a whooshing sound and it's a very disconcerting feeling. When it ends, I'm sitting on a very plush sofa in an intricately designed apartment. Lacking much space but with an Asian feel to make up for it. I turn and I see a dude, probably 18, 4 years older than me. He is dressed in all white and even his Converse sneakers are white. He glances at me and opens a liquor cabinet. He speaks first "This isn't Heaven and I'm not God"

"Yeah, kinda figured it out"

"What gave it away?"

"The alcohol you're sipping"

He chuckles"You're going to be a great guardian" I look at him "What?"

"Nothing....How are you not freaking out?" He asks, curiosity etched on his face.

I reply" I don't want to overthink it. I'm just going to have a panic attack and trigger my asthma"

He studies me "We will meet again, Alvin Rayor"

"How do you know my name?"

He doesn't respond. He just disappears into thin air. Those chemical fumes must have gotten to my brain. I walk out of the apartment and it also vanishes. Rubbing my eyes, I talk to myself "I'm sicker than I thought". Backing my bag, I jog home. Getting there, I open the gates and the house bursts into flames. I widen my eyes "MUM! DAD! BIANCA!" Throwing my bag to the side, I run in and my asthma kicks in. Stupid body. I'm not dying today and if I do, I'm not dying alone. Running up the stairs with my elbow over my nose and mouth, I kick down the door to my parents' room and I see their bodies sprawled on the bed. The bed soaked red in my parents' blood. Looking to the side, I see Bianca sobbing. I look back at my dead parents and my body gives in to the strain. I black out.