
The Queen Wicked Deeds

Some might say that a Queen should rule with justice and mercy. She should protect her people and distribute and promote the wealth of the Nation. However, what if the Queen all of them should venerate is a cruel and evil villainess. But, instead of making her loyal subjects suffer, they acclaim her even more. "Stop it! You, fools! Don't smile, you should be crying for mercy!" More cheers from the crowd. "Tch, these idiots," she turned around and hid a little smile. So, the hilarious Princess of Lith finally became Queen, I can't believe it. Okay, I admit that she is beautiful and smart, she even got the love of that mysterious Duke of Mills, handsome Duke of Mills. She even has a beautiful dog called Gandalf. Where did she get that name? Goodness. Some even say she made a secret pact with a demon, and that she came from another world. Can you believe it? WARNING: EDITING IN PROGRESS DISCLAIMER: The photo on the cover is not mine, all the credits to the original artist. If you wish for me to take it down please let me know.

YawningBrain · Fantasy
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158 Chs

Battle for the Future

"So, tell me, Rose, do you have any pets?" Anne sipped from her little cup raising her little finger with elegance while looking at Rose equally elegantly sipping her tea.

"Yes, Your Highness." Rose paused for a second making a cute smile. "I have a kitten called Flower."

"Mm, your brother has pets?"

"No, Your Highness." Rose imitated Anne and sipped her tea again with a pointy little finger.

"Mm, your father has pets?"

"Yes, Your Highness, two dogs."


The little girls were chatting around a table made for kids to play tea house. They look so cute in their pink dresses taking tea with many dolls and stuffed animals on the other chairs. Their set of tea was made especially for Rose and her friends, the perfect size for their small hands. Annie thought it was fascinating how well-made they were, it looked like the Prime Minister really loved his daughter very much.

'I should nag that old uncle of mine, he should buy me one similar, humph."

Meanwhile, they were sipping their tea peacefully, Henry and James were practicing with their wooden swords in the garden. However, what Anne didn't know was that the little training had become a big battle right now, and she was the prize.

The two boys, one with blue stunning eyes, the other with green emerald ones were staring at each other, with indifference and a challenge.



They bowed without moving their gaze, then at the count of three, they started their fight. James had been practicing very hard every day with one of his father's knights. He always had been a hard-working boy with his father as an inspiration, but now he had a path to follow, Anne, and he vowed that one day he will make her his bride. He thought that his background and good academics would land him as the most viable fiancée for a princess. But, right now, right here there was another competitor and a strong one that had the guts to declare her his bride even before the battle began.

The two of them had been practicing every day, no doubt of it. It would be easier for any of them to defeat Anne now, but the thing is that neither of them would dare lay a hand on her. They would gladly concede defeat at any time for her. That was the extent of their obsession.

While the kids were battling for their future. Another fighting was taking place in the inner study room of the Prime Minister. Duke of Mills and Duke of Prim were focused on their chess game, a drop of sweat was running down the forehead of Duke of Mills and a frown could be seen in Duke of Prim's eyes. It showed how concerned they were with their mind battle.

"Move now."

"Be patient my friend, time isn't up." Prime Minister was focused on the next move when left ten seconds.


Duke of Mills was getting impatient and the trembling movement from his leg was the proof. They made a bet, that's right, they made the most terrifying kind of bet that will last in the memories of the kingdom's people for generations. This game will determine the life of two beings. Duke of Mills had it all covered, it was going to be his win if the man moved the piece to the wrong place, just five seconds and the victory will go to him.

Five, four, three… bam!

The door opened and two mighty St. Bernard dogs appeared running directly to the chessboard shattering the game.

"Oh no." That was the Prime Minister's voice. The words were so expressionless and without showing concern that anyone couldn't tell if he was mocking or truly concerned as his face remained indifferent.

"You! You cheated."

"How could I cheat, Minister Mills."

"You called your dogs."

"I didn't"

"You did."

"How would I be able to call the dogs when I was playing with you?"

"… you have a secret device inaudible to the human ear that can attract dogs to do your bidding. Maybe even telepathy."

"…" Prime Minister's face was even more indifferent than ever, his mouth could be described with a simple horizontal line. 'Is this man an idiot? I should advise His Highness. He may need a change of Minister.'

"Don't give me that 'I will talk with His Majesty' face. I was going to win."

"Says who…"

"You knew I was winning, and you called your dogs inside. That's cheating!"

"I didn't…"

"What beautiful dogs!" The sweet but at the same time, frightening voice of Princess Anne interrupted their little rattling. "How much I wish to have a dog like them."

They both knew the little evildoer was scheming something and were waiting patiently even while playing a game and betting something stupid to see what she was plotting.



'Oh no, this can't be.' She froze for a second, then she walked closer to one of the dogs.

"Achoo!" She covered her nose, but her eyes couldn't believe it.

'No no no noooo!' She was crying inside while taking a few steps back and then forward only to start sneezing again. Her cute eyes began to water and some tiny tears were leaving her eyes. Then she looked at the two ministers as if they had aggravated her in the most terrible way and let out a big cry.


'My dog!'