
The Rabbit Spirit Who Became a Terminally Ill Male Match

"The Rabbit Spirit Who Became a Terminally Ill Male Match" Author: Beauty without frost 成了绝症男配的兔子精 作 者:美人无霜 Brief comment on works: Su Ci dressed as a little rabbit raised by a terminally ill male in the book. Inadvertently, she got a system that can predict life and death. In the beginning, Su Ci, who turned from a rabbit to a human, was forced to save people with the help of the system in order to gain the merits of curing terminally ill male partners. Pulling up the female employees who are in the abyss, helping the little boy who has lost too much blood, and persuading the classmates who are looking for death...Su Ci saved their lives one by one. Gradually, she went from being forced to save others and developed into a male partner who was rescued to actively rescue those around her who were about to die and help them escape the desperate situation. No matter how dark the road is, there will be light to illuminate it. This article is novel in conception and vivid and smooth. It tells a series of warm and positive plots, such as the heroine's efforts to become the hero's light, and the efforts to save and help the dying people around her. The story is novel and interesting, and it is worth watching. ================

Sader_Flores · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Chapter 45 

  Lu Zhe has not paid attention to the entertainment industry, nor does he usually watch variety shows. Seeing the abuse on the barrage, his dark eyes sank.

  He casually scanned a few pieces of news, saying that Su Ci was participating in a food show, holding her airs, and some scolded her for not accepting Qin Shiyan's goodwill, or scolded her for plastic surgery.

  Lu Zhe found that all the rabbit meat was placed in front of Su Ci. She did not touch the rabbit meat, but ate other side dishes.

  The guests around her were all gulping.

  She became a target of public criticism.

  Lu Zhe's eyes were cold, he knew better than anyone why Su Ci didn't eat rabbit meat.

  But he didn't understand why he would be attacked if he didn't eat rabbit meat. As for the netizens scolding Su Ci for plastic surgery, it is even more difficult for people to understand. Their eyes are testing instruments? Across the screen, can you tell if a person has had plastic surgery?

  "Young Master." Old Cao waited outside the building.

  Lu Zhe got into the car, "Uncle Cao, I'm going to the film and television city on Lurong Road."

  Old Cao quickly responded, "Yes, Master."

  Feeling the low air pressure in the car, Old Cao couldn't hold back. He glanced back in the rearview mirror and found that the young master's face seemed not very good.

  Su Ci, who is still recording the show, has eaten every side dish, not even a bite of rabbit meat. She doesn't know the comment on her on the barrage, but even if she knows it, she won't eat rabbit meat.

  The director has a mobile phone in his hand. He keeps an eye on the comments on the Internet. He can't bear to see so many netizens attacking Su Ci. He reminds him: "Su Ci, the spicy bunny head is really delicious, or you Have a taste?"

  Su Ci refused again: "The director is sorry, I don't eat rabbit meat."

  "Where does Su Ci come from? I don't listen to the director's words? I'm not dedicated at all."

  "I'm so ridiculous, why is she more famous than my small cigarette?"

  "Are all the fans of Qin Shiyan who attacked the newcomer?"

  "It's also wrong not to want to eat rabbit meat? Can you not just brush Su porcelain and focus on Nanyi? Isn't it fragrant? He eats a lot, he deserves to be a foodie..."

  "It's really good to have a good appetite watching Xiaoyan eat, and it's completely different from someone holding him next to him."

  The live broadcast lasted only 40 minutes. At the end, Su Ci found that Nan Yi, who was opposite, had already eaten all the rabbit meat in front of him, and Guan Jing next to him also ate all the rabbit meat.

  Xie Yumin also ate a lot. Although Qin Shiyan has been eating, she chews every bite very slowly, and she chews more than a dozen times before swallowing it. The speed is not fast. The rabbit meat placed in front of her is actually She didn't eat much, but it made people feel that she was eating all the time, giving people the illusion that she was eating a lot.

  As for Su Ci, there is no need to say more, the side dishes were eaten up, but the rabbit meat did not move.

  As soon as the recording was over, Qin Shiyan immediately asked his assistant to fetch her digestive tablets, and Guan Jing on the opposite side helped her to the toilet to induce vomiting.

  The look of the male guest Nan Yi on one side was not very good. He leaned uncomfortably on the back of the chair, with his hands covering his stomach, his original pale face became paler.

  At this time, his assistant quickly brought a cup of hot water over, "Brother Nan, hurry up and take some medicine."

  When Nanyi debuted, the company helped him set up a foodie design. Fans also like to watch him eat. As long as he is in front of the camera or when there are fans, he will maintain the image of a foodie.

  He ate up so much rabbit meat just now, and he has been holding it long ago. In addition, Nanyi originally had stomach problems, so after eating so much at once, how could his stomach stand it?

  "Porcelain, it is so hard to enter the entertainment industry. Although we look beautiful on the surface, in fact, everyone will work hard to make audiences and fans look at themselves more and like themselves more." Qin Shiyan said to Su Ci Persuaded: "Porcelain, you are so delicate, there is really no need to suffer."

  "Oh." Su Ci responded casually, not focusing on Qin Shiyan's words at all, she was paying attention to Xie Yumin on the right.

  Qin Shiyan was a little embarrassed, "Porcelain, I will have an announcement later, let me go first, if you have anything to do with me, please feel free to contact me."

  Su Ci was too lazy to answer, she asked Xie Yumin, "Can I ask for your contact information?"

  Qin Shiyan's expression management is getting better and better, she brushed her hair, got up and left.

  Xie Yumin, who was asked about her contact information, was a little surprised. She and Su Ci did not speak more than five sentences, "Yes."

  Su Ci added a friend of the other party, and then continued to ask Xie Yumin: "Are you free on Friday?"

  Xie Yumin thinks this overly beautiful girl is too enthusiastic?

  She asked Su Ci, "What's the matter?"

  Su Ci thought for a while and said, "Friday is my birthday. I have no friends. I want to invite you to my birthday party."

  Today is Tuesday, and Xie Yumin died on Friday. It happened to be her birthday. She could not keep staring at Xie Yumin, so she had to put people under her nose, and Xie Yumin would never be at her birthday party. Commit suicide.

  Xie Yumin did not expect Su Ci to invite her to her birthday party, "I'm sorry, I..."

  "I really hope you can come." Su Ci opened a pair of big watery eyes and looked at Xie Yumin eagerly. "When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were very kind, I thought Be your friend."

  Su Ci is beautiful, she is already likable, she also deliberately softened her voice, her black eyes were moist and bright, and anyone who looked at her like this would make her heart soft.

  Xie Yumin is a person with a cold and arrogant appearance and a sense of distance. Others will find her difficult to get along with. This is the first time she has met such a beautiful girl who asks to be friends with her.

  "I don't have a friend. I really hope you can come to my birthday party." Su Ci did not lie. She is indeed here without a friend.

  At this time, Xie Yumin's agent came over and informed her that the car was ready and she wanted to rush to the next announcement.

  Xie Yumin got up, she looked down at Su Ci, "You send me the time and place."

  Su Ci smiled and bent her eyes, "No problem."

  It seems that no one can resist her charm, except for the stone Lu Zhe!

  Su Ci also got up and prepared to leave, and at this time many walked in anxiously with their mobile phones.

  "Is there anything else?" Su Ci was dazzled by the green body of the other party. She felt that many of them were just trees that moved at any time.

  Many came to Su Ci, "You are on the hot search."

  Su Ci was not overly surprised. She used to use a face to almost always reside on hot search, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a hot search package year user. Now she looks more beautiful than before, and it's normal to go on hot search. "How do netizens praise me?"

  Many expressions looked at her entangledly, "I'm not complimenting you, but if you look at it for yourself, you are all scolding you."

  Su Ci took the phone, and the title of the hot search read: Qin Shiyan's first variety show, enthusiastic picks were rejected.

  "The above is Qin Shiyan's hot search, what does it have to do with me?" Su Ci was speechless for a while, even the title was Qin Shiyan.

  "You click in and watch it." Many didn't expect that Su Ci would go to the hot search for the first time he participated in the recording of the show, but in this way, even if he rubbed others up, he was still scolded.

  Su Ci clicked on the hot search, and there was a video of Qin Shiyan's food live broadcast. Not only did Qin Shiyan eat the scene, but even the section that Qin Shiyan helped her pick up the food she refused was also cut.

  The comments below are almost all fans of Qin Shiyan.

  "Qin Shiyan is so beautiful, and his skin is so good."

  "Small smoke is too thin to eat more."

  "Watching Xiaoyan eat so fragrantly, I am also greedy."

  "Why did the female guest who didn't know where she came from next to me refused our small cigarette holder food."

  "I also want Yanyanzi to help me pick up vegetables, oh oh, the female guest next door is too clueless."

  "I watched the live broadcast, and the female guest was carrying it too much. Everyone was eating rabbit meat. She pretended not to eat rabbit meat. She was so annoying. The small cigarette is so red but there is no idol baggage at all. She deserves to be my idol."

  "It's not someone's fan. Just watching the video, this female guest looks so beautiful."

  "Back upstairs, the female guest filled up her money and entered the group. As soon as the lens hits her face, it turns white and shiny, and her skin is better than Qin Shiyan, too fake."

  "I really hate this female guest, Su Ci, who imitated our little cigarette and lit a small mole below the end of her eye. This is exclusive to our little cigarette!!!"


  Su Ci feels speechless the more I look at it, Qin Shiyan's fans are all brain-dead fans? Qin Shiyan picks up vegetables for her, what if she doesn't eat it? Which law stipulates that you must eat dishes from others? Moreover, she will be scolded if she doesn't eat rabbit meat?

  Forget it, scold her for plastic surgery. For Su Ci, she absolutely can't bear it. Questioning her can do anything, but she can't question her peerless beauty!

  Moreover, Qin Shiyan's fans actually said that her little mole was imitated Qin Shiyan's point? This completely stepped on Su Ci's bottom line.

  She had seen Qin Shiyan's previous photos. Qin Shiyan was a mole of tears that only appeared a few months ago. Why did she become exclusive to Qin Shiyan?

  Many people saw that Su Ci's look was not very good. He comforted: "The first time you record a show, it's a good thing to be on the hot search. Black and red are also considered a kind of red. Moreover, the other party is popular, there is a company behind it, and there is a team. To help the hype, you have not signed any company and have no background resources. You can only suffer a dumb loss this time."

  Su Ci returned the phone to him, "What I hate the most is to suffer." She didn't intend to let it go.

  "What are you going to do?" Many were a little surprised, after all, he knew that Su Ci was just a little girl with no money and no background.

  "I will deal with it." Su Ci didn't say much. At this moment, she received a message from Lu Zhe.

  Outside the door, there was a black car parked.

  Su Ci opened the door and got into the car and saw Lu Zhe in the seat at a glance.

  He is wearing a white shirt today. The clothes are straight and sturdy, with good texture. The buttons are buttoned to the top of the neckline. The boy has a cold look and an indescribable sense of abstinence.

  Lu Zhe usually wears a white and blue school uniform or a simple black shirt. This is the first time Su Ci has seen him wearing a white shirt.

  All of a sudden, she looked lost.

  "How was the recording today?" Lu Zhe took the mineral water from the side, unscrewed the lid and handed it to her.

  Su Ci drank two sips, and the water on her lips became more moist and shiny. She shook her head and looked at Lu Zhe pitifully, "Not fun at all."

  "Have you watched my live broadcast?" Su Ci told Lu Zhe aggrievedly: "The director doesn't know if he has a hatred with the rabbit. He made a full rabbit banquet. I didn't eat a bite, and I was scolded by someone. Hot search."

  Lu Zhe: "It's not your fault."

  "Of course it's not my fault." Su Ci was very upset.

  The girl was full of anger. Lu Zhe thought of the abuse on her on the Internet, and he said, "I'll help you out."


  Now Lu Zhe lives in the Lu family, but the house he rented has not yet returned.

  In the residence, Lu Zhe sat in front of the computer, tapping his fingers quickly on the keyboard.

  Su Cigang was still wondering how Lu Zhe could help her out. At this time, she saw the teenager delete the messages on the barrage one by one, and even banned the other's account from speaking, her heart was overwhelmed.

  Su Ci remembered that when she first entered the entertainment industry, she had been deliberately hacked. At that time, she struggled alone, wearing a trumpet and went back one by one, even gritted her teeth to ask the navy.

  It's different now.

  She looked at the serious-looking teenager, with joy hidden in her eyes.

  Lu Zhe is very good. Not only did he delete all the comments that scolded her, he also deleted the hot searches. Su Ci didn't know how he did it. "Lu Zhe, you are really good." She can spend money to get it. People remove hot searches, but it's not the same.

  Lu Zhe is now defending her.

  After Lu Zhe finished the operation, he stopped typing on the keyboard, "Don't worry, their accounts will be banned from commenting in the next month, and they will only think that the account is abnormal."

  How could Su Ci care about those netizens now? She was angry, but she didn't care too much. She just took the opportunity to pretend to be pitiful in front of Lu Zhe and deliberately tease him.

  She didn't expect the teenager to be so careful.

  Su Ci straddled him with one foot, and sat on his lap with her legs on each side. She looked at him with a smile, "Lu Zhe, how long will I stay in human form?"

  "Two days." Lu Zhe remembered.

  "Then you should kiss me." Su Ci took it for granted.

  Lu Zhe was forced to lean on the back of the chair. He reluctantly watched the girl stretch out a little hand to unbutton his buttons, "I can kiss you, but why should I unbutton it?"

  "Is it not uncomfortable for you to fasten your neckline so tightly?" The boy's buttons were so tight that she could hardly untie it.

  The little hand moved wildly around his neck, Lu Zhe held her moving hand with his big hand, and buckled it behind her, "Don't move it, I will solve it myself."

  The girl was forced to straighten her waist, and her upper body became more visible.

  Lu Zhe was worried about hurting her and was about to let go, but Su Ci lifted his delicate chin, glanced at him, and asked vaguely, "Are you trying to kiss me forcibly?"

  Lu Zhe tried to keep his face straight, "No."

  "Then let's try it." Su Ci felt so exciting.

  Lu Zhe didn't want to condone these weird thoughts of the girl, "Come down, I will take you home."

  Su Ci deliberately twisted her body in his arms and entangled him softly, "Quick kiss, it's not a man if you don't kiss!"

  Lu Zhe darkened his eyes, he glanced at the dead girl faintly, and chuckled lightly, "Tuantuan, you really are..."

  What is it really?

  Su Ci did not hear her, her hand was still clasped behind her back by the big hand of the teenager, and then she was forced to lean against the edge of the computer desk. The edge of the wooden desk touched her back, making her a little uncomfortable.

  Lu Zhe lowered his head, and his thin, cold lips fell on Su Ci's small mouth. It was not like the usual taste, nor was it gentle and watery. The heavy pressure made Su Ci's lips hurt.

  She was stunned until the shell tooth was pushed away fiercely.

  I don't know how long it took. Su Ci really softened this time. She licked her lips. Without looking in the mirror, she also knew that her lips must be swollen.

  She deliberately took a heavy breath and accused Lu Zhe, "Are you a dog? You bit me."

  The coldness of Lu Zhe's eyebrows had long since faded. He looked down at the girl, her lips were red and watery, very beautiful. He rubbed it with his fingertips, and said with a chuckle: "Next time you play bad, you will not only bite you here."

  Su Ci blinked incredulously, oh, oh, her boy has gone bad.


  As soon as Su Ci returned home, she successively received three large transfers.

  They were Su's father, Su's mother, and the eldest brother Su Zhiyuan.

  Su Ci was a little surprised, why did she transfer money to her?

  "Porcelain, are you back?" Mother Su was already waiting in the living room.

  "Mom, why did you transfer money to me again?" Su Ci walked over and sat down.

  "Mom watched your live broadcast. My daughter is so beautiful. Netizens don't have eyesight. You don't have to pay attention to what they say." Su's mother had been watching the live broadcast in order to support her daughter. She saw her daughter being abused by netizens. Angry and distressed.

  "I didn't care what they said." Qin Shiyan was just a fan of the brain.

  Mother Su saw that her daughter's face was normal, her fair face was still pale pink, her complexion was very good, she did not look sad at all, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "But why do you, Dad, and your brother transfer money to me?" The three sums of money add up to nine figures.

  "Your father, eldest brother also transferred money to you?" Mother Su said with a smile: "We are afraid that you are in a bad mood, let you go shopping and calm your mood." Unexpectedly, my daughter didn't care at all.

  As soon as Su's mother had finished speaking, Su Ci received a message from Su's father, "What is unhappy about Xiao Ci, just tell Dad, Dad will help you solve it."

  Even elder brother Su Zhiyuan sent a message, "Whoever bullies you, elder brother will help you bully back."

  Su Ci blinked, restraining the wetness in his eyes.

  She felt that she would be more pampered and proud of being pampered by so many people.

  On the other hand, after Qin Shiyan left the recording scene, she was told by her agent that she had been on a hot search. Seeing the fans' abuse of Su Ci in the comments, she had to say that she was as cool as having eaten ice cubes.

  The eldest lady of the Su family, who is the star of the moon, would have so many people disgusted and cursed, how could she not be secretive?

  "Xiaoyan, your first variety show is very effective." The agent praised the export with satisfaction.

  When recording just now, she was worried that Qin Shiyan's limelight would be robbed by the newcomer female guest, but she didn't expect that the other party would die, causing so many netizens to dislike it, and she was simply giving Qin Shiyan a head.

  "That new female guest does not look very smart, you can still interact with her next time." The agent's words are already obvious, it is the female guest who is stupid, and Qin Shiyan can step on the other side.

  Why doesn't Qin Shiyan want to step on Su Ci under his feet? But she was not stupid enough to forget the Su family behind Su Ci.

  If she really dared to step on Su Ci's position, perhaps the next day, she would disappear from the entertainment circle.

  Even now this hot search, her fans are scolding Su Ci, and they don't know if the Su family will hold her accountable.

  Thinking of this, Qin Shiyan's dark heart disappeared, she was considering whether to remove the hot search, "Sister Fang, it is not good to bully newcomers like this, shall we remove this hot search?"

  "Xiaoyan, are you tired and dizzy?" The agent said: "How many people are thinking about getting hot search, do you want to remove hot search for a newcomer?"

  Qin Shiyan is a bit annoying, she doesn't want to remove the hot search at all, she can't wait for everyone to hate Su Ci, but she has to care about the power of the Su family.

  Forget it, she didn't buy the hot search anyway, and it has nothing to do with her. The netizens who abuse Su Ci are self-published and have nothing to do with her. Even if the Su family wants to pursue it, it is not her fault.

  Most importantly, she wants more people to hate and scold Su Ci.

  However, before long, when Qin Shiyan was still proud, the hot search about her on the Internet was suddenly withdrawn.

  His heart beat wildly, and then Qin Shiyan saw the agent answer the phone.

  The agent's voice was loud: "Why do you want to replace Qin Shiyan as a spokesperson?"

  Next to him, Qin Shiyan almost bit his lips and bleeds, making his body chill.

  Last second, she was still holding a fluke mentality. In this second, the Su family's warning came.

  Su Ci's fate is so enviable and hateful.


  Su Ci's birthday party was held in Su's family, and all the friends and business partners who were close to him were invited. But what was shocking was that the Su family also invited the Lu family.

  Everyone knows that the Su Family and the Lu Family are at odds. The two Patriarchs Su Shengguo and Lu Shen even satirized each other in public. Now everyone is speculating about what happened and whether the Lu Family will be invited to come.

  Lu's family.

  Wen Ya looked at her husband who was changing clothes softly. She frowned and urged: "Can you hurry up?"

  "Yaya, don't worry, the protagonist is only the last to appear." Lu Chensao was very wrapped up, and he also picked a navy blue suit with dark patterns.

  "Today's protagonist is Miss Su Family, which one are you the protagonist?" Wen Ya rolled her eyes, "You wear the black suit, and the cubs are more mature than you." This enchanting evildoer, if you let it go once, it is a curse. Others once.

  Lu Chen glanced at his wife aggrievedly, his wife's life cannot be violated, he could only pick up the black suit in the closet that was crowded in the corner.

  "This time the Su family invited us purely because Zai Zai is their family's lifesaver, not because of you." Wen Ya now has her whole heart on her son, "You can no longer fight against Su Shengguo at the banquet. Now, if you make trouble and embarrass the cub, you can sleep in the study for three months."

  He used to sleep in the study for a week, and Lu Chen couldn't bear it. Hearing his wife said that for three months, how could he dare to make a mistake?

  Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and promised positively, "Don't worry, I promise Su Shengguo scolded me not to fight back, and beat me not to fight back."

  Wen Ya is satisfied.

  Downstairs, Lu Zhe was already waiting for his parents. He was wearing a black tailor-made suit. The straight and straight suit made him more handsome. Qingjun's brows were shining in the light.

  Wenya was helped by her husband and walked down. She saw her son standing downstairs with a tall waist. Her eyes were hot. Her son has grown up.

  The Su family is very lively today. Little genius and little Suning are both wearing little black suits. The two little guys are very handsome.

  Su's mother confessed that the two servants must be optimistic about the children.

  Little genius and Xiao Suning gathered around Su Ci's door to see her sister secretly, "Sister is beautiful."

  Su Ci is indeed beautiful today. She is wearing a nude pink starry sky dress with rhinestones. She has snow skin and ink hair, red lips and white teeth. She is so beautiful that she can confuse people's eyes.

  Xie Yumin was taken to Su Ci's room, but she was still dumbfounded.

  She couldn't think of the new guest Su Ci who came to record such a food show. She turned out to be the eldest lady of the Su family.

  What is the background of the Su family? I am afraid that no one in City B does not know. Even the leading film and television company in the entertainment industry is just an industry under the Su family.

  She heard that the guest Qin Shiyan, who was also on the food show, was able to become popular so quickly in such a short period of time, all because she was the adopted daughter of the Su family. However, these are all rumors.

  And the Su Ci in front of her is real, she is the real Miss Su Family.

  "Why, are you amazing by my beauty?" Su Ci stood up and asked Xie Yumin with a smile.

  "You are the daughter of the Su family." Xie Yumin tried to get her voice back.

  Su Ci nodded, "Yes."

  "Then you still say you..." Xie Yumin felt like she was being tricked. Su Ci was so pitiful at the time. She was soft-hearted and came to Su Ci's birthday party. "You are the daughter of the Su family. friend?"

  With an identity like Su Ci, other people would only rush to be her friends. No wonder Qin Shiyan was so polite to Su Ci on the day of the recording, and he was a little cautious in his tone.

  It's no wonder that the hot search about Su Ci was removed so quickly that no news about her can be found on the Internet.

  "I am the daughter of the Su family. Whether I have any friends is different." Su Ci glanced at Xie Yumin's wrist. She still has three hours of life.

  Su Ci continued: "Friends made with the purpose of attachment can only be regarded as interest relationships or partners, but not real friends. I sincerely want to be friends with you, and I did not deliberately want to hide from you. My identity."

  Xie Yumin was a little surprised at the other party's frankness, and she apologized: "I'm sorry."

  "It doesn't matter, you can come, I'm very happy." Su Ci winked her eyes, "I hope you will have a better time later."

  At this time, Xiao Suning ran in with two short legs. He put his hands on both sides of his face, and shouted to Su Ci with a milky voice: "Sister, brother-in-law is here."