
The Queen Of Atlantis

If I knew what will happen the next day onwards, would this feelings still be there?

Lovemyselfmariya · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Our portrait

I found myself floating.

Falling endlessly.

I couldn't feel anything when I saw a faint light.

"Is it coming closer?" I thought to myself.

The light slowly came closer when I could also here a faint sound.

???: ..yra! Myra!

Is that?

Just as that figure was slowly approaching me I flinched and sat up.


I squinted my eyes to look at the blurry purple haired kid, Lylin.

I scrunched my nose as I struggled to sit up.

Lylin: Your Majesty! Please stay laid down! Your Majesty was unconscious for 4 days!

I squinted my eyes again and I looked at Lylin, as my vision cleared up.

"Ugh, everything hurts." I thought to myself again.

Wait, what was I seeing again? Why can't I remember?

Whatever. What matters now is, I am hungry.

Myra: I feel so hungry I feel like I will pass out again. Can you get me some food?

Lylin looked at me a little shocked.

Myra: What? Is there something on my face?

I said as I held my face kind of panicked because she was staring.

Myra: No, Your Majesty! I shall bring Your Majesty something to eat!

Ah, she's using "Your Majesty".

It does feel a bit weird to hear someone using such a title to refer to me, but I am a little used to it after all those 3 kept using "your highness" to refer to me.

It doesn't take long until Ioannis walks in with a tray of food into the room I was in.

It was some small buns with soup.

He walked closer to me as I realized he had a perplexed expression.

Ioannis: Your Majesty, here is your food. I ordered the maids to bring some tea for Your Majesty afterwards.

Myra: Woah, thanks.

Ioannis: My pleasure, Your Majesty.

He bowed his head and put the plates down in front of me.

I was staring at his face and asked the obvious.

Myra: You seem a little... confused? You okay?

Ioannis: Not really, Your Majesty. But Your Majesty does not need to worry about me.

Myra: But I think I need to worry for this one.

He looked defeated and gave in.

Ioannis: Your Majesty's glow keeps fluctuating.

Ah that.

Myra: Oh! That's because I saw a dream and I can't remember most of it. I am trying to though.

Ioannis: Ah! That would make sense Your Majesty.

He looked down at the food and gestured towards it.

Ioannis: Your Majesty's food is getting cold. I will be taking my leave then. Please do ask for me anytime.

I nodded with a smile at him as I watched him leave the room.

But he looked like not all his questions were answered.

He could just ask me what was wrong but he just left. I wish he would share more with me.

I feel kinda lonely without him.


Ioannis told me I should go out and meet with "my people" because it might help on remember something.

I must say though, ever since waking up, I have a headache.

I followed Ioannis around in the giant palace made of stone. He took me to the dining hall, the ball room, the large kitchen, the art room, and many more rooms. Lastly came the portrait room.

Ioannis: Your Majesty, here is the portrait of every single queen to have been born. Before Your Majesty, there existed 56 Queens.

Myra: Only 56?

Ioannis: Well, each queen resurrected multiple times. Your Majesty are in your 4th life.

I nodded in response when a thought crossed my mind.

Myra: Then, why is my portrait not here?

Ioannis: It is at the end of the hall. Please follow me your majesty.

He gestured with his hands to follow him.

The portraits of the late queens were so pretty. One thing in common with all the portraits were the fact that they had a weapon like my trident and all of the late queens had a flower next to them and their hair and eye color corresponded to that flower.

I walked behind Ioannis looking and being mesmerized at the different portraits of all the Queens as I noticed a few with 2 people.

Myra: Did 2 people rule at once a few times?

Ioannis: No your majesty. They are their significant other. Your Majesty also had a partner.

I felt the headache becoming more intense but I held it in.

I nodded and he started walking again as he finally reached the last portrait.

I looked at the portrait and yes it was definitely me. The rose gold hair, the trident and apparently my flower is the rose.

I shifted my view to the person next to me on the portrait as everything blacked out once again.