
The Random Overpowered Superpower System

A system that would give you a random overpowered superpower each time you level up

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


"let's go to the troll lord's dungeon. he is said to have a powerlevel of 550 thousand." Sora said while looking at the map in his hands, Jenny slightly but her mind was on something else.

"... hey, Sora you want to do a favor for me." She asked with a smile, which confused Sora as that smile seemed... off.

"what is it?" Sora asked calmly

"... well, I can't tell you now. but I have a way to make you strong really quickly. it would only harm one person, but she would deserve it. let's make a contract, as punishing her is what she gets." She said with a smile, which again further confused Sora. why did they need a contract for this?

"you might back out or grow soft. she has the ability to make people feel sorry for her, but in truth, her existence only brings trouble. the contact is just so her ability would not affect you," Jenny said softly, once a contract is made it must be followed through no matter out.

"The contract is simple. you punish her, take her bloodline, along with her titles. leaving her nothing more than a mortal. you can pick what title to take, and what bloodline to take. in the end, it will be all up to you. this of course means you can take zero titles or her bloodline. but the punishment is up to me, of course, if you think it's dangerous, you can back out of the contract at any time." She said with a smile,

"who is this see?" Sora asked calmly, but Jenny would not spill a hint of who she was speaking of. thinking for a moment, Sora agreed to make the contract. she left many openings for him to break the contact, plus he had no reason to be on guard against her.

with that, they set off. meanwhile, within the zodiac kingdom, Shikamaru had just finished reporting to the king, who quickly went on to report this to the gods.

"Hephaestus did what?" Zeus was enraged upon hearing his own daughter up and ignored her orders. From the time he was a ruler of the gods to now, she had made sure that no gods ever dare to go against his order. She was a ruler, her worlds were absolute. they were law, anyone who went against his words in the slightest shall suffer, this was the save for gods like Odin as well.

"... w-we have also located lords wife, goddess Hera. should we bring her?" a king asked softly, Zeus rage instantly disappeared.

"... n-no. keep her afar for now... in fact, lock her up within a dungeon or something." Zeus said softly, with Hera around he would have a hard time cheating, but if she was not here, then he could freely cheat. not to mention he hasn't forgiven her for trying to overthrow her a few thousands of years ago, leading to him showing the world just why he was the ruler of the gods.

"I shall go capture my daughter, to think a stupid mortal will pollute her mind," Zeus said angrily, Hephaestus was already a good girl. the only time she ever went berserker was she was going to kill her mother, but she had a kind heart and forgave her. ever since Hephestus became something like his 2 or maybe 3rd favorite daughter.

Zeus shot off, quickly arriving at where Sora and Jenny were when they met Shikamaru's team. after which, she followed the unique fire aura that Jenny left behind. Jenny and Sora were fire gods, they had to restrain themselves around humans, or else their breath would be like the sun and burn them all into ashes. their body heat would have caused this whole city to burn up and so on.

of course there one some heat left behind, which Zeus could easily follow and lead them to a new nearby city, before heading towards the Troll Lords dungeon. she quickly arrived at the dungeon gate and asked the guards standing there, she heard that Jenny and Sora entered a few hours ago.

she quickly entered, Sora and Jenny didn't bother themselves with the weaker monsters and headed slightly towards where the boss was at. Zeus quickly followed, and in a few minutes he caught up to the two.

"that's Zeus?" Sora asked in slight confusion seeing a girl heading his way, she had white hair and white eyes. she was covered in white lightning as she shot towards them,

{Name: Zeus

Title: {The God of Lightning and Justice}, {The Ruler of Gods}, {The Lustful One}, {Undying Willpower}, {Master of Lightning},

Race: Mortal/ God/ Titan/lightning

Level: 103/250

Powerlevel: 151,000 {plus 490,000 with item set}

Ability: hidden

Unique Abilities: Hidden}

"explain yourself Hephaestus, why have you ignored my orders?" She asked as she floated above them, looking down upon them like how a god should. Jenny suddenly threw something out towards Zeus, Zeus was clearly enraged by her actions. but before she could do anything, Zeus found that his limbs were wrapped up, he blinked before finding that her arms were wrapped above his head, her legs were spread apart, and her power sealed away.

"now, the punishment is simple. rape her." Jenny said coldly, Sora sighed helplessly, to think he was still hearing stuff even at this point. like a pure woman, as Jenny would ever say something like that, he truly had a dirty mind to always think soft stuff like this.

"you didn't miss hear me. Zeus had committed many sins in her lifetime, and caused many people to die, from transforming into the husbands of wives, getting together with them, or even outright raping them, and leaving them pregnant, which would something lead to the wife and child's death, be it at the hands of Hera or the humans. she rarely ever reaches out to help. how many deaths have you caused? unborns to the old, she plays such a huge role in all of their deaths? I want you to have a piece of your own actions, and be raped." Jenny said coldly, Zeus's eyes shrank at the words coming out of her mouth.

Zeus panicked as he tried to break free, but it was pointless as he couldn't break free. meanwhile, Sora was looking at Jenny in surprise. were they not married or something.

"Although I want to be your first, I will happily give that up to watch your power raise. your future is first, and mine is second. as you lose your virginity, she too would lose it, that gives you a rare chance to absorb her source, meaning you could steal her bloodline, and titles. It's a perfect chance you have, and it will allow you to gain lightning mastery, which will make you have the highest level of lightning mastery." She said softly,

"... there no way I can back out," Sora said speechlessly, he was not in danger, and he couldn't just up and say no at this point. only Jenny could break the contract,

"I can break it, but are you sure? this is the only chance you would have something like this," Jenny said softly,

"if you want to punish her so badly, can't you just throw her to a group of men or something?" Sora asked helplessly,

"she is still my father, that's a bit too far," Jenny said angrily, that would be pure evil to do something so curl. how could she do something so messed up to her parents?

"she is a he," Sora said softly, but Jenny shook her head. Zeus could only grow male parts, and that ability was lost when she was reborn. so, now, Zeus was a pure female. Sora brought up more things, but Jenny shot them all down. in the end, he had to admit, this was for his benefit.

"Jenny, stop this right now. you dare to even attempt such a thing on the ruler of gods?" Zeus yelled angrily, but her words only enraged Jenny. Zeus clearly will not learn things if she didn't go through with this, not caring for anything, she pushed the contract before disappearing.

"Jenny... no, wait, please stop..." Zeus horrified screams sounded through the dungeon, these screams soon turned into painful cries, before turning into moans...