
The Queen of Lucifuge (DxD)

Tsuyo2004 · Anime & Comics
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New beginnings

No One's Pov:

A stormy night in the city of Newport in Wales, a boy sleeps in a dark alley

SirZech Pov

SirZech: Mhm..what do we have here?

*looks down*

Who would leave a child all alone to fend for themselves...in this weather he'll catch a cold. I think I'll take him in for now..

Time skip to the morning.

Rhys Pov

Ugh...*rubs eyes* Huh, where am I? I thought I was outside last night. *looks around*

The room does seem really nice, I wonder who would have brought me here..

The door creaks open and Rhys is greeted to a friendly face.

SirZech: Hello there child I am SirZech Gremory. I found you all alone and I'd feel terrible if I just left you there in the rain, I promise not to harm you. Will you tell me your name?

Rhys: I'm Rhys..I don't really know what I should say other than thank you Mr. SirZechs, I appreciate you allowing me to have a room of my own for the day.

SirZech: haha, no need to use "Mr" for me just call me SirZech. Say how old are you?

Rhys: Oh me? I'm eight years old

SirZech *I see...he seems a bit short and skinny for a eight year old boy although I suppose it can't be helped given his circumstances* mhm..such a young age to be on your own..do you have any family near by?

Rhys: No..I don't unfortunately I appreciate you helping me but I rather not get into my past if that's okay..

SirZech: I understand Rhys..*puts his hand on Rhys' head* Ah this boy has decent magical potential..I feel like if trained well enough he'd be quite strong, I hope he accepts this offer.

Rhys: *confused face*

SirZech: Rhys..would you like to join me and my family? You seem to not have a place to go and it wouldn't be right to simply leave you here. The choice is yours but just know if you accept my offer I promise to give you the best of care and you'll never have to worry about food or the basic things ever again. Although there's much for you to learn before you accept this deal..you see I'm not human rather a devil. I guess it's time for a history lesson

SirZechs explains the full history on the three factions and sacred gears.

Rhys: Wow...that's a lot to take in, but I accept your offer..I'll gladly be part of your family SirZech

SirZech: *smiles* I'm happy to hear your answer Rhys, now I don't have to be back home for a decent amount of days so why don't we get to know each other a bit more ?

Time skip to around 3 days

SirZech and Rhys have both got to know a little more about each other and went out around the city, SirZech made sure Rhys ate well and got new clothes along with a hair cut.

The two seemed to get along well and the boy was showing a far more child like side to himself than before, Rhys was slowly starting to become attached to SirZech and vise versa. Then came the day SirZech was ready to return to the underworld with Rhys coming along.

SirZech: Rhys, we'll be teleporting to the underworld now, just brace yourself the first few trips can be a..interesting experience haha..

Rhys: If you say so..just hope I won't throw up.

A magic circle appears below the feet of the two and in a instant they vanish, soon appearing in a beautiful mansion located in the underworld.

Rhys: Woah...I knew you said your family was wealthy but I did not think your house would be this big..

SirZech: Hehe..*rubs the back of his head* it's nothing really, now come on I should introduce you to my family Rhys. Although I believe little Rias is out playing with sona as of now..

Grayfia: Lord Lucifer there you are, I see you returned, along with a young guest.. I'm Grayfia Lucifuge, Queen of Lord Lucifer, it's a pleasure to meet you. *does a small bow*

Rhys: My name is Rhys, it's nice to meet you too ma'am *does a small smile*

SirZech: He'll be staying with us for now Grayfia, please make him feel welcome

Grayfia: Of course my Lord *bows* Please follow me

Grayfia leads Rhys to a empty room in the mansion, As Rhys gets settled in his new room Rhys sits on the large bed and begins to think of the past few days and what possibly lies ahead

Rhys: well..I guess there's no point on dwelling on things for now..I should probably go ahead and rest.

Rhys falls asleep on the large comfy bed and time passes as the next day soon rolls by..

No one's pov

SirZech: *opens the door* HAHA! RHYS TIME TO WAKE UP

Rhys: ugh...

Are you really some old and powerful devil lord ? Sometimes I truly doubt that..you seem like a hyper active child..

Grayfia: *sigh*I must say Master, Rhys isn't really wrong this is immature behavior for a devil such as yourself.

SirZech: *Sad* Grayfia...Rhys your words oh how they hurt..ahem Anyways Rhys today is a new day and I'd like to introduce you to my little sister Rias, I'm sure you'll both get along well.

Rhys: Oh, um right you did mention you had a little sister, I guess it's time I get to meet her.

Fast forward to after Rhys cleans himself up and makes his way to meet Rias

Rhys: (well..here we go..I never really met children my own age or got to talk to them but I just this is better than just having SirZech as my only friend..as "cool" as he might be)

SirZech: So Rhys are you ready? *smiles* I'm sure you'll both get along just fine. Try not to worry too much okay?

A Gremory magic circle appears on the floor and shines a bright light, revealing Lord and Lady Gremory along with a young girl

Zeoticus: Ah hello there son, Grayfia and...who are you little one?

Venelana: Oh my isn't he just the cutest little boy.

Rhys steps forward in front of them

Rhys: Hello there, I'm Rhys, it's nice to meet yiu two. SirZech has taken me in and allowed be to be apart of your...family miss and mister Gremory.

Zeoticus: Ah, I see you certainly know your manners but don't worry there's no need for formalities with us

Venelana: Well aren't you just adorable! I'm Venelana and this is my Husband Zeoticus, its a pleasure to meet you sweetie. Rias come here and say hi him

Rias: Hi I'm Rias Gremory it's nice to meet you! *smiles*

Rhys: I'm Rhys its a pleasure to meet you as well

Rias: Hey, Rhys do you watch anime!

Rhys: Uh anime? I never really heard of something like that before so no-

Rias: REALLY! THEN COME WITH ME I CAN SHOW YOU *grabs Rhys and runs off with him*

Rhys: wa-wait Rias not so fast- SirZech HELP-

Rias runs off with Rhys to show him some of her favorite anime while he the adults laugh at the scene.

SirZech: hehe well that's certainly one way to make a new friend

Time skip to a few days later

Sirzech pov:

SirZech: Grayfia dear, about the boy..while I believe he'd be a nice addition to my peerage I'm more then satisfied with the strength of you all, I think its time you start your own maybe..? The boy has surprisingly high magical potential and higher than average magical reserves. Maybe a bishop would do or a queen rather..he's young so he could be molded into a perfect piece.

Grayfia: Are you sure SirZechs, I wouldn't it be more beneficial to add him to yours? After all he seems rather attached to you.

SirZech: I'm entirely sure fia, and I'm sure you'd make a great master. Now let's go bring this to Rhys.

SirZech and Grayfia get Rhys with Rias following soon after and make their way to the living room. Explaining how he'd fit in a peerage along with further going over extra details.

SirZech: Now Rhys the difference is with Grayfia being a ultimate class devil you joining her peerage would already make you a middle class devil due to her status but make no mistake you'll still have to train hard everyday and trust me Grayfia doesn't appreciate it when people slack off I should know hehe *scratches head*

Grayfia: Ahem, Rhys..would you accept me as your king..and shall you become my queen?

Rhys: Yeah- I'm ready. You all have done a lot for me and ill repay you in anyway possible. I never really had a family before and what I feel now, even if our time together was brief I enjoy it so I'm more than ready for this.

Grayfia: I- I see..very well then

Grayfia summons her magic and a queen chess piece, chanting is heard, a bright flash fills the room. Soon it dims down and there stands Rhys

Rhys pov

Rhys: (Woah..so this is what it's like to be a devil? I feel so different..and powerful. I have so much energy like I could run for days!) This uh is a new feeling everyone, but its not a bad one I feel great really and I can't wait for whatever lies ahead for me!

SirZech: Haha! Would you look at that Grayfia I told you it'll all be fine

Grayfia: mhm..yes my Lord..so Rhys, are you ready to officially begin your training as my queen?

Rhys: Yes! *smiles*

A time skip of two years will take place, Rhys will be 10 along with Rias, Millicas will soon be born around this time and Rias will meet akeno