

My whole life is written in the pages of suffering and loneliness with inked sacrifice. My every step in the palace would instantly turn into a sea of blood and tears. – Queen Seohyeong- She was still an innocent girl when she first set foot in the palace as a woman with the title of the Crown Princess of Joseon. Her life has never been beautiful while living in the palace, especially after she occupied the throne as Queen of Joseon. At a young age, she had to face a series of painful court political intrigues. Moreover, when the man whom she had considered as her protector chose to believe in the vile slander that was addressed to her. Tears and blood became decorations that accompanied Queen Seohyeong's every step in the palace. Will the young Queen be able to face every obstacle and sadness that faces her steps? Will Seohyeong be able to maintain her throne as Queen?

park_rizuki · History
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14 Chs

Page 11 : An Offer

"If I am not mistaken, it seems that the Queen Dowager really doesn't like me?" How will our plan work if Queen Dowager seems to be protecting the queen?"

Royal Queen Dowager Park is now reaching for her cup of tea. She took a slow sip before turning back to Kyu Bok.Through her old eyes, Royal Queen Dowager Park could see a hint of anxiety in Kyu Bok. A grin now appeared on Royal Queen Dowager Park's lips.

"You don't have to think about whether that annoying woman likes you or not. The only thing you need to think about is how you can get pregnant soon and give birth to your first son. If you manage to give birth to a first son, then our goal is closer. I got my power back, and you can enjoy the queen's throne as well as confirm your position as palace elder in the future. Do you understand?"

Hearing Royal Queen Dowager Park mention that she would become Queen and Queen Dowager in the future, Kyu Bok's heart grew impatient. The woman was sure that the sky would support her plan. Because the truth is, Kyu Bok knows that the throne of that pitiful young woman belongs to her. And everything that has been seized will surely be returned, as it should be. Inside, Kyu Bok vowed to give birth to her first son.

"You don't need to worry. I'm sure the heavens will help us," Kyu Bok replied with a determined smile.


"I don't understand the preposterous reasons you used to make that sly woman a concubine!"

The Queen Dowager glared at Queen Heo and King Uiyang, who were sitting right in front of her. The Queen Dowager's eyes flashed with anger. Queen Dowager immediately left the Royal Queen Dowager's residence and went to the main palace to express her displeasure with Hong Kyu Bok's appointment as his son's new concubine.Queen Heo was with King Uiyang, what a coincidence.

"I was the one who asked her to appoint Kyu Bok as my concubine. After all, my queen had agreed to it. Why do you have to act like this, Mother?"

King Uiyang returned his mother's gaze with a look no less cold. Everyone in the palace knows the discord in King Uiyang's relationship with his mother, Queen Dowager Min.

Cold wars frequently involve mother-daughter relationships. In fact, if it weren't for an act of filial piety, King Uiyang would never want to visit his mother's palace.

Angrily, Queen Dowager clucked. The woman returned her son's stare. The Queen Dowager couldn't believe it; her own son wanted this cunning woman to be one of his concubines. Emotions took over the Queen Dowager's chest once more.

"Don't you know that the woman you want is a venomous woman, Your Majesty?" Haven't you been able to see how ambitious that woman is? I could even judge her well when she was still in her mother's arms!"

"But she is the woman I love, Mother! I even allowed the queen to occupy the throne that I always wanted to give to Kyu Bok!"

The response of King Uiyang pricked Queen Heo's heart. Queen Heo took a deep breath in silence. Not a word had left her lips yet. But, without anyone knowing, her hands, which were hidden behind her red dangui, were now tightly clenched.


The Queen Dowager was wide-eyed and lost for words after hearing her son's reply. The Queen Dowager can't believe that her son has fallen into a deadly trap called love. Queen Dowager turned her head to avoid King Uiyang's hateful gaze.

The Queen Dowager's two hands that were on the table clenched tightly. Queen Dowager doesn't want the power she has gained in government and the palace to disappear in the blink of an eye. She would not let Royal Queen Dowager Park and her supporters take over the power she had.

The Queen Dowager quickly took a piece of paper from behind the dangui she was wearing. Her hand is now thrusting the paper towards King Uiyang and Queen Heo. The Queen Dowager's eyes now flashed with menace.

"I don't care how much you love that sly woman. One thing you should know is that I will only recognize the heir to the throne who is descended from the queen.You already know what I mean by that."

Queen Dowager rose from her seat immediately after handing over the paper and saying the message. The woman was disgusted by the events that happened today. Without bothering to know that King Uiyang and Queen Heo saluted her, Queen Dowager immediately left her son's private room. The Queen Dowager needs quiet.

King Uiyang took the paper his mother had given him from the table. His eyes quickly traced the streaks of black ink on the paper. King Uiyang stared at the paper when he realized that it contained the date of his special night with Queen Heo.

"Does the paper contain the date fixed for us, Your Majesty?"

The queen's question made King Uiyang snap out of his thoughts. King Uiyang turned his head and found Queen Heo staring at him. King Uiyang's forehead wrinkled because he felt that there was something different about his wife's demeanor and expression.

"Ah right. This paper contains the date of our special night," said King Uiyang as he put the paper back on the table.

Queen Heo just nodded and grabbed her cup of tea. Queen Heo did not comment on the paper. She looked unconcerned. This clearly made King Uiyang's relationship with his wife even more strange. Usually, Queen Heo would have voiced her opinion regarding his fight with Queen Dowager a while ago. but, now, Queen Heo returned to silence and chose to enjoy the tea and cakes that were served.

"My Queen, beforehand, I thank you because you are so generous in granting my wish to appoint Kyu Bok as one of my concubines. Even though I understand, you must also be under pressure from my mother. It is not like that?"

Queen Heo put down the cup of tea and focused her attention on her husband. A faint smile finally appeared on the queen's face.

"All this is for your good and happiness. Shouldn't a queen like me make sure that you are comfortable? It is fitting that I grant your request."

King Uiyang couldn't help but smile. The head of the red-robed man nodded vigorously. It didn't seem wrong that he'd made an offer that the beautiful woman in front of him would retain the Queen's throne as long as he could keep Kyu Bok in his heart.

" Your sincerity is as deep as the ocean. I am very lucky to have you as my queen."

Queen Heo lowered her head slightly upon hearing King Uiyang praise her. "You are exaggerating, Your Majesty. But, as you told me, every wish in the palace has a price to pay. It is not like that?"

The smile on King Uiyang's face faded slightly at Queen Heo's reply. The king's eyes were now fixed on his wife. "So, does that mean you want something for today's events?"

"I want you to keep your promise by making me the next royal mother, ensuring my position as the first lady of this country. Besides that, I also want you to stop arguing with my relatives. Can you fulfill my wish, please?" Queen Heo gave King Uiyang the sweetest smile as she could.


I felt sick and confused after knowing that my own husband wanted Hong Kyu Bok to enter the palace as one of his concubines. On the other hand, if I grant that wish, then my position could be threatened. Yes, as Queen Dowager Hyoyeon of the Min Clan had said, that girl named Kyu Bok was very dangerous. I am well aware of how dangerous that girl is. Furthermore, after discovering that Royal Queen Dowager Yeongmi of the Park clan had previously promised her the throne I now occupy,

As if the whole universe wanted to punish me, I got news that, these past few weeks, my relatives and His Majesty have been arguing in the Palace Council meetings. Even based on the information I got from several court ladies, there are rumors that His Majesty wants to remove my relative from the government. That would certainly have a bad impact not only on me but also on my entire family and clan.

I realized I could no longer be naive. Just keep on waiting without doing anything. I have to start learning to use my power as a queen. I have to learn to use the powers that I currently have. That's why I decided to appoint Hong Kyu Bok as my husband's new concubine. As long as I am in this condition, I can still protect my entire clan.

Didn't His Majesty guarantee protection for me on the Queen's throne and also in the future? So, I decided to try to take my power a step further. Even though I realized that raising Hong Kyu Bok as a new concubine would invite danger from the Royal Queen Dowager.