
The Rabbit Spirit Who Became a Terminally Ill Male Match

"The Rabbit Spirit Who Became a Terminally Ill Male Match" Author: Beauty without frost 成了绝症男配的兔子精 作 者:美人无霜 Brief comment on works: Su Ci dressed as a little rabbit raised by a terminally ill male in the book. Inadvertently, she got a system that can predict life and death. In the beginning, Su Ci, who turned from a rabbit to a human, was forced to save people with the help of the system in order to gain the merits of curing terminally ill male partners. Pulling up the female employees who are in the abyss, helping the little boy who has lost too much blood, and persuading the classmates who are looking for death...Su Ci saved their lives one by one. Gradually, she went from being forced to save others and developed into a male partner who was rescued to actively rescue those around her who were about to die and help them escape the desperate situation. No matter how dark the road is, there will be light to illuminate it. This article is novel in conception and vivid and smooth. It tells a series of warm and positive plots, such as the heroine's efforts to become the hero's light, and the efforts to save and help the dying people around her. The story is novel and interesting, and it is worth watching. ================

Sader_Flores · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Chapter 79 

  Mrs. Fu objected to Fu Baili and Zhao Youyou being together. Now that Zhao Youyou is attending Mrs. Fu's birthday party, Su Ci feels that she can watch the show.

  Su Ci saw Fu Baili's eyes fall on her, she frowned, "What do you see me doing?"

  Fu Bailijun's face tightened, his tone affirmed, "You are gloating." The girl's eyes were bright, as if expecting something bad to happen.

  He was a little irritable.

  Is she acting so obvious? Su Ci picked up her eyes, "I don't know what you are talking about."

  It was the first time that Fu Baili met such a girl. She was arrogant and venomous.

  He glanced at her coldly and walked towards Zhao Youyou.

  There was no annoyance in front of him, and Su Ci ate a snack in a happy mood.

  Zhao Youyou was picked up by someone sent by Fu Baili. Today is Grandma Fu Baili's birthday. To be with Fu Baili, she must obtain the consent of her elderly.

  She didn't want Fu Baili to be caught between her and his family.

  Zhao Youyou wore a gown sent by Fu Baili. The long white tube top dress made her look a little more expensive. She looks beautiful and is now well-dressed. Her appearance attracted a lot of attention, and she was guessing. Which daughter is she.

  Zhao Youyou held his breath secretly.

  After her rebirth, she got rid of her previous habit of heavy makeup and staying up late, taking good care of her skin, plus she was already pretty good, and even became a school girl when she was in the first middle school.

  Therefore, when she was doing styling, she was surprised to see herself in an evening gown.

  She is confident that she will be the most dazzling and beautiful female companion to attend the banquet tonight.

  Zhao Youyou received the gazes of the surrounding guests, some were puzzled, some were curious, some were admiring, but they were not surprised by her.

  Zhao Youyou was a little disappointed.

  Every time the book describes Zhao Youyou attending a banquet with Fu Baili, she always amazes the scene, especially when she stands next to the male protagonist Fu Baili, which always provokes sour and jealous daughters present.

  However, she did not know that Su Ci appeared.

  With Su Ci's prosperous beauty in front, Zhao Youyou's beautiful face instantly faded, beautiful, but not enough to make people amazing.

  Fu Baili strode forward, "Are you here? Don't be nervous, my grandma is over there, I will take you over to say hello."

  Zhao Youyi nodded and moved naturally to wrap Fu Baili's arm. Her move caused all the guests present to look at her.

  This is Fu Baili's female companion? Which daughter is she?

  "Grandma, Youyou come to wish you a birthday." Fu Baili brought Zhao Youyou to the front of the old lady Fu.

  Zhao Youyou behaved decently, and she politely said: "Grandma Fu, I wish you a happy birthday and a happy family."

  Holding a gift in her hand, she handed it to Mrs. Fu, "This is my birthday present for you. I don't know if you like it or not."

  Seeing Zhao Youyou's appearance, the smile of old lady Fu who had a pleasant conversation with Su Mu changed a second.

  Her smile faded, "Thank you, Ali, you can ask your friends to eat something."

  Mrs. Fu didn't mean to accept Zhao Youyou's gift.

  "Grandma, I will ask the housekeeper to help put away the gifts." Fu Baili relieved Zhao Youyou.

  "No need." Mrs. Fu said casually: "Young people don't have a lot of money, so they rely on their parents at home, so they don't have to spend money."

  Zhao Youyou looked at Fu Baili aggrievedly, and the fingertips holding the birthday gift turned white with force.

  Fu Baili couldn't bear to feel wronged by his girlfriend, "Grandma, I'll take her to eat first."

  Mrs. Fu disapproved: "Your parents are over there. You used to greet the guests with them. Many of them are business friends of our Fu family. If you want to take over the company in the future, you should get in touch with them in advance. As for you Friends, I will be entertained."

  Fu Baili frowned, he was worried about Zhao Youyou, lest she be bullied.

  Zhao Youyou is very considerate: "Go ahead, I can do it by myself."

  She knew that Fu Baili insisted on staying with her, and the old lady Fu had a bad impression of her.

  Fu Baili whispered: "Okay, I'll come to you when I'm done."

  After the two left separately, Mrs. Fu sighed at the mother Su who was on the sidelines, "It's because your little porcelain is well-raised, well-behaved and sensible, unlike my grandson, who doesn't recognize people clearly."

  Mrs. Fu had no face to continue mentioning Su Ci and Fu Baili more contact.

  Su's mother has always loved her daughter, and when she heard her praises, she was a little pleased.

  It is the first time for Zhao Youyou to participate in such a grand banquet. If it were not for Fu Baili, she would never have the opportunity to attend and meet these wealthy people.

  Fu Baili was not around, she was a little nervous.

  However, Zhao Youyou thought that she was already a resurrected life, and she couldn't keep up with the short-sightedness of the last life, and panicked.

  Zhao Youyou straightened her waist, with a slight smile on her face, lest she would be looked down upon by others.

  She was just about to walk to the rest area, but she was suddenly hit by someone, and the red wine in the other's hand fell directly on her waist.

  "You..." Zhao Youyou looked over and found that the other party was wearing an evening gown of the same style as her.

  "You ran into it first." The wine glasses in Wang Xiaoqin's hand were already empty, and they were all spilled on Zhao Youyou's dress.

  Zhao Youyou was worried that it would cause others to watch. She lowered her voice and said aggrieved: "It's obviously you who came over suddenly."

  The other party hit her on purpose.

  Wang Xiaoqin put the wine glass on the waiter's tray. She took a paper towel and wiped her hands. "Do you have any evidence?"

  This woman not only wore the same dress as her, but also walked with Young Master Fu. She didn't feel pleasing to her no matter how she looked at each other.

  Zhao Youyou bit her lip, "Why did you design me?"

  She is not stupid, and the opponent's eyes are obviously full of hostility towards her.

  Wang Xiaoqin looked at Zhao Youyou's clothes. Except for the evening gown of the same style as hers, the other party's body was simple enough, and the temperament was not very good, not like a daughter of any other family.

  "What nonsense are you talking about? You accidentally collided with me and wanted to slander me in turn? Which daughter are you, and your education is not very good." Wang Xiaoqin is a good girl in front of her elders, which does not mean that her character is pure.

  Zhao Youyou blushed, and everyone present was a person with status and status.

  Even if her family won the lottery and won a prize of 5 million, it is only a well-off family. For these rich children and daughters, it is not enough to look at it. If Fu Baili hadn't given her the invitation letter, she would even be eligible to enter the banquet. nothing.

  Now being questioned about his identity, Zhao Youyou blushed like a sore spot being pricked.

  Wang Xiaoqin glanced at her meaningfully, "I don't look at what identity you are, you only deserve a dirty dress."

  Zhao Youyou blushed, she clasped her hands and retorted Wang Xiaoqin, "Don't go too far." She didn't know where to offend the other party.

  In the lounge, Su Ci did not eat the melons of Zhao Youyou and Fu Baili, but saw Zhao Youyou being bullied.

  The book also mentions many times that at the banquet, Zhao Youyou is the thorn in the eyes of other daughters. As long as she appears, there will definitely be cannon fodder girls who will find her in trouble.

  Zhao Youyou has male protagonist Fu Baili, and the cannon fodder female partner who finds Zhao Youyou trouble will be beaten in the face and will suffer.

  Su Ci sipped the juice and watched boredly at the drama of two women fighting for one man.

  She wanted to know if Zhao Youyou's heroine halo would work this time, and how this cannon fodder female partner was beaten in the face.

  In the next second, Su Ci's eyes fell on the wrist of the cannon fodder female partner. She saw that the other party's health was actually a thin red line, and the light red was if there was nothing.

  Is this dying?

  Su Ci squinted his eyes and called out the rich and honorable, "Let's talk about it, how did this man die?"

  Fugui quickly told her: [Master, she died of an asthma attack. ]

  Su Ci looked stunned, died of illness?

  If the other party is in an accident or man-made death, she can still save him, but she is not a doctor and has no ability to prevent or treat the other party's asthma.

  It's a pity that I can't get this golden marshmallow.

  The distance is far, Su Ci can't see the number marked on the opponent's hand, "How long does she have to live?"

  The rich little milk has a cute voice, but says the cruelest words: [Master, she still has ten minutes to live. ]

  Su Ci frowned, and time was running out.

  On the opposite side, the female cannon fodder was still arguing with Zhao Youyou, and she couldn't see the appearance of the disease.

  Su Ci bit the straw and thought.

  The dispute between Zhao Youyou and Wang Xiaoqin attracted the attention of many guests.

  Zhao Youyou's eyes were red. She looked for Fu Baili's figure in the crowd, only to see that he was chatting with others, and she didn't notice the situation on her side.

  The white dress was splashed with red wine, and the position of the waist was obvious. Zhao Youyou covered the position of the red wine with his hand, "I don't want to argue with you."

  The other party made it clear that it was deliberately making things difficult for her.

  Zhao Youyou gave Wang Xiaoqin angrily and walked to the bathroom.

  There were many people around, Wang Xiaoqin did not continue to be aggressive, she saw Zhao Youyou walking towards the bathroom, and she followed.

  In the bathroom, Zhao Youyou wiped her skirt with a wet tissue.

  Where the cloth was wet and red wine stained, the wine stains spread and became more obvious.

  Zhao Youyou felt helpless, it was the first time she suffered such a dumb loss.

  At this moment, Wang Xiaoqin just opened the door and came in.

  She put the bag in her hand on the sink and took out the powder to make up, "No matter how you wipe it, the skirt is dirty. People like you are only worthy of dirty dresses."

  Zhao Youyou lowered his head, rubbing the red wine traces of his skirt hard, without humming.

  Wang Xiaoqin patched up her makeup, and she looked at Zhao Youyou in the mirror provocatively, "Similarly, a person like you is not worthy to stand next to Master Fu."

  Zhao Youyou paused, and she realized that the other party was targeting her because of Fu Baili.

  Zhao Youyou took a deep breath and couldn't help reprimanding the other person: "As long as he likes me, I can be with him. Please don't use money to measure the value of a person. Even if you have money, you are not superior. In front of life , Everyone is equal."

  Wang Xiaoqin looked at her contemptuously as if he had heard some funny joke, "You can keep these words to the people outside the conference hall." She pushed open the bathroom door and went in.

  Zhao Youyou looked up at herself embarrassed in the mirror, she gritted her teeth.

  The other party is just a good fate, born in a wealthy family, why look down on her?

  Zhao Youyou felt resentful.

  She was about to turn around and go out. Inadvertently, she saw the medicine in the bag that the other party put on the sink. She knew the effect of the medicine at a glance. Her cousin had this disease.

  Zhao Youyou looked back, the compartment door was closed.

  Her heart beat faster and bit her lip, she took the medicine out of her bag.

  Su Ci called the ambulance. She glanced at the time, only six minutes were left, and she didn't know if the ambulance could catch up.

  When I hung up the phone and turned around, Su Ci saw Zhao Youyou coming out of the bathroom.

  The other party looked a little embarrassed, and the pace was hurried.

  Su Ci squinted her eyes and watched the other party hurried past her.

  She remembered that the cannon fodder girl also went to the bathroom just now.

  Opening the bathroom door, Su Ci happened to see the cannon fodder girl standing in front of the sink, rumbling frantically for her bag, her appearance was also very wrong.

  "My medicine, my medicine is gone." Wang Xiaoqin was short of breath and fell to the ground with convulsions.



  Wang Xiaoqin coughed violently.

  Su Ci hurriedly stepped forward and helped rummage through her bag, "There is no medicine in your bag. Did you drop it somewhere?"

  Wang Xiaoqin's forehead, a lot of sweat broke out on her neck, her lips trembled, and she couldn't speak for a while.

  "Hold on for a while, I have called an ambulance." Su Ci lifted her up and leaned her body forward to make her breathing smooth.

  "Medicine..." Wang Xiaoqin motioned to Su Ci to help her find medicine.

  Su Ci looked at the health on the opponent's wrist, only two minutes were left.

  Su Ci frowned, "Where did you put your medicine?" There was nothing in the bag.

  Wang Xiaoqin was short of breath.

  Su Ci calmed down. She thought of Zhao Youyou, who had just walked out of the bathroom. Did she take away the female cannon fodder medicine?

  But just now she saw that the other party's hands were empty and there was nothing.

  There is nothing in the bathroom, only trash cans, and hand sanitizer placed on one side.

  Only one minute and thirty seconds left.

  The ambulance has not come yet.

  Su Ci looked at Wang Xiaoqin on the ground, and sure enough, the heroine had a strong aura, and the female partner who was against Zhao Youyou in the book did not end well.

  For the first time, Su Ci saw human lives dying in front of her.

  Su Ci thought of the people around her with indifference when she had a heart attack, while she was lying on the cold ground waiting for her death.

  Wang Xiaoqin raised her head and looked at Su Ci, "Save...Save..."

  Su Ci saw that there was only one minute left on her wrist, she pursed her lips, her dark eyes were calm and weak.

  Su Ci lowered her head, not wanting to look at the other's painful and distorted face.

  The moment she lowered her head, her gaze fell in the trash can next to her, and a small bottle was exposed under the paper towel.

  Su Ci immediately reached into the trash can and took out the small bottle buried under the paper ball.

  Seeing the name on the bottle, Su Ci's eyes lit up.

  "Open your mouth." Su Ci took off the lid and put the nozzle into Wang Xiaoqin's mouth.

  Wang Xiaoqin held Su Ci's hand, pressed the spray, and took a deep breath.

  Su Ci looked at Wang Xiaoqin's wrist, and in an instant, her health changed from a thin red line to five yellow grids.

  Su Ci breathed a sigh of relief. When Wang Xiaoqin calmed down a bit, she stood up and said, "I'm going to see if the ambulance has arrived."

  When Zhao Youyou came out of the bathroom, she met Fu Baili.

  Fu Baili saw a large piece of red wine stained on her skirt and frowned subconsciously, "Why is the skirt dirty?"

  Zhao Youyou told him what happened, "I really shouldn't be here."

  "You are my girlfriend. No one is more qualified to participate in the banquet than you. Don't worry, I will help you get justice." Regardless of the eyes of the surrounding guests, Fu Baili half embraced Zhao Youyou. You go to change your clothes, and when the banquet is over, I will take you back."

  Zhao Youyou obediently responded.

  At this moment, the sound of an ambulance came from outside.

  The guests were stunned.

  Zhao Youyou tightened and became nervous inexplicably.

  There was a bad feeling in her heart.

  Soon, she saw the medical staff come in, and they walked in the direction of the bathroom.

  Zhao Youyou bit her lip, her face panicked.

  "What's the matter?" Fu Baili noticed her anomaly and looked concerned: "Aren't you used to such an environment? I'll ask you to take you to rest."

  Before he fell in love with Zhao Youyou, Fu Baili was the proud son of heaven. He was always cared for by others, so how did he know how to care for others.

  But after being with Zhao Youyou, he changed.

  In Fu Baili's eyes, Zhao Youyou was as weak as an innocent white rabbit. She was bullied just after he had just left for a while.

  He had to care about her from time to time and shelter her under his own wings.

  Zhao Youyou shook his head.

  Then, she saw the medical staff carrying someone out, who was the daughter who provoked her.

  Zhao Youyou's face instantly turned pale.

  When the other party targeted her, she only retaliated against each other in a small amount.

  She didn't expect the other party to get sick.

  Zhao Youyou was nervous, worried that the other party knew that she had dropped the medicine.

  But in a blink of an eye, Zhao Youyou thought that there was no surveillance in the bathroom. Except for the daughter, no one else saw that she was throwing the medicine away.

  The other party provoked her for no reason, she just played a small trick, she was not wrong.

  Thinking about it this way, Zhao Youyou's heart came to rest.

  Su Ci saw that the female cannon fodder was rescued by the medical staff, and she came out of the bathroom.

  The female cannon fodder's medicine appeared in the trash can, obviously not accidentally dropped.

  The female cannon fodder is not stupid, she should have guessed what happened. After that, the grudge between the female cannon fodder and Zhao Youyou has nothing to do with her.


  At this time, Su's mother looked anxiously and found Su Ci, and saw that an ambulance crew suddenly appeared. Su's mother was looking for her daughter for the first time, for fear of what would happen to her daughter.

  "Mom, I just went to the bathroom." Su Ci took Su's mother's hand.

  Su's mother breathed a sigh of relief, "I have almost talked with Mrs. Fu, let's go."

  The gift has been given, and the greetings are over, they don't need to stay.

  Su Ci nodded. She just got a golden marshmallow, which was just right for Lu Zhe, and she wanted to leave too.

  When she went back, Su Ci did not leave in the same car with Su's mother. She told Su's mother that she had something to do.

  Mother Su watched her daughter get into another car, and she guessed at least that her daughter was going to find Lu Zhe.

  Regarding the matter between her daughter and Lu Zhe, now she can only open one eye and close one eye. Lu Zhe almost rescued their family, and it was reasonable, and it would be difficult for her to continue acting as a black face.

  Su Mu sighed, only wishing Lu Zhe could live longer, longer.

  Su Ci didn't know that Su Mu had already seen through what she was going to do.

  She made an appointment with Lu Zhe to meet in his rented house.

  Su Ci is still wearing an evening dress for the banquet, and she wears stiletto high heels on her feet. Although they are customized and the texture is more comfortable than ordinary high heels, her feet are still worn red.

  Su Ci sat on the sofa and took off her shoes. She stepped barefoot on the ground, waiting for Lu Zhe to arrive.

  I don't know how long it took before the door was opened.

  Su Ci looked up lazily, and saw Lu Zhe wearing a black suit at the door.

  Lu Zhe did not attend Mrs. Fu's banquet, but he went to another business reception with Lu Chen today.

  After Lu Chen knew that his son's drinking capacity was extremely poor, he would bring him to several banquets, just to help him exercise his drinking capacity.

  After a period of time, Lu Zhe's alcohol volume was indeed a little better than before, at least not because a glass of wine fell.

  Su Ci leaned on the sofa. She looked up and saw Lu Zhe walking towards her with two long legs.

  Lu Zhe is in good shape and keeps exercising every day. In addition to the previous period of military training, his muscles have become stronger and stronger. Now he is wearing a slim and straight black suit, which makes his posture more and more outstanding.

  Su Ci licked her lips, tusk, really want to take his clothes off.