
The Queen Of Demons

A man born into another realm as a female monster? Get out of here. No one could possibly dominate an entire realm just because of reincarnation right? Nor could this monster switch races right? RIGHT???

Cameron_Rans · LGBT+
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7 Chs

My First Level Up

I continued to wobble forward, trying to get used to my body. Let me just say, it is difficult. I've tried to fly already and failed miserably. Heck, I can't even run yet, so why did I think I could fly. The only thing I knew at this point was that I am extremely hungry.

After walking for what felt like miles,(10 meters) I stopped for a quick break. Im seriously out of breath. I decide to check my status just to drown in misery again. I think the word status and my unworthy system makes that mechanical sound again.


[Name: Unnamed

Race: Monster

Species: Weak Monster Bat

Level: 1(Author's Note, I knocked out the experience cause I don't want to update that unless she levels up...)

Age: 0

Hp: 10

Mp: 0

Strength: 6

Agility: 7

Stamina: 16

Intelligence: 10

Luck: 0]

Hm. Am I mistaken, or did my stats increase a bit? I shake my head a little, wondering why. Maybe because of my little walk? Okay, if it was that walk, then maybe I can become a little stronger just by exercise, right? Hopefully?

I think about it some more, deciding to try it. Even though I'm super hungry, I still have the will to live. I start by jumping.

Yes, jumping. Simple right? Wrong. I barely get 10 jumps in, heaving heavily. I even start to feal dizzy. I wipe my brow, and then the strangest noise alerts me. My ears twitch, and my head follows the sound. I try looking harder, squinting my little eyes. Ah, I saw something move, but just barely.

I get down low, thinking of my stomach. I feel kind of different, and my thoughts go awry. I stare intently at this thing, wondering if it's edible for some reason. As I stare, I feel my eyes start tingling a little. Everything comes into focus a bit more, and I can actually kind of see it. It looks like a small rodent of some kind. Smaller than me I would wager. I start to move forward slowly, staying low, hoping it doesn't notice me.

I can tell it is facing away from me, consuming something. I keep shuffling forward, staying as quiet as I could. Eventually I am less than 3 inches away, and all of a sudden the creature lifts it's head. Overcome with hunger and instinct, my body darts forward, and my mouth connects with neck. I bite down hard, and I feel a warm sensation in my mouth, and it starts flowing down my throat. "Blood," I think as I drink. It has an odd taste, but is quite satisfying. I continue drinking, feeling a warm refreshing sense flow throughout my body.

I feel the rodent go limp, and I drop the carcass. I blink slowly, and look down at it. It is actually bigger than I thought. I would lose my wager, glad I didn't actually make a bet on that one.


[Multiple messages available...]

[ You have leveled up to level 3 for killing a Poison Rat]

[ You have gained multiple skills]

[ Night Vision Level 1, Passive(The ability to see in the dark)]

[Poison Resistance Level 1, Passive(You can now withstand a small amount of poison)]

[ Stealth Level, Active(You can sneak around now)]

[ Drain Life, Passive and Active(Ability to gain essence from blood, especially when you drink it. Gift from "******".)

[Congratulations for Leveling Up. More system functions are now available. Would you like to go to your status to view?]

Um, is this for real? Did that actually just happen? Would I like to check, it asked. Well duh, who wouldn't? "Status I think," in glee.

[Name: Status Pending

Race: Monster

Species: Weak Monster Bat

Level: 3

Experience: 450/4000(Being simple. Plus 1,000 every level. Until a certain point of course. In next chapter of course)

Age: 0

Hp: 30

Mp: 21(Activated after first level up)

Strength: 24

Agility: 30

Stamina: 60

Intelligence: 36

Luck: 1(1 every 3 levels)]

[You gained the faith and love of "******," continue your journey to receive more information...]

Huh, those stats kind of jumped, didn't they? I wonder what those other tabs are now. I might as well as look, right? Well here goes nothing. "Status, tabs,", I think with excitement.

(Authors note: Another chapter finally. I wonder if anyone can guess the future direction yet, or any lore. This will be a complex fantasy isekai, so a lot of lore and awesome stuff will appear in the future)