
Some one help

We got stuck in the he hotel we couldn't get out, everything started acting wierd. So we all ran to the car but we couldn't open the front door, we tried the windows but they were bolted shut. we tried and call our parents but there was no service.

" we need to find a way out". Karen said. " ok let's slit up. Karen and Crystal, Camren and Lisa and me and Angelina." Jason said. we went off in our group to find a away out of the hotel. Jason And Angelina went to the third floor and they entered a room Jason had a thought about the room, "we are both in the room maybe me and her could get into bed".

" Angelina come here real quick". Jason said. Angelina walked towards Jason and said," What is it Jason?" Jason grabbed Angelina and kissed her they both landed on the bed. Jason took off his shirt and so did Angelina, they got under the covers. The others were on different floors, they we're looking for a window to find a way out. Camren found an window that was open and had a ladder he took a picture of the room door and went to find the others. they made their way down to the room the ladder was in but the window was closed.