
The Queen Of Atlantis

If I knew what will happen the next day onwards, would this feelings still be there?

Lovemyselfmariya · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Atlantis

His eyes sparkled.

I could feel his heartbeat going faster even though he is standing significantly away from me.

I watched him try to put together words.

Ioannis: I-i have been meaning to invite you there. I am glad your Majesty wants to visit your Majesty's kingdom!

He said smiling so I smiled back to him.

I don't think I needed to say more honestly. But I also understand that it will take some time to reach there.

Myra: How long did it take you guys to reach here?

Ioannis: Well, most of the time was spent trying to find out where your highness was. It took like 5 seconds to reach.

I giggled cause I thought he was joking as I saw him smiling at me.

Ioannis: I am serious your highness! We can teleport!

Myra: Really?

I asked in a questioning yet fun tone.

Ioannis: Ahh, your highness sees through me. It takes about 2 weeks.

He said with a smile. I did not think he could mess around. But I guess he can be a softie.

Yet my main question is...

..do I belong there?

Do I deserve to be their Queen?


Ioannis went to the kids to go and let them know the good news.

Now the main person to convince to let me go is..

My mom.

Myra: Mother! Oh beautiful mother!~

Mother: What?

She said in an annoyed tone.

Myra: Eiii, no need to be so cold ey?

She just stared back annoyed. I love her.

Mother: You are not going with them.


Mother: Honey, I can't trust you with 3 strangers that literally used magic on you. Look at how you are.. glowing!!

And that comment made my glow dim down a little. Great job mom.

I understand her frustration. But if I choose not to go, I am essentially choosing between whether I want to be responsible or a mama's girl.

Myra: Mom, just come with us. Then there's no problem right?

Mother: Look at you. Just yesterday you were crying and begging me to change your identity and go bald and live in a different country because of unwanted attention, and yet you are believing strangers that are probably lying? Is the cost of having rose gold hair losing your sense of reason, honey?

Myra: Mom, I can't explain myself why I trust them. There is so many things that I am feeling right now.

Mother: Honey, give me one reason other than the fact that you are just curious about why your hair is like that, that you must go?

I thought back to the glimpse I saw when I was floating.

Should I tell her this? I didn't even tell them about this.

I thought about it for a second or so, when I sighed and decided at least she deserves to know about this.

Myra: Will this be enough?


She's smiling..?

Her eyes?

Her h-hair?

I stared in confusion.

Who is she?

???: *whispers*

What.. is she saying?

???: *whispers*

She is coming closer to me. Why?

???: My queen, did you not recognize me?

She said with a giggle.

???: It's me! Larseta, my queen!

I am absolutely clueless about what is happening. Who are you Larseta?

Larseta: Your highness? You really don't remember me. That makes me sort of.

She stopped saying anything as her complexion became creepier.

Larseta: Mad.


Myra: what about now?

I watched her not being able to close her mouth from shock.

Myra: Mom I need to know what is going on- NoI I deserve to know what is going on!

She looked lost in her thoughts trying to decide whether she is okay with letting me go with strangers. I understand her concern though, I would never let my children go with strangers no matter what the circumstances were.

Mother: Fine. Go wherever you want. If you get killed, it will not be my fault.

Myra: Yes! Thank you mom! I love you!!

Mother: But I want you to talk to me every night for an hour!

Myra: Don't worry mother~

I got excited to know I have her permission to go. It's like I am going on a study tour except it's actually educational and interesting.

But even after getting the permission, I feel rather anxious. I don't understand the reason behind it, but I just...do?

I feel like I am suffocating.


We are on our way to Atlantis.

And bit by bit that suffocating feeling kept chipping away. I feel refreshed and weirdly happy.

I can't help but smile.

I don't remember this place, but I weirdly love it.

I like the smell of the ocean and the people I am with.

It's almost as if I have never experienced sadness. Only love and affection from others.

No rivalry, no rush and of course no fear of judgement.

I feel free for the first time in 18 years.

But of course, a question just had to come up.

Do I deserve this freedom?

I wish I could stop asking myself such questions, but I can't help it. My mind wanders and I can't control it.

As I was lost in my memories, I heard a voice.

Lylin: Your Majesty! We are almost there!

I fixated my vision on a large island with small lights roughly 100 meters away.

Myra: Is that..?

Lylin was staring at me with her twinkling eyes when I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

???: YOUR MAJE-!!

I heard a few people yelling before blacking out completely.