
The Random Overpowered Superpower System

A system that would give you a random overpowered superpower each time you level up

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

6 months

'what is her plan... what's the point I'm dead now. Is this considered giving up? but what can I have done, she was so powerful, and Raging will also drove me to battle... no, I'm the god of fire. though fire I'm all-powerful, meaning I shouldn't be able to die. I'm the living concept of fire, how can a minor demon lord kill... WAKE UP; Sora suddenly let out a roar as he stood straight up, breathing heavily he looked around and saw Jenny looking at him in shock. they were still in the cave, Sora instantly noticed that Jenny was armless

{New title, Undying Willpower. this ability is for those with unmatched willpower capable of pulling themselves back from the blink of death. of sheer willpower, you will fight against the hand of death and live on to fight against the odds.

[new ability. Will power 1/10] [immunity to pain] [stronger mind], [Mental Barrier]}

"what happen?" Sora asked softly, but Jenny suddenly hugged Sora as she began crying, she really thought Sora was a goner, even with eh beast, Sora summoned and killed enough monsters to level Sora up, allowing Sora to instantly recover to his peak. Sora was still in a state like this, showing that he was in the blink of death.

"it's been 6 months." She said softly, all this time all she do was sit by his side and want Sora to wake up. she thought of living, but she too was badly injured. the demon lord didn't just rip off her arm, she was also badly her own soul. so she was a sitting duck out here, she would have simply killed herself and started all over once again, but she couldn't leave Sora's side. as for the monster, it couldn't carry two people.

it wanted to save Sora, but it was ordered to protect her at all costs. so it could only stay here guarding the two while also gathering some XP for Sora for the past 6 months.

"your hands," Sora said soft as he looked at her, and Jenny smiled bitterly. without her hands, she was no longer a blacksmith. she pretty much lost her whole life,

Sora pulled two strings of hair from his head, using blacksmith magic, the hair was transformed turning into hands which he equipped on her. Jenny waved her new hands, moving the fingers slightly,

"they are good as new... thank you." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly as killing intent flashed through his energy. he never felt hatred towards someone like this before, looking at Jenny's condition, he gathered his primordial flames before looking at his statues

{name: Sora

Title: [the Reincarnations], [the summoned heroe], [The God OF Fire], [The Admiration Of The God Of The Blacksmith], [God of Martial Art], [Undying Willpower]

Race: Human/GOD/ Fire

level: 12/150

powerlevel: 750 (+26,910 with eqipment)

class: God Of Gods

abilities: [Sage chakra manplution (level 3/10)], [Multi Shadow Clone technique (level 2/10)], [body flicker technique (level 9/10)], [body replacement technique (8/10], [Appraisal (lvl 4/10].[Fire Magic 8/10], [Storange 5/10], [Greater Sense] [greater greater sense], [greater speed boost], [greater greater speed boost], [Greater strength boost] , [greater greater strength boost]

unique ability: [instant recovery], (Primordial Fire Manipulation(9/???), [Primordial Fire Magic 3/???], [Primiordial Fire Martial Arts], [Raging Will 5/???], [Undying Willpower 1/10]

'Primordial Fire Manipulation is at level 9 and Sage chakra manipulation at level 3. maybe this is a high enough level for me to heal souls and stuff.' Sora thought as he ordered the fire to start healing her, the flames moved and covered Jenny

{New spell gained. Soul Healing Fire 1/???. this spell allows one to use fire that can heal a person's soul. this spell has been added to Primordial Fire Magic.} Sora smiled slightly, this meant this level in controlling these flames had reached the required level, and thanks to the class God Of Gods, him using this spell was like using it 75 times, he quickly leveled it up to level 2, then 3, and all the way up to level 5 when Jenny soul fully recover

"there, you are all better now," Sora said with a smile, Jenny was stunned lightly before nodding gratefully at Sora.

"can we not leave the dungeon? I want to grow stronger and get my revenge." Jenny said softly, she was boiling mad. how could she not be, she had everything she had ever wanted. but not even a month passed and it was almost taken away from her before her eyes. and all she could do was just watch?

"yeah, I will do everything I can to take her down," Sora said coldly as he held his chest, feeling his heat which was beating. he was slightly confused about how he was leaving, there was even a huge scar on his chest, he should have died yet he was breathing. he will make sure she regretted his, that was a promise

and so, the two with a goal set left and began slaughtering monsters all the way up the mountain, meanwhile outside the dungeon. within a rainforest, Sasuke sat on a throne with a group of humans waiting for his order. they all had red eyes similar to the Sharingan which Sasuke had, yet there was simply red in color.

these were a sub-human race, there were many types of humans within this world like how there were many types of gods, dragons, elves, giants, and so on. they were called the Red eye human race, they were called this of course because of their unique eyes. their eyes allowed them to see down to the caller level, allowing them to read even the slightest muscle movement. they were able to copy abilities, so long as they were not unique abilities, they could copy them.

Sasuke began their race leader after showing off his Sharingan when he was pushed to a corner, it turned out the Sharingan was held sacred to these people, and they instantly fell to their knees before Sasuke. Sasuke although stunned and confused, he went on to consider these guys like his own family.

"Lord Sasuke, what should we do about our people being trafficked by the human race? this has been going on for too long, they steal our eyes and sell them to the highest bidder." an elder of the race said on one knee

"we will join a treaty with the elves, their people have also been trafficked by the humans. the dwarfs and other races. the only thing to do is unit and push the humans back. there are many other types of humans also being trafficked, blue eye humans, strong leg humans, strong fist humans, the dark skin human, and the long nose humans. these humans are all being trafficked by the so-called main race. why are you all acting alone?" Sasuke asked with a frown

"all the so-called main human race has is bain, but other races have their own unique abilities, powers, and capabilities. I will admit, in intelligence, you all do lack to them. so leave that to me, I will end all racism of this world, unit everyone under my rule before taking down the demon lord. so, set out a gather a party. we need to start making allies," Sasuke said calmly, the elders were all amazed at how smart their lord was. truly, no one was like their great lord.

Sasuke only wanted to save this world and return home, but in this world, he could grow stronger much faster and collect a bunch of skills. once he kills the demon lord, he shall return home and kill his elder brother, this was his main motivation.

meanwhile, far away. Akin, Naruto, and a red skin demon, elf, and a gaint were sitting over a campfire while talking about their last hunt. Akin and Naruto have been going around gathering powerful warriors from each race to add to their part. each of them had a powerlevel above 50 thousand, only Naruto was the weakest with a powerlevel of slightly above 8,000.

"So, boss. where are we going next?" The red skin demon asked with a smile as he looked at Akin who was going over a map

"I want to see if they can have the fairy king or queen join our part, I want every race to join our party, and show the world this," Akin said softly, everyone smiled as they nodded. in these 6 months, Akin and Sora had run into them. they had helped them out in their own way, and show them that they truly didn't care what race they were

"Does that mean we will have a dragon on our team?" Naruto asked with bright eyes, he had never seen a dragon. it would be of course a dream come true to see a real living dragon face to face.

"all the dragons have died out, and those that are living are in hiding. but there has been word of a dragon being seen in a forest not too far from here. maybe we will see it." Akin said with a smile as he rubbed Naruto's head,

"well, let's get some rest. we have a long journey ahead of us to defeat the demon lord." the elf said calmly, everyone nodded before they went to sleep under the stars.

within the demon realm, Tiamat stood before a magic circle. slowly a huge explosion went off, and the flesh in the middle of the magic circle suddenly began growing. before the demons watching shocked eyes, a huge dragon 4 headed dragons was quickly created

"who brought me back to life?" The great dragon king said with narrowed eyes as it looked around, but it suddenly had a collar placed on its neck. it fell to the ground as it was shocked by lightning, it roared in pain as its mind was being attacked and quickly overpowered

"We are the least remaining flesh or whatever DNA remains of the first demon lord?" She asked with a smile as she sat down on her demon thrown

"My master the fallen one last remaining DNA can be found within the demon realm, within his castle. he left behind a drop of blood for the demons who will come before him to absorb and grow stronger. but in return, he will be reborn through them." the dragon said respectfully, the first demon lord is a powerful god who fell and turned into a demon. his hatred for the gods turned him into one, he is the father of all demons. he alone almost brought the destruction of the world. but in the end, he was somehow defeated. only Tiamat knew how he was defeated, as that was how someone like herself was defeated

"really? I searched that thing high and low and found nothing. I can't wait to unleash Asura Wrath onto this world once, but I should first regain my former strength until touching upon a monster like him." She said with a smile, Asura was the name of the first demon lord. betrayed by the gods, his wrath alone brought him back to life. his overwhelming rage for what the gods did to him made him the embodiment of wrath. his rage only made him stronger and stronger, but in the end, he was somehow defeated, but even after death he lived on. as through his body, demons were born, and all filled with the rage he held, they went to war against the gods