
The Queen Of Swords : Transmigration Of A Legend

A woman trapped in her mysterious dreams finds herself in people's past since her childhood. As the fragments of dreams show her bits of many people's pasts! When she trained herself to live with this mysterious ability, she found herself in her own past one day! And after visiting her past if she gets hurt in her dream, she bleeds in real too. In the past, it wasn't this fatal as those were others' past! But why do the people in her dreams show up in front of her now with the same names?! Why did her closed one's past get added as a bonus?! It's like she knows even some strangers well without even talking to them in person! And what's with her loose mouth uttering bull**** without realising?! It's like she has a whole different person and emotions in her! The memories of her past show up in unexpected situations catching her off guard and making her look like a crazy woman who is in dire need of admission to a mental asylum! --- Hey dears! Hope you like and support my story!

Hateera · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


The man shakes his head desperately and hugs her tightly "No..I won't repeat that fault ever again! You can't leave me!".

Seems he loves her very much than his pride!

Madhi says in faint fury in her voice as the man clinging to her after he hurts her makes her sick "What you are doing now is a great mistake, Your Majesty! What will happen to your family respect if anyone sees us?"

He gets shocked hearing her and asks breaking the hug immediately "You.. heard?"

He gulps as he never thought she would have heard him talking that day!

She says desolately "I heard what I wanted to hear... I heard you saying everything about me to your brother! Even a stranger would have some hesitation before humiliating me! But you were so genuine when you uttered those hurtful words! I never thought you could even think like this!"

He gets anxious and speaks hurriedly "No... I tried to divert him... so that he won't hurt you...If I said about you on that day ..do you know what would have happened?!"

Madhi pushes him hard releasing herself from her embrace and screams "What?? Your brother would be sent someone to get rid of me! But that would have been far better than what you have done! You killed me with your words!! I wish I would have died before hearing those words from you!".

He steps towards her in fear of losing her. He speaks before she decides something bad as he can sense her breaking "Try to understand my words!-"

Madhi steps back before he could touch her and says wiping her tears "I am not ready to hear you, Your Majesty! I want to wake up from this mirage! I don't want to be fooled by you again!"

He asks desolately as he knows how much she is hurting by his words "Are you going to be like this?? For how long?"

Madhi declares staring him in the rage "Till my life ends! I will never forget those words!"

The man freezes hearing her and mutters "No..."

She runs away from him and the man stands looking at her sadly.

Tamizh who was watching everything with anxiously walks towards Madhi who looked too sad. She wants to comfort her even though it sounds insane to console someone in a dream.

But Madhi suddenly starts running back towards the man.

Tamizh "..." Wait! Why is she going back?! Did she forgive him?! Already? Didn't say he spoke badly about her? How can my sister go easy on him?!


Tamizh hears Madhi's scream and senses something wrong. She turns back by her instincts and looks someone aiming at the man from a tree with an arrow and gets shocked.

"What the heck- Wait! Is she going to...No way?! Is she mad?!"

Madhi runs towards the man with every strength she had and screams "Karthi!"

The man who was looking at the ground sadly lifts his head hearing Madhi calling him. He couldn't see anything as his tears made him oblivious of Madhi running towards him.

He smiles in relief hearing her running towards him and mutters "At least now you understood-".



The arrow hits him in the chest just before Madhi reaches him. He blinks his eyes and gasps. He lets out a shaky breath and looks at Madhi in regret as he already knows what is going to happen next.



Madhi falls on him in next second getting those next arrows aimed at him in her back.

Tamizh screams "Madhi!"

Tamizh wakes up gasping for her breaths and sits holding her chest catching her breaths.

"Madhi... Madhi!!"

She still didn't realise it was a dream...

She runs tossing her blankets aside in hurry. She never saw anyone familiar in her dreams!

It's the first time she saw Madhi in her dreams and it wasn't a good dream!

She gets really scared and restless. She breathes heavily and says to herself "Please!! Nothing should happen to her!! She would be fine!!"

She gulps as soon as she exited her room "What if she got hurt like me?! The arrow hit her deeply! She should be fine.. I am the one dreaming.. She must be fine...must be fine".

She runs down the stairs. She bursts into Madhi's room and searches for her. As soon as she finds her nowhere, she shouts desperately "Madhi!"



Madhi comes out from the bathroom wiping her face with a towel and she is shocked to see Tamizh shouting for her for no reason!

She asks in confusion "Weren't you sleeping?"

Tamizh darts her eyes anxiously and sighs relaxed 'She is fine... She isn't injured... She is fine...'

She couldn't control her tears as she was so scared that Madhi might be hurt like her! She couldn't think straight because the flashes of the dream in her mind scared the s*** out of her!

'How could someone be not scared seeing their sister getting shot fatally?!'

Madhi throws the towel aside seeing Tamizh's tears and gasps "What happened?!"

Tamizh shakes her head and walks forward before hugging Madhi tightly.

'It was so weird to see you weak in that dream! It's a stupid dream! Why would you kneel before that guy?! He might be a king or whatever! I don't want to see you weak before anyone!'

"Is everything alright, Malar?"

Tamizh nods before speaking with struggles "It will be".

Madhi asks patting her back "Is it a nightmare?"

Tamizh nods silently and tightens her hug protectively 'It's will be just a nightmare...'

Tamizh blurts her fear "Are you okay?"

Madhi chuckles "I should ask you that! You are definitely not fine"

Tamizh sighs relaxed before releasing Madhi from her bear hug. She declares before walking towards Madhi's bed "I am sleeping here today".

Madhi opens her eyes wide in surprise and disbelief.

She asks pointing Tamizh in alert "Who are you?! What have you done to my sister?!"

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