
The Quest For A Cursed Diamond.

Shah Jahan built a special throne for himself. It took a craftsman named Syed Geelani and his team of artisans took some seven years to build this throne. Several kilos of gold was overlaid on this throne, it was decorated with many gems. Jewelers from all over the world used to come to see this throne. One of these was the Hortenso Borgia of the city of Venice.  Emperor Aurangzeb gave it to Borgia to enhance the luster of the diamond.  Borgia acted so clumsily that he broke the diamond piece by piece.  It was reduced to just 186 carats instead of 793 carats... Aurangzeb had in fact given the task of carving a diamond from a piece of Kohinoor to Borgia secretly and part of the same Kohinoor was mounted in the wall of Shah Jahan's prison, with the help of which he used to see the Taj Mahal and his beloved wife's soul.

Ivan_Maximus_Edwin_7753 · Horror
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40 Chs

Skull's Havoc- 3

Only the commander could answer all these things.

Tanveer got Urmila's room cleaned for himself and Arun.

He did this so that he could keep an eye on his father's room from there.

If anything happens to one of them, the next can save him.

Tanveer had no faith in the commander's intentions so he had told Arun in advance to be alert.

The plan of both of them was to be a little alert at night, even if they take rest during the day.

As Urmila's room is upstairs, Tanveer found the safest room in the farm house.

As soon as dinner was over, both of them went to rest in Urmila's room.

Being tired from the journey, both of them started falling asleep.

The night was getting darker, there was a slight chill in the air from above, due to the farm house on the Nainital Highway, the effect of the cold was too much.

This was the reason that both of them were sleeping inside their blankets that suddenly a heavy sound hit their ears "After waiting so many years, finally you have come... In the name of the queen, now our purpose is complete.

Tanveer wakes up shocked, Arun was still sleeping, Tanveer looks at him and shakes him and wakes him up, even after a lot of effort, Arun does not wake up, it was the effect of the fatigue of the journey.

Tanveer also does not think it appropriate to wake him up and himself looks out of the window towards his father's room.

"If you are already here, come a little closer to me that ... Come to your dad's room", the commander calls out from the professor's room with a voice.

Tanveer gets nervous, then somehow mustered up the courage to slowly descend the stairs of the farm house and proceed towards his father's room.

On reaching his father's room, he turns on the light.

The commander tells him that "Now remove this picture and get my skull out of the box, I want to see you, I promise no one will harm you till I tell you the whole truth, just you have to make a promise too, I will have my torso back."

Tanveer goes ahead and takes the picture down from the wall, then puts the box on the table, opens it and takes out the severed head of the commander.

The red light was shining in his eyes but it was not strong enough to hurt anyone.

He puts the commander's head in one place on the table and sits down with a chair in front of him.

Tanveer could not believe himself that where did he get so much courage, just a while ago, only hearing the voice of the commander, his condition was bad.

The commander also smiles seeing Tanveer, then asks "Do you believe in destiny", the commander looks at his face carefully as he asks, as if he is reading Tanveer's face.

"Nowadays luck is visible only in stories, we educated college going young people do not believe in things like luck but in deeds in this age of science", Tanveer after thinking for a bit asked the commander about his

Answers the question.

"How many people lost their lives to get the treasure that Doctor Zakir and Professor got, yet no one even got to know about it, but suddenly after 300 years our body stored in snow comes upwards and at the same time

The stone of the cave also slips due to which the door of the cave opens slightly, what nature had hidden for so many years becomes visible, which is seen by a member of Doctor Zakir's team, then the treasure and my body was found ", the commander tells Tanveer.

"You go on saying I am listening, if you have to ask something in the middle, then I will interrupt in the middle", said Tanveer to the commander and listened to his words carefully.

"I want to say that such a priceless treasure, behind which how many people lost their lives, if it was in someone's fate, it would have been found earlier, yet why only your dad and his friend got it after 300 years, comfort about this, think about it, but what I am going to tell you have not even been told by your dad", Tannu gets a flurry of curiosity after hearing the words of the commander.

The commander continues, "Your dad's friend Dr. Zakir showed his true colors as soon as he got the treasure, after extracting the treasure from the cave, we started killing every member of his team one by one, which scared everyone, those people

We were attached to the treasure, so even if someone had left us, we would have been in trouble, so decided to take along, when we killed all the people who discovered the cave, the professor separated our head and torso because the next number was of Dr. Zakir and then your dad's. But that rookie doctor has already divided the part of the treasure in order to save his life and for everyone else to die, in which some diamonds will be your father's share.

I and one another divided my teammates, because of this he is alive today and everyone along with your father died.

The doctor knew in advance that the death related to the treasure is according to the serial number, so he did this to break the series of death, the treasure may have been handed over to the government but it was incomplete because it was already divided by him,similarly, after everyone's death, he went by the name of teaching in the University of London and is still alive".

Upon hearing the commander's words, Tannu went into deep thought, unable to believe that his father's friend had betrayed him, leading to the death of his father and the rest of the team.

The commander continues, "When we were returning after receiving the treasure, Dr. Zakir tried several times to kill your father, so the doctor took my head out of that cloth wallet and put it in the chest.

Stopped like this, he thought I will kill your father, but death was to be in the series which ended by separating the pieces of the body. Still, even if I wanted, could still kill Zakir and the professor".

Tanveer interrupted the commander and said, "It means that you intentionally left him alive, but why, I do not understand anything, just tell me frankly", Tanveer had a look of surprise on his face.

"Now if you interrupt in the middle, then I will also forget, the secrets are more and the night is very short, after a while it will be morning, one more night will be ruined, you want to end the whole thing by hearing it today, so that he can decide the journey to reach his torso soon. now listen, if I wanted, I could have come out of this box at that time and wiped out the doctor and your father, but at that time I saw the future of the doctor,as soon as he handed over the treasure to the Government of India, he was sure to get a ticket to the University of London,when a powerful soul follows someone, it knows his past, present and future,Professor would have taken the credit of this treasure on himself as the team's assistant and the Doctor was the leader of the team, I came to know about this only then, that's why I waited so many years, now that so many years have passed, I will give you all this diamond but on only one condition, if you will take us to our torso and take us to London in any way, our doctor is hiding in mother land, he will also have to be taught a lesson, now say if you are ready, tomorrow we leave here for Kanpur", the commander smiles at Tanveer as he finishes his talk.

"It means that you were working on this plan for so many years, suppose I don't know what would have happened to your torso, it could have happened that if I didn't get the diary, I would have known something doesn't work, or knowing everything, no one takes this risk and tries to come to you", Tanveer asks, looking at the commander.

"I had already asked you a question, do you believe in destiny, our meeting was pre-determined, wherever you were, we both would have met, the professor also did not go out like this in search of treasure, I was also not found like this there , the doctor had not cheated like this, everything was pre-determined, there was a special purpose behind all these incidents, destiny wanted to introduce all of us so that with the help of each other, we could find our incomplete work to finish the journey completely, after all I also want to get rid of this treasure and this place, how long will I keep on working to scare people with severed heads", the commander looks at Tanveer questioningly as he finishes his talk.


Tanveer gets worried after hearing his words, he could not understand anything, on one hand he had faith in the words of the commander and on the other hand he was also afraid that the commander was not making any kind of conspiracy.