
The Ravager in danmachi

A young megalomaniac king gets invaded by an ancient threat and is forced to take a gamble and jump into the unknown land of magic and gods. In a new world, he wonders if he can get strong enough to fight back aganist his ancient enemy. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic of 'Wake of the ravager' and 'DanMachi' i do not own any of these or their characters. I recomend to read ' Wake of the ravager' to get a better understanding of the story, although its not mandatory.

Parlantesco · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

61- Finn's Thoughts; Changes

Meanwhile, Finn was staring at the nothingness in front of him, he was reflecting his hate towards the Xenos, the meeting had opened his eyes making him see how human-like they really were.

But he also saw how hopeless their situation was when the Guild master announced that everyone had to be in favor to accept their request.

At that moment he saw in the eyes of the Lizardman- or Rido as he was named, a glint of hopelessness, a feeling that he knew too well.

Pallums were once a tribe that lived in the mountains, they worshipped a goddess called Fianna but after knowing that she wasn't real, they grew depressed, subduing themselves to the other races.

Finn hated the Pallums for that, they were weak but he knew that they could be strong, they just needed another light to strive for, another Fianna per se.

That's why he used his intellect and trained for years to become that light, Finn… that would be his name from then on.

And when he saw the members of the Hestia Familia speak up for them, he saw himself, a light that would wash away their worries.

"Haha…" A light chuckle left his mouth, realizing how childish, contradictory, and baseless his hate was.


The meeting went smoothly after that, they even discussed a place where the Xenos could live and have an exit to the surface, this being the Knossos, it may have sounded cruel at first but it gave them their own place, and what's better it was connected to both the surface and Rivira.

Seeing that it was the best choice, the 3 Xenos, approved the decision giving an end to the meeting after almost 3 hours of talking.

"Alright! With Ouranos-sama as testimony, every god participant of this meeting shall stay true to their words, may someone break their word a punishment shall be delivered" The guild master exclaimed.

"And with the end of this meeting, The Xenos have officially become citizens of Orario" He continued as a wave of claps filled the room.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [4 Days Later] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

After the Xenos were announced to the public, the people of the Daedalus street refused at first, but they then realized a few hours later, how many people were eager to visit the new 'Xenos' district, this brought a lot of attention to the Daedalus street, a district that was deserted before was now bustling full of people, some of the ones who lived there took this as an opportunity, becoming merchants or innkeepers, some even took advantage of the weird infrastructure of the Daedalus street to accommodate those Xenos with special traits, such as spikes, tails or wings.

Meanwhile, the Knossos, or as it was now named {NeaKnosus} was becoming a fully-fledged underground city, The first day, the Xenos scouted and mapped the whole place, and then remodeled the whole thing. Now, instead of being a labyrinth, it was now a long stair downwards that led to a big Xenos city underground and then continued down to Rivira.

Some Xenos also became part of various Familias with a contract made by the guild, many of those also wanted to be part of the Hestia Familia, but they backed off after knowing how much debt she had, leaving Wiene as the only Xenos of the Familia and a very depressed Hestia.

The Gods too were quick to catch on, building many side-quarters in the Daedalus Street, Hephaestus even built a shop that sold equipment and weapons made by her Familia.

Such was the change that the Xenos brought to Orario that the day of the meeting became a holiday to celebrate the day Xenos became a part of Orario.


A short chapter this week, I just wanted to give a quick end to this 'Xenos arc' and continue with the good stuff next chapter.

Also, thank you for reading and Enduring this boring as hell arc, don't worry next arc will be filled with action… both kinds of action 😉