
The Quintessential Quintuplets : A Tale of Five Routes and a Harem

A fanfic about The Quintessential Quintuplets. With each Quint having their own route and a different girl Fuutarou meets when he's just a kid, how will the story turn out? Ichika Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Nino Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Miku Route : Current Route Yotsuba Route : To Be Written Itsuki Route : To Be Written Harem Route : To Be Written - My first fanfic, go easy on me. I may not be the best storyteller, but I'd still like to share a story with you guys. - How do you all like the new title? Tell me in the comments. Formerly known as : 5 Cake Slices - Reposted because of reasons.

LoliConnoisseur · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 12 - Mischievous Quints

After the trip, Fuutarou was brought into a hospital because his fever got worse. His fever hasn't left yet and so he was advised to stay until he gets better. Fuutarou agreed and chose to stay until he gets better.

Fuutarou already knew who was paying for his hospital fee and already wanted to go home. He also thought of going back to school but when he thought of his sickness getting worse, he suddenly remembered six people, Raiha and the Quints. In his mind, he imagined what would happened if his sickness got worse.

The Quints would really be sad, especially his little sister, Raiha, who already needed to mature because their mother, who died when Raiha was young.

Fuutarou is entertaining himself by watching the television on his hospital room. He changed the channels, looking for a good show but eventually, he shut the tv off and opted for rest.

And when he's about to close his eyes, someone barged in to his room. The girl looked outside, both ways and then closed the door.

"There's no one here, right?" Nino said panting and sweating

"What's going on, Nino?" Fuutarou asked as his eyes followed her movements.

"It's Nothing..." Nino replied as she refused to make eye contact with Fuutarou.

'Suspicious, she's definitely hiding something and by the looks of it, she doesn't want me to know,' Fuutarou thought as he watches Nino looking for a spot to hide.

And Nino did found a spot to hide. Behind the curtain. The most obvious hiding spot. When she got behind the curtain, she gestured to Fuutarou to keep quiet about her hiding spot.

Fuutarou chuckled to himself and nodded. After seeing his response, Nino nodded and hid herself. Fuutarou couldn't help but wonder, who or what is she is hiding from. As he look at where she is hiding from, the door suddenly opened and Fuutarou can see the rest of the Quints outside the door.

"Uesugi-san! Did Nino come here?" Yotsuba asked and Fuutarou looked at their direction. Ichika waved at him and she with her sisters, entered the room.

"How are you feeling, Fuutarou-kun?" Ichika asked while inspecting him.

"Does your body hurt?" Miku asked as well.

"Thank god you're still alive, Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba said as she leaned over to Fuutarou.

"I'm glad you're fine, Uesugi-kun," Itsuki commented.

"You girls... Thank you for coming to visit me," Fuutarou said quietly.

"Hmm? I smell Nino's scent here!" Yotsuba suddenly exclaimed.

"Is her perfume really that strong?" Fuutarou said.

'This is bad, I might get found.' Nino thought while peeking over the curtain.

Yotsuba started sniffing around the room, trying to find where Nino is hiding.

"We really thought that you're not going to make it, you know? Your fever was really high," Ichika said while walking to his side.

"I'm so glad you've recovered. If you ever feel lonely, call me. I'll come and nurse you anytime," Miku said to Fuutarou while giving her brightest smile.

"Sure, I'll take up that offer," Fuutarou smiled as well.

"Umm, Uesugi-kun," Itsuki spoke as she reached for something inside her bag, "Here are the printouts while you were absent. The teacher gave it to me and I'm glad I can pass it to you," Itsuki added.

"Thank you, Itsuki," Fuutarou said while looking at the papers. But he quickly put it away and chatted with the Quints for a bit.

While talking, Itsuki couldn't help but notice a tray of food by the table at Fuutarou's side. She stared at it and gulped.

"U-Uesugi-kun! Are you not going to eat that...?" Itsuki exclaimed the first part while saying the last part quietly.

"You can have it if you want," Fuutarou replied and watched as Itsuki's hand quickly grabbed the bread and she nibbled on it slowly.

"Was there something you hate in your meal?" Miku asked.

"I just don't feel like eating," Fuutarou replied.

"I could make it for you if you had just asked though..." Miku said as Fuutarou became stiff because of her words.

It happened a long time ago but Fuutarou remembered the time Miku asked him to taste test her dishes. Naturally, Fuutarou didn't refuse and paid the price. After eating the failed experiments, Fuutarou didn't stand a chance against the abominations and his stomach ache.

Luckily, every Quint was there and he got cared by the five of them. So it was a win for Fuutarou, I guess? Damn I'm so jealo-

~Please Stand By~

Luckily, the Quints were there to take care of him. Ichika gave him a lap pillow, Nino cooked something light for his stomach ache, Miku hummed a tune to help him relax, Yotsuba massaged his limbs, and Itsuki offered him some of her food.

Back to the present, Miku stood up because Fuutarou suddenly clenched his stomach.

"Fuutarou? What's the matter?" Miku asked.

"I just remembered something bad but I'm okay," Fuutarou replied.

"Would you like me to feed yo-" Miku saw that the rest of the food were already gone and Itsuki was on her last bite. And when she finally took the last bite, her face was full of bliss.

" "Itsuki...!" " Ichika and Miku berated Itsuki as they surround their youngest sister.

"What? It was delicious!" Itsuki replied and looked away.

"That doesn't explain everything, Itsuki," Ichika scolded Itsuki.

"B-But!" Itsuki tried to refute but Miku's words rendered it useless.

"Only you understood that, Itsuki," Miku said.

Itsuki fell into her behind and hugged her knees, devastated.

"Well, I'm happy that you enjoyed the food, Itsuki," Fuutarou stood up and stroked Itsuki's head. Itsuki, in return, lifts her head up and smiles at Fuutarou.

"Ah! I found Nino!" Yotsuba shouted while holding Nino so she doesn't escape.

"Are you a dog!?" Nino retorted while trying to get away from Yotsuba.

"Come on, Let's go,"

"L-Let me go!"

"Then excuse us too..." Itsuki said as she waited for Miku and Ichika.

"I hope you get better soon, Fuutarou," Miku said and together with Itsuki, they walked to the door.

When their backs are facing Fuutarou, Ichika sneaked a kiss on Fuutarou's lips. Fuutarou, who was shocked by her sudden action, stared at her. She giggled at him and said, "Get well soon, Fuutarou-kun."

Ichika left with her sisters and closed the door. Fuutarou can't help but smile. He felt better when the Quints visited him. He also noticed that he never felt lonely ever since the Quints entered in his life. Perhaps it was time to make a decision. The one girl he would spend the rest of his life with.


Author Section :

1102 words. I'm back! Well the results of the exam hasn't been released yet. I hope I did well. Also even when I haven't posted a chapter, the views are going high. It's currently 36.6k with 180 collection(On Webnovel). So I'm proud of myself and you too, the readers. I guess when the fanfic's views reach 50k or 100k I'll make a discord server so you guys can chat with me and tell me your ideas.

So, starting with season 2 of the anime(even though I use the manga as references), I'll find the 'write' opportunity for the confession and end it there for volume 2.

Get the pun? Write = Right? No? Oh...

Moving on, I actually don't like how volume 1 turned out so I'll do better on volume 2 and re write volume 1. Sometime in the future.

Also, thank you MintUniverse for supporting this fanfic even when I haven't posted a chapter.

Well that's it for this week's chapter.

Next chapter, First Slice

You know how this goes, if you like it, add it to your library. Also, top three fans will be given a special role in the discord server. So make a comment or give some power stone.

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