
The Queen Of Demons

A man born into another realm as a female monster? Get out of here. No one could possibly dominate an entire realm just because of reincarnation right? Nor could this monster switch races right? RIGHT???

Cameron_Rans · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Battle Commence

"Goblins, huh," I say quietly. I know about these little bastards from so many novels and a lot of anime. I look at them, notating the geography of this floor, and how their camp seems to be set.

"Hm," I murmur. This is definitely a dungeon trope. They are probably weak in this world, and hopefully extremely dumb. I can tell with the basic set up of their camp that they aren't ready for any type of attack. Simply put, they are basically open with no defensive thought whatsoever.

I look around to see if there are any guards, but there isn't anyone to be seen. I try to focus my hearing to notate any type of conversation or anything near by that I could have missed. Again, nothing. All the goblins seem capable of in speech are grunts and animalistic noises. I can understand them, but it is not really intelligible.

I crouch down and look at myself. I know I am small in size, and Im trying to become a stealth type. If Im correct, I can technically start some guerrilla warfare and probably win this easily. I can drink blood, and I think this may have some importance to my future. Blood is essence, and maybe I can gain a skill or something.

Well, only one way to find out, I guess? I close my eyes and concentrate on my body. I've gotten pretty good at moving it, and hopefully I can do this. I open my eyes, and launch myself at the camp, remaining low to the ground. As I get closer, I narrow my eyes at the beginning of the camp, and mentally make a flight path to create the most damage. Right when Im almost upon the entrance, I see 8 goblins in a circle and many more behind them.

I tilt my wings slightly, and my body rises quickly. Right when Im upon the group, my nails lengthen and I slice through the goblins neck. As I pass the first one, I rotate rapidly to my left, spinning in a barrel roll, and capture the throats of a couple more goblins. After that, I fly straight through the camp, repeatedly reaping the lives of many goblins in a similar fashion.

I reach the end of the first camp, and fly straight up for awhile. After going so high, I flip my body and dive straight down gaining momentum. When I hit the speed that I desire, I tilt my wings again, barely avoiding a collision with the ground. My aim is the same camp, and to take as many down as possible. An aerial assault to be repeated on all of the goblins in every camp. All that they can really do is panic or hide.

After killing so many goblins, some actually start to hide, and others have already started to throw things at me. I easily dodge all attempts of course. Being small right now is a blessing in disguise. I simply have to move by a smidgen every now and then so I don't get hit.

After what seems to be hours, I finally feel something off. I look around for a second before a sharp pain hits my right wing. "Ah, that hurt," I say before I realize the ground is already in front of me.

"Umph," I groan quietly. Shit, I have to get up. I groggily try sitting up, and freeze at the sight in front of me. I really big goblin. With what seem to be hundreds of other goblins behind him.

"H-Hello. Heh, hehehe. That was just a joke. Yes, the way I greet people. How are you all doing?" Im totally dead, aren't I. One mistake, and Im completely outclassed. Shit, I shouldn't have grown complacent. The big goblin raises it's club and sets it on it's shoulder, staring at me angrily.

"Ahem. Well, it was nice meeting you all, but I have to go. So, Yeah," I say, backing away slowly. My back bumps into something, and when I look up slowly, I see something completely shocking. A little female goblin. She crouches in front of me, poking my forehead.

"You know, little bat, lying isn't very nice, right?" I just stare at the cute little goblin blankly. I blink a couple of times and slap my face. I stare again, looking her up and down. Yep. Naked. Truly pink in the middle too. Um, wait.

The goblin girl smirks a little at my reactions, paying close attention to where my eyes roam. "I am Linnet, chief of this little tribe. I am a mage, and you little bat, what is your name, pervert bat?

"U-Um, I-I, don't have a name. And, I just wasn't expecting you to be n-naked," I reply, shyly. She looks at me curiously, looking me up and down. After a minute, a goblin comes over with a huge bowl of red liquid and sets it before me. The female gestures at it and says, "Drink, thirsty one. You may join us due to your strength. And besides, little pervert bat, if you like what you see, you may indulge yourself. Allowing the one chosen by the divine is a privilege."

I narrow my eyes, wondering what she is talking about. "What do you mean by, chosen by the divine? And indulge myself? Im just a bat, you know."

Linnet chuckles, nodding at me. Her eyes glow, and she says, "My eyes can see you. Your aura. Your stats. I even know you are reincarnated. Daughter of the ancient beings of old, I can guess much from that alone. And for indulging, hmm. I wonder," she said with a smirk.

I slowly drink from the bowl, until it is all gone. I like my lips, watching her. She just keeps her smirk in place while watching me. All of a sudden she scoops me up, walking away from the settlement and other goblins. I don't say anything, and just rest in her bosom. Her breasts are comfortable, so sue me.

Eventually we come upon a lake, and she just keeps walking until we are in the water. She holds me the whole time, just looks into my eyes, and smiles. "Lets get clean shall we? Can't have our first time being dirty can we?"

My jaw just drops, and she smirks again. "What, little bat, Im the chief, and I chose you to be my mate. Strength is needed, and besides, monsters like us can be with any other monster. I was delighted to know you found me attractive, darling. And now, my little bride, let me take care of you."

I just slowly nodded, not comprehending what was happening. Bride? How did I become a bride? Im a bat, she is a goblin. That isn't even a compatible match is it? Just what is going on? And, my goal? I can't seem to think about it anymore. I just can't stop looking at her, even as she bathes us. A lot of it felt really good though. I didn't even know I could feel this good.

Eventually, she takes us out of the water, and starts walking back. She hasn't really said anything yet, and Im just getting more confused by the minute. All I can see is her. All of a sudden the sky turns into a roof, and Im being put on a soft surface. Linnet grins at me, slowly bringing her face closer.

"Sleep darling, when you finish your evolution, we will start the ceremony. Relax, I will keep you safe," Linnet murmured. She kissed my forehead and I started to drift of.

[Multiple evolutions have become available. Due to killing many monsters, you have reached your 3rd evolution. Note, since you have skipped 2 evolutions, your evolution will take longer. Evolutions that were skipped are, Adult Monster Bat, and the special evolution, Vampire bat. You will now evolve into the low tier demon, Vampire. Humanoid form granted.]

[The Supreme Ones are watching you]


Hello everyone. If no one has noticed, I am extremely slow at updating. I will try to start releasing a couple of chapters every Saturday or Sunday. I now have wonderful internet with a computer to hook up with it. And yeah, I haven't sped the story up. Humanoid form didn't really require much in terms of evolution. Her level will be revealed with the next chapter. Just know, her next evolutions require levels and certain monsters to be slain. A time skip will be necessary soon too for the actual story to start though. This is all kind of the prelude to what I have in mind. Her goal will eventually be reached before the time skip though, so about 200 chapters, maybe?