
The Rabbit Spirit Who Became a Terminally Ill Male Match

"The Rabbit Spirit Who Became a Terminally Ill Male Match" Author: Beauty without frost 成了绝症男配的兔子精 作 者:美人无霜 Brief comment on works: Su Ci dressed as a little rabbit raised by a terminally ill male in the book. Inadvertently, she got a system that can predict life and death. In the beginning, Su Ci, who turned from a rabbit to a human, was forced to save people with the help of the system in order to gain the merits of curing terminally ill male partners. Pulling up the female employees who are in the abyss, helping the little boy who has lost too much blood, and persuading the classmates who are looking for death...Su Ci saved their lives one by one. Gradually, she went from being forced to save others and developed into a male partner who was rescued to actively rescue those around her who were about to die and help them escape the desperate situation. No matter how dark the road is, there will be light to illuminate it. This article is novel in conception and vivid and smooth. It tells a series of warm and positive plots, such as the heroine's efforts to become the hero's light, and the efforts to save and help the dying people around her. The story is novel and interesting, and it is worth watching. ================

Sader_Flores · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Chapter 19 

  "Something?" Lu Zhe asked the person outside the door.

  Zhao Youyou said softly: "During the math test today, you suddenly rushed out of the classroom. I was a little worried about you, so I wanted to come and see if something happened to you."

  After all, she had never seen Lu Zhe so gaffe, something important must have happened that made him rush away.

  Lu Zhe said coldly: "I'm fine."

  "Recently, the family is not very safe. A couple living upstairs is dumping rubbish at our door every day because of lottery tickets. Mom and Dad have been arguing with them several times and they were almost beaten. Brother, you Can you go back and help coordinate?" In Zhao Youyou's view, the couple was so deceiving because they didn't have anyone in their family who could hold them down.

  Lu Zhe is big and tall, and has a cold appearance. He doesn't seem to be bullied. With him, the couple wouldn't be so presumptuous at least.

  Lu Zhe looked at her lightly, "I have left the Zhao family."

  Zhao Youyou remembered that his parents were worried that Lu Zhe would share part of the bonus, so they asked him to completely move away from Zhao's family. Even Lu Zhe's household registration was not in their household registration book.

  Lu Zhe now has nothing to do with their family.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Youyou was a little ashamed, "Even if you leave Zhao's house, you are still my brother." He saved her, and she will never forget.

  "Aren't you letting me come in and sit down?" Zhao Youyou didn't ask Lu Zhe to go back. She remembered that she had come to Lu Zhe several times, but she had no chance to go in and take a look.

  in the room.

  Su Ci was about to rest, but heard the voice of a girl talking outside.

  Her beautiful brows frowned subconsciously.

  She heard that it was Zhao Youyou's voice.

  Su Ci sat up again and wanted to go out, but suddenly thought of her appearance with bunny ears, she couldn't see other people in the way she was now.

  Going to the door, Su Ci erected his ears to eavesdrop on the conversation between Lu Zhe and Zhao Youyou outside.

  When she heard that Zhao Youyou approached Lu Zhe to help her deal with the person who had been robbed of the lottery ticket by her, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

  Su Ci doesn't hate Bai Lianhua, but she hates the other party who wears the white lotus skin and does things that are bitter and erect.

  Hearing that Zhao Youyou wanted to come in, Su Ci's eyes twitched slightly, and a bad color flashed in his eyes.

  Outside the door, Zhao Youyou had a smile on his face, waiting for Lu Zhe to invite her into the house.

  At this time, the girl's voice came from the room opposite the living room, "Lu Zhe, I can't sleep, you come in and talk to me."

  The girl's voice was continual and there was a wave of wanton squeamishness, which was obviously pampered.

  Zhao Youyou was taken aback.

  She looked at Lu Zhe in disbelief. There are other people in his house, and he is a girl?

  Does Lu Zhe live with a girl?

  how is this possible?

  "You...you don't live alone?" Zhao Youyou found it hard to believe that Lu Zhe lived with a girl.

  Lu Zhe went back to her directly: "This has nothing to do with you."

  Zhao Youyou left with an embarrassed expression.

  Walking down the narrow and dim stairs of the old community, she couldn't remember which woman Lu Zhe had contact with in her last life.

  Lu Zhe lives in a place with such conditions and is terminally ill. No one wants to come with him at all. After all, everyone knows that Lu Zhe suffers from frostbite, and he is a drag and a burden.

  In the last life, when she saw Lu Zhe for the last time, his illness had become more and more serious. His cheeks were thin and his limbs were so stiff that she looked weird. Even if she thinks about it now, she still feels a little disgusted in her heart. Don't mention it is someone else.

  So, who is the girl in Lu Zhe's room? What is the relationship between the two?

  Thinking of the girl's squeaky voice just instructing Lu Zhe, Zhao Youyou felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably.

  Because she discovered that Lu Zhe did not let her enter the house for the girl.

  in the room.

  Su Ci waited and waited, and did not wait for Lu Zhe to come in for a long time.

  She got out of bed again.

  She didn't wear shoes. She opened the door and went out. Originally, she wanted to knock him and Zhao Youyou. After all, she remembered that he died in order to save Zhao Youyou. She used to boast that this cannon fodder was very affectionate, but now she is completely It's different.

  She and Lu Zhe are each other's tools. She has a clean mind and body, and Lu Zhe must also be clean.

  Otherwise, she would be stunned to death.

  Su Ci frowned, her little white face full of discomfort.

  Lu Zhe was not seen in the living room, Su Ci looked for it again when he heard the sound in the kitchen.

  As soon as he arrived at the door, Su Ci saw the tall young man standing in front of the cabinet, looking down and carefully cleaning the dishes and making no noise.

  For some reason, Su Ci felt that the small balloon bulging in his heart seemed to have been poked by a needle, and there was no gas left.

  Su Ci asked Fugui: "Why is Lu Zhe so handsome."

  Fugui didn't want to answer this question. Lu Zhe was the one who snatched the golden marshmallow from it. It had a hostile relationship with him, and it didn't want to praise the enemy.

  Wealth: [Master, as set in the book, the male lead Fu Baili is the most handsome. ]

  Su Ci curled her lips with a look of disgust, "That Fu Piao can only fight, and will always have red eyes at Zhao Youyou. His temper is like a mental illness, or a scumbag. Tell me, where is he handsome?"

  The wealthy dare not refute, aggrieved: [Then Lu Zhe is a little more handsome than Fu Baili? ]

  Su Ci raised her eyebrows: "Huh?"

  The wealthy is trembling, [In the eyes of the wealthy, Lu Zhe is the most handsome person in the world. ]

  Su Ci snorted and walked towards the most handsome man in the world.

  She kicked him with her toes, "Lu Zhe, I call you, why don't you disagree with me."

  Lu Zhe turned on the faucet and washed the dishes. He didn't look at the girl next to him, "Isn't it a headache? You should rest."

  Su Ci watched his big knuckles still look good under the water, and the juvenile's cleaning movements were proficient, as if he often did things like washing dishes and cooking, no wonder he had a thin layer of cocoon on his hands.

  "I can't sleep." Su Ci leaned close to him, staring at him with black eyes, and asked bluntly, "Lu Zhe, do you like Zhao Youyou?"

  The movements of Lu Zhe's hands did not stop, and he ignored her words.

  Su Ci stood next to him unwillingly.

  Lu Zhe was wearing a summer school uniform with short sleeves, showing strong and strong arms. She took another look, then she started counting with her beautiful fingers, "Zhao Youyou is not as beautiful as I am, and his body is not as good as me, and his voice is not as good as I am. My skin is not as white as me, nor is my skin kind and cute..."

  Su Ci counted towards Lu Zhe for a while, exclaimed, "It turns out I have so many good points."

  Lu Zhe was used to the girl's cheeky, he didn't hum.

  "Lu Zhe, your aesthetics must be online, don't fail to see my excellence." Su Ci pulled his clothes and began to shamelessly demand: "You kiss me every day, so I haven't finished it yet. When you are fully adult, you must keep your mind and body clean. Of course, during this time, I will not like others."

  Lu Zhe put the washed dishes aside, and then looked at Su Ci, his dark eyes cast deep, "You have been thinking too much."

  He will not like anyone, and no one will like him.

  He knew very well that even she was usually just for fun, and wanted to tease him, to see his helplessness and embarrassment.

  Lu Zhe sighed, "Go and rest, I'm back to school."

  The boy's expression was faint, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

  Su Ci didn't like this kind of Lu Zhe.

  The end of her eyes curled up, her eyes flashed badly, and she kicked Lu Zhe with her toes, "You hold me back to the room, I forgot to put on my shoes."

  Lu Zhe lowered his eyes, and saw that the girl just kicked him with bare feet, a small snow-white one, while still wearing the red rope he bought on her slender ankle, the jade-colored gourd running on it was smart and cute.

  "Why don't you come out with shoes?" Lu Zhe frowned.

  "I'm looking for you in a hurry." Su Ci urged him, "Hurry up, the ground is so icy."

  Lu Zhe bent over and picked up Princess Ren.

  Nestled in the boy's broad arms, Su Ci lifted his chin and kissed Lu Zhe's lips.

  Lu Zhe was shocked all over because of thin lips being kissed by the girl.

  Su Ci didn't care about Lu Zhe's reaction. He was holding her in both hands now and couldn't resist. She could just take the opportunity to kiss him.

  The fragrant red lips kept kissing on the thin cold lips of the boy, again and again.

  While kissing, Su Ci still counted: "Add 11 hours."

  "Add 12 hours."

  "Add 13 hours."

  The rabbit in his arms was clever and sly, his soft red lips kissed him casually, his apple slid up and down, Lu Zhe's arm around the person kept tightening, and he could only reprimand her with his voice, "Don't make trouble. "

  He turned to the beginning.

  After kissing several times, Su Ci was satisfied, his two rabbit ears trembled with joy, and his black eyes curled up with a smile. At this time, Su Ci is a pure rabbit spirit, but like a little fox who succeeded in stealing fishery and hooked people.

  Over there at the hospital.

  The little boy was sent to rescue.

  It was only when the doctor heard that the rescue was successful and that her son's life was not in danger, the middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the bench in the corridor all over her body.

  She heard from the doctor that if the first aid is not timely, the child will lose too much blood and die.

  Thinking about it now, she was so afraid that she trembled all over, and she was in a cold sweat, as if she could see the pain when she lost her son.

  I don't know who the kind person was, and helped her call the ambulance in time. When her son got better, she would pray for the kind people every day after she returned.

  At this time, Su Ci was already asleep, only the wealthy knew that its owner got another golden marshmallow.


  Su Ci's cold came quickly and healed quickly this time, and within three days, her rabbit ears were withdrawn.

  She looked at the money Lu Zhe handed her, Su Ci blinked, "Why did you suddenly give me the money?"

  "I will be away in a few days. You can solve the problem of eating by yourself." Lu Zhe looked at the girl sitting on the sofa. The rabbit ears on her head had disappeared and returned to her usual appearance.

  "Where are you going?" Su Ci did not accept Lu Zhe's money.

  "I'm going to City B to participate in the competition." The teacher asked him earlier and helped him sign up for the National Hope Cup math competition.

  Hearing this, Su Ci didn't even want to say immediately: "I'll go with you."

  She didn't want to stay here alone, the takeaways were not delicious at all, how could it be comparable to Lu Zhe's cooking skills.

  Lu Zhe seemed to have guessed that she would say this. He said, "You can't follow." He looked at her, "I can't get on the plane without any documents."

  Su Ci was taken aback.

  She remembered that she did not have an ID card and could not board the plane.

  Su Ci looked at Lu Zhe in annoyance, "I can't follow you, are you very happy?"

  The girl's small eyes must be so bitter and bitter, if the rabbit ears are still there, she must be pulling both ears, and a pair of water eyes accusing him.

  It was rare for Lu Zhe to see her shriveled appearance, and a smile was hidden in his dark eyes, "No."

  Su Ci snorted.

  The next second, thinking of something, she suddenly laughed, "It doesn't matter if I don't have an ID card, I just need to change back to a rabbit, and you can bring the rabbit on the plane."

  Su Ci stood up happily, "I'm really a little clever ghost. Lu Zhe, I'll go and pack my clothes first, and then you will take them with me."

  Seeing the girl happily returning to the room, the aqua-blue skirt disappeared at the door, Lu Zhe pinched his eyebrows.

  It's already afternoon when I get to City B, and the sun is still fierce.

  Walking out of the airport, Lu Zhe took the rabbit out of the cage and held it in his hand.

  After Su Ci stayed in the aerobic cabin for so long, she had been wronged a long time ago, and now she was held in her hands by Lu Zhe, she felt a little more relieved.

  Zhao Youyou stood aside. She didn't expect Lu Zhe to love this rabbit so much. Even participating in the competition, she also brought the rabbit out. "Brother, can you give me a hug?" She also likes furry little pets.

  Su Ci knew that Zhao Youyou had also come to participate in the competition, and relying on the heroine's halo, the teacher gave her a place for the competition.

  She remembered that because Zhao Youyou came to participate in the competition this time, it caused a lot of heated discussion. Among them, several female partners who saw Zhao Youyou not pleasing to the eye made trouble for her and satirized her for dragging the school.

  Su Ci knew that Zhao Youyou seemed to be hanging out in this competition, and she would win the third prize and slap those female counterparts in the face.

  However, these have nothing to do with her.

  Now that she heard Zhao Youyou want to hug her, Su Ci rolled her eyes. She still remembers being held by Zhao Youyou for the first time and she was plucked by the other party.

  Su Ci stretched out two small paws and hugged Lu Zhe's fingers. She looked at Lu Zhe with a pair of ruby-like rabbit eyes warningly. No one else was allowed to hold her!

  Zhao Youyou reached out and wanted to hug the rabbit.

  Lu Zhe refused, "No, it doesn't like you."

  Su Ci raised her head to look at the young man above, and then rubbed his palm with his head with satisfaction.

  Zhao Youyou didn't expect Lu Zhe to be so straightforward. Even if she was used to it, she knew that Lu Zhe's personality was cold, and she felt ashamed after all.

  There are five people in total. Teacher Huang leads the team. In addition to Lu Zhe and Zhao Youyou, there are two other students participating in the competition.

  When I went to the hotel, Mr. Huang began to allocate rooms.

  Zhao Youyou shares a double room with another girl, while Lu Zhe shares another room with another boy.

  "Sorry, I want to be alone in a room." Lu Zhe pointed out to Teacher Huang, "I can pay for my personal room."

  Teacher Huang remembered that Lu Zhe was sick, and he could understand that it was not convenient to live with other people, "Where you need to pay by yourself, I will help you get a room again."

  Finally, Lu Zhe got the room card. His room was on the 17th floor of the hotel, which was on a different floor from the others in Zhao Youyou.

  Just opened the door and walked in, Su Ci in Lu Zhe's hand couldn't wait to pat his palm with his paw and kiss her quickly.

  Lu Zhe lowered his eyes and saw the rabbit on his palm looking at him eagerly with red eyes open.

  His big cold hand touched her head, and the furry hand feels great.

  It was cute when he was a bunny.

  After stroking several times, Lu Zhe held the rabbit and walked into the bathroom.

  He lowered his eyes and kissed the rabbit's small mouth. Then, he put the little rabbit on the ground, took out the prepared clothes from his backpack, and hung it aside.

  Lu Zhe went out.

  The door was closed, and for a while, the little bunny rabbit on the ground turned into a beautiful girl.

  With black hair hanging behind her back, Su Ci clutched her chest and stood up. She glanced in the mirror casually, tusk, eyes full of white and gorgeous, really a fairy.

  The toilet door was opened.

  Su Ci walked out of it, and she had already put on a light smoky purple silk dress. The color of Xianli Xianqi made her skin whiter and more translucent, "Finally changed back."

  She went to the bed and sat down.

  "I ordered the food for you, and the waiter will deliver it later."

  "What about you?" Su Ci walked on the gray carpet on the ground with his bare feet and before putting on his shoes, his feet became white and delicate.

  "I will go downstairs to find Teacher Huang and the others later. After dinner, we will go to see the competition venue." Lu Zhe took out Su Ci's luggage and put it aside.

  It's just a very common and simple thing, but Lu Zhe is very handsome in doing it.

  Su Ci nodded, and did not unreasonably ask to follow.

  She looked at this room, because it was a single room, it was not too big. There was a big bed in the middle. The front of the room was a TV cabinet and TV. On the other side by the window were two single sofa chairs and a small bed. coffee table.

  Thinking of something, Su Ci touched Lu Zhe standing in front of the TV cabinet with his toes.

  The teenager turned his head.

  He saw the girl's black eyes smiling, and his eyes were full of evil intentions he was familiar with.

  Sure enough, in the next second, he heard her say: "Lu Zhe, there is only one bed here, shall we sleep together tonight?"

  The temple twitched.

  Lu Zhe took a deep breath, "I will ask the waiter to bring an extra quilt."

  Su Ci smiled triumphantly, "Even if we have an extra quilt, we still share the same bed."

  Even if she sleeps with Lu Zhe at night, she doesn't believe that Lu Zhe will do anything to her. She usually asks for a kiss because she takes the initiative and asks for a kiss. This person is still reluctant, she is quite a few. Suspected his aesthetic problems, or he was not a man.

  However, she just likes to tease Lu Zhe, like to see him helpless but patient, unable to do anything to her.

  After eating, Su Ci stayed in the room without listening to Lu Zhe's words, and she was going to go out for a stroll.

  Tianse Yayuan is a privately-owned restaurant and is not open to the public.

  The antique decoration horizontally matches the courtyard planted with green bamboo outside, which is unique and elegant.

  Several people just finished their meal and came out of the box.

  He Ermeng, the little overlord of the He family, walked slowly behind, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the decent woman in front of him, he looked upset, "She really regards herself as the daughter of the Su family. "

  Shen Jun next to him pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "After all, she grew up in Su's family, and now the Su family is no longer there. Su's father and Su's mother missed her more or less and used her as a substitute, so she seized the opportunity to go to the top It's normal, but the person who used to look like a white rabbit did not expect to hide so deeply."

  He Ermen took the cigarette from his mouth, "Stand-in? Is she worthy too?"

  Several people went out to pick up the car at the door.

  Qin Shiyan in front turned her head, she took off her sunglasses, and under the violent sunlight, a small mole at the end of her eye was very eye-catching, "My agent is waiting for me. There is an announcement in the afternoon. The meal was very enjoyable, see you next time."

  With a gentle smile at the corner of Shen Jun's mouth, he nodded.

  Qin Shiyan smiled softly at him, but the next second, she looked at the figure in the distance, and she was stunned.

  He Ermeng followed her gaze. In an instant, he was so excited that he pinched the cigarette between his fingers, and he couldn't take care of his burns. "It's her?"

  Soon, the girl's slender figure disappeared at the turn.

  He Ermen threw away the squeezed cigarette in his hand, and wanted to chase it.

  Qin Shiyan instantly regained consciousness, "He Dashao, you have admitted the wrong person."

  He Ermeng glared at her fiercely, "Fuck your mother's shit." He didn't take the car, and ran frantically in that direction.

  "Who did you see?" Shen Jun looked back, but saw nothing.

  Qin Shiyan's beautiful face returned to a gentle look, and the enchanting little mole under her eyes did not match her appearance, "He Dashao saw a girl who looked a lot like that."

  Shen Jun reacted.

  This is not the first time in this situation. Before seeing a similar back or side face, He Ermeng would mistake him for that person and chase after him like crazy.

  He still couldn't accept the fact that the daughter of the Su family was dead.