
The Queen Huntress

One girl's feeble heart and compassion granted her the throne, but also made her lose it just as fast. When Lumbershire is faced with the overbearing blow of a large group of warriors, the heir is put to test. However, being a woman, her efforts are greatly ignored by those who claim they love her. On a mission to take back what's hers and to prove her loved ones wrong, she is tested in the area of battle, magic, and love. All consume the land among the misfits and misfortunes. It is up to her to properly put back together what once was. The question is, can a simple, frail girl pull off such huge tasks?

MiyokoLuv · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Takeover Part 3

Aurora crawled from a small opening in her wall and slithered out. She was filthy now from smearing her dress across the floor. Webs netted her hair like a veil and black crud coated the inner beds of her fingernails. During the castle invasion, she hid in a secret passageway behind the wall of her bedroom. Each room had a hidden spot the royals could enter from. Hers happened to be hidden behind her bookshelf. It was a sad thing her family never got a chance to get to theirs since the guardians never got to the alerting bell.

As she lightly walked towards her dresser, she stared at herself in the mirror, mortified by her disheveled appearance. What caused her skin to crawl all the more, the horrifying memories of her mother's cries that ripped through her mind, the agonizing murders of her brothers, and heartbreaking scream her sister let out as Duncan preyed on her. She knew of Gunner's presence the moment she heard the shuffling feet of his clan members going from room to room. That was her cue to investigate seeing no one but her family accessed the floor, not even the guardians. From her knowledge, her family was already asleep.

In a rush, she crawled inside of the secret passage and watched the horrifying doings of the clan play out. Each wall had a tiny peeping hole, created for spying, long before her father's ruling. They each gave her narrow view, allowing her to only see and hear what she needed to confirm an invasion.

As her glassy eyes lingered on her reflection, she used her fingers to claw out the webs. She let out a shallow sigh when her hair appeared somewhat clean. Her feet tip toed to her door which alarmed her since it was still wide open. With quickness she leaned against the wall, peeking out and listening for brutes.

The castle was quiet since dawn was a couple of hours away. Before the clan members awoke, she knew she needed to get out of the castle, find somewhere else to hide. With silent feet, she rushed out of her room, through the hallway, and down the stairs to find the corridor clear, but the blood drenched floor caused her feet to slip back. She let out a loud gasp, clasping her mouth before steadying herself. Her body trembled as she walked through the cool liquid. Whose blood is this? she thought as her eyes swam from side to side witnessing the evidence of a massacre.

The only clear areas, free of blood, were the entrance and the kitchen area. Certain there were guards posted at the front, she decided the other direction. As she continued down the dark hallway, her feet left a trail of bloody feet prints. She quickened her speed when she noticed, hoping no one would discover them. Just as she made her way inside of the kitchen, to her surprise she saw a familiar face leaning against a table, eating an apple. She spun around to run off ignorant to the fact he noticed her. She took off, slipping and sliding since her feet were still wet. That gave the man an advantage allowing him to catch up.

He grabbed her wrist and yanked her close.

"Relax," he said. "I'm not going to harm you, but if you are caught, I can't say the same for the others."

"It's…it's…you!" Aurora's brows lifted high as her breathing quickened. "You led…. the ships in. Your…the leader. Please….please don't hurt me." Her throat let out fearful sighs between words. "Please….let me go."

"I lead only my troops who are back in my country. The real leader of my clan is someone else." To gain her trust, he wasn't willing to tell her the leader was his older brother, the man who massacred her family and army, infiltrating the land. "And I said I wouldn't hurt you. I'm going to get you out of here before it's too late."

Just as the man tugged her arm, she pulled back.

"Why are you…trying to help me? You….killed my brothers." Her acknowledgment of their deaths brought tears to her eyes, spilling heavy loads of them.

With a low, angered tone, he said, "I did no such thing." His voice choked up which puzzled Aurora. "I would never—" With a huge inhale, he let out a heavy breath ready to restart the conversation. "Terren and I were lovers, so it is my obligation to get you out. It's the least I can do after everything that's happened to your brothers, your parents."

"My parents? Where are they" Aurora's eyes bulged out, focused on him, yearning for an answer.

The man, who happened to be Ludovic, did not wish to give one though. His heart tore as he thought of ways to tell her she was now an orphan. It's not like he knew where Terren fled. Otherwise, he would have reunited them. The horrible truth tumbled through his mind. She was alone and he played a part, in a way. He found every reason not to tell her about her parents, starting with her tears he no longer wished to see. But another part of him felt she deserved the truth. He took a second before blurting it out. "They've been killed."

The response he expected came, but was far worse than she imagined it could be. When Aurora fell to her knees, her head dropped as she cried out. His eyes swiped from side to side, certain someone would come now with her tumultuous sobs. He knelt down and covered her mouth. Oddly, her muffled cries carried on.

"You must be quiet or they will hear you. There will be plenty time to mourn them, but now, we have to go."

Back on his feet with an open palm by her face, he waited for Aurora to grab his hand. She took it and up she went on her toes as he tugged her forward. He went inside of the kitchen, through the storage room, and finally to a smaller room where crates and boxes surrounded them. By the door, a cloak hung on a hook. He swiped it in his hands and wrapped it around her head. With his broad hands, he cradled her jaw, tilting her head forward, then pulled the hood over her hair.

Aurora's orbs remained locked on his face, raising her chin, as he tied a bow beneath it. When he opened the door, the yard stretched in front of them, leading to the woods. He took her hand again and they both darted through its darkness, the anticipation of freedom crawling through their veins. They got away and headed far out where Gunner didn't get to.

The quiet village of Valley Peak was a small but beautiful part of Lumbershire, surrounding a lake. Farmers, blacksmiths, and other commoners resided there. A clean, dirt road stretched beside the markets, huts, and horse stables, along the waterfront. Aurora and Ludovic stopped at the entrance both staring at the wooden welcome sign.

When Ludovic touched her shoulder, Aurora tensed up, lacking the trust he hoped he earned from helping her.

"This is where I leave you." He turned in the opposite direction not expecting her to say anything.

"Have they killed my sisters?" Their entire journey, her sister's faces were the only ones in question, lingering in her mind. She would have already asked him about them on the way, but found that running and talking seemed impossible, especially when trying to avoid getting caught.

"They're both alive," he said with his back facing hers. "Terren got away." He took a moment to let out a huff. At this point, he deemed himself the barer of bad news. "Bloom has been captured by my brother."

Aurora did a spin, facing his broadened back, swollen eyes beaming at his hair.

With everything he said, she at least wanted to acknowledge Terren first, not surprised her daring sister managed to escape, giving her some consolation. But then Blooms delicate face tore through the cracks of her skull, a relevant influence for her cradling tears to fall. "What does he plan to do with her?" She assumed his brother was Duncan seeing that he preyed on her from what she saw through the peep hole. The thought of him caused her teeth to grind as her eyebrows furrowed.

Ludovic huffed once more realizing the vulgarity of all that took place. "He took her as his wife."

As his words touched her ears, she felt the weight of the world close in on her. Her parents and brothers were murdered. She was separated from her sisters, with one who fled, probably never to be seen again, and the other kidnapped and forced into marriage. She didn't understand this type of cruelty, led by self deficiency and other foul desires. The land they never had, to get it, they killed her family. The women they could never acquire, to get them, they captured Bloom. The resources in which their lands lacked, to get them, they infiltrated the land. The invasion was their opportunity fill in those gaps.

With all she did understand, her anger flushed through her veins, her fist bawled, brows narrowed, and eyes beaming at Ludovic's neck now, since he still hadn't faced her. She felt the queen rise within her, the driving impulse of revenge sifting through her mind. With thumps, her feet slammed across the dirt path toward him. Her open palm grabbed his should, shoving him around. They were face to face with a small gap between them.

The thought of Bloom stayed with her bringing layers of images of the marriage and what came after. Consummation. She nearly gagged, certain Ludovic's brother forced himself on her. "Your brother will die by my hand. This land will be restored by my claim to the throne." Still not aware of who Ludovic's brother was, she said, "The man who killed my brothers, my parents…..the leader who caused all of this, will also die."

"I'm sorry to tell you, princess, but the man who married your sister, killed your family, and who is the leader, is all the same person, my brother." Ludovic lightly clasped her biceps when her eyes widened with surprise. "I know him more than anyone and he is not someone to be toyed with. So, if I were you, I would stand down and stay in hiding."

"That god awful man is your brother?"


A rush of fear swept through her flesh causing goosebumps to rise. Though them being brothers shouldn't have changed anything, her heart raced at the idea of ever coming face to face with him, especially after what Ludovic said about him. Furthermore, she realized she said too much, wondering if Ludovic would expose her. If he did, would she have to be on the run indefinitely? Nonetheless, her words were already spoken, plan already set, and she refused to steer clear of her objective, to take back her country.

"My plan still stands. I will fight for my country. Your brother will die by my hand and you will not get a chance to bury him, but mourn his death, IF I decide to allow it."

"Princess your anger is clouding your judgment."

"It isn't."

"You will stand down!"

"And you will see!"

Ludovic shot a tight scold her way before storming off.

As she entered the village, Aurora searched around for shelter, eyes beaming from building to building, until she saw a sign that read Wood Keeper's. She knew Bloom's lover was a wood keeper and hoped it was in deed his shop. Her sore legs hobbled toward the tiny building made up of wood slabs. No light smeared across the window, so she knew whoever was inside slept. She knocked on the door multiple times. At first, it didn't seem anyone was there. Then a young and handsome man appeared in the doorway, eyes heavy and closing. He had to blink a few times to get a better view of her.

"Princess Aurora, to what do I owe the honor?"

"Are you Bloom's lover?"

When he jerked his chin backward appearing puzzled, he said. "What would give you that inclination?"

"I order you to tell me at once. The info is of dire nature."

When he raised his eyebrows with concern, she knew the answer. She just hoped he'd tell her himself to move the conversation along.

"Has something happened to her?"

Why won't he just answer? Annoyed by his attempts to avoid her question, her voice let out a growl.


Quil took a beat before answering. "Yes! Yes, I am. Why? Has something happened? Is that why you're here?"

"One question at a time, but first, let me inside."

He moved aside to let her in, directing her to a small, shabby couch where they both sat. Aurora took deep breath in through her pierced lips and let out a sad sigh. She told him everything that happened, shedding tears as she spoke.

When Quil's poured from his own eyes, her heart broke for him. She knew he had to be torn about her capture. Just as she summed up everything, he said something that caused her eyes to round in shock.

"I guess I mind as well tell you. Bloom is pregnant with our child."