
The Queen's Rise

The princess had been missing for fifteen years. Yet every year, Queen Viola presents "the princess" to the noble court. Unfortunately, none of these girls have been the princess. None have even looked similar to the princess, though the court accepts them as such. Until this year. Things are different, and I decided to keep this journal as proof of the Queen's deceit. My name is Laura. This year? I was the girl chosen to play the missing princess.

Heather_Waage · Fantasy
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17 Chs


I think I've found the King's bedchambers. Like with the Princesses' nursery, it seems to have been abandoned overnight. What happened here? I know the king died (he was poisoned by Queen Viola), but why were his rooms abandoned? Why not pack up his stuff? It seems that the Queen didn't care for the king any more than she did the missing princess. Why? They were her husband and (maybe) daughter. (Remember, the princess may be a bastard-born. Like me.) Hopefully, some of these documents that were laid out on the king's desk will help me out. I haven't had the chance to go through them yet, and it feels almost disrespectful to go through them in the king's rooms. Even if King Elijah has been dead for fifteen or so years. This was his space. Where he lived, loved and even worked if these documents are any sort of evidence. Papers on bills to be passed, letters to the court, press statements, and other things. I took a brief glance before hiding them. I didn't want to risk being caught with them.

-You do find the reason in those documents. You let it slip when I caught you going through the last of them. King Elijah was doing his best for his people. He was attempting to divorce Queen Viola.-

I don't understand what goes on in the Queen's brain most days. I just had a visit from her earlier today, and let me say - she was even more wacko crazy than usual. She was all like "how and why are you doing so well in your classes? You should be failing!" Why should I be failing? Am I supposed to be uneducated? She's the one who told me to do my best in the classes that she threw on me. Did she expect me to flounder and fail? Did the other look-alikes fail? I need more context and information. I'll ask my tutors. Maybe they were assigned to at least some of the other look-alikes. Given how frequently they rotate, they might have, but just as likely that they might not have. There can only be so many experts in the different fields, right?

-You had done better than any before you. She expected you to fail. Just another reason for her to get rid of you. But you, my shining phoenix, rose above all obstacles in your path.-

Score! My current maths tutor has taught at least three of the other look-alikes. I guess the Queen doesn't kill the tutors after all. He was willing to tell me about them after a lot of persuasion. I do mean a lot of persuasion. I baked several batches of his favorite kind of cookie and at least two of his favorite types of cake, then presented them over a week-long period. Maths were definitely not a favored, or even successful subject for my predecessors. They all failed the class within a few days, never mind in a few weeks. I am apparently the only one who has passed the class, never mind with near perfect grades. That kinda explains the Queen's attitude. She did want me to fail, but I passed and she was left in the rut with her expectations.

-I've seen a transcript of your grades. Near-perfect scores in all of your classes. You have risen like fire to the challenge and burned your way through any obstacle tossed in your path. It was inspiring to watch.-

The first day of the ball is the day after tomorrow. Is it sad to say that I'm kinda, majorly nervous? I'm going to be the center of attention, and everyone is going to be looking for me to mess up. To make the slightest of mistakes. I still need to figure out what I'm going to say to the nobility, aside from pleasantries, of course. On a side note, I met someone today. He's here as an ambassador from one of our closest neighbors. A real reclusive bunch. I don't remember learning much about them. I hope he makes it home. The Queen has a reputation of arresting and killing ambassadors on trumped-up charges. Anything and everything that she can do to conceal the true state of the Brairuid kingdom from outsiders, she does.

-I remember that. You were so flustered when you ran into me. It was the first time I'd seen you up close and you were so bright. The passion in your eyes was dim, but your spark was still fighting to survive.-

Mr. Ambassador is surprisingly handsome. If I didn't know better, I'd say someone took me and reversed my colors onto a male. His coloration is a balanced contrast to mine. He has deep brown hair, I'd almost want to say his hair is a shade near black. In the right lighting, it's easier to tell that its just a very rich shade of brown. He has a strong jawline and thick brows. His eyes are a shade of deep blue, the color almost unreal in their intensity. I feel like his eyes couldn't decide between blue and violet. In short, He is very aesthetically appealing, which makes his stalkerish actions even creepier. I can defend myself, but I don't want to be forced to take those measures. Especially not against an ambassador.

-I balance you, do I? Glad to see my looks meet with your approval. I'm sure my parents would enjoy that information. It's not a game changer if a spare doesn't return, only if the heir doesn't. I know they love me, but I am not the heir.-

Now that I've met him, I seem to run into Mr. Ambassador everywhere I go. In the kitchens, in the hall, in the ballroom, all over the palace. I'm starting to think that he's following me. Does he want to talk with me? Is he following me? Is it just my imagination? Does the man have a twin? Is he a triplet? Are they all ambassadors? Whatever. I have to focus. The first night of my big performance is tomorrow. It needs to be flawless.

That means double-checking everything. On top of that, I have a few last minute things that I need to get done before I can even think of attempting to relax. Things like checking the last-minute food delivery, any last-minute alterations to my gown, checking on the progress of the other two gowns, finishing up the last of my classwork, things like that. Small things, but things that need done, no excuses. To be honest, I don't trust most of the maids to do a decent job. Even after our little talk, they still grumble about having to listen to me. If I had gotten my dream, they would have had to listen to me anyway, so why is it such a big deal that they have to follow my orders now?

-Yes, I admit that I followed you around. I was curious. You kept avoiding me and I had questions for you. Can you blame me? And double checking your work is always something that should be done. You never know what mistake might be missed because of a hasty decision. Or what could come from that mistake? Many a kingdom have fallen for want of a single nail.-

I decided to explore before the big day. Maybe I can find something of use? As I was exploring, I kept feeling like I was being followed. Three guesses as to who, the first two don't count. You got it, Mr. Ambassador from the neighbors. I still don't know the guys name. Maybe I can shake him? No luck yet. Shit! I think he saw me. Maybe if I duck behind here? There are hidden passages throughout the palace. If I stick to the lesser-known ones, I may be able to shake him long enough to make it back to my quarters. Queen knows that I don't enjoy being stalked and followed. I can defend myself, sure. That doesn't mean that I want to be forced to. Another thing to thank the tutors for. My knowledge of self-defence is much more robust now.

-Nice try, I saw you. I hadn't known about that passageway, though. Thanks for showing me. You'd unintentionally shown me quite a few secrets of the castle. Though I do apologize for being a creep. You are one of the hardest people to track down when you don't want to be found. If only I could've caught you earlier, I would've asked my questions, and then left you alone.-

So you know how I was almost caught by that guard in Princess Loralina's nursery a while back? I'm still wondering how the Queen hasn't caught on to my presence in the forbidden wings. She always seems to catch the guards… Anyways. Well. Two things. It wasn't a guard. And he definitely saw me. You know that ambassador that I ran into, that then started to stalk me? Yup, that's the guy. Apparently, he had been snooping too, and saw the light before I could get it turned out. He is also aware that the Queen hasn't actually been presenting the princess each year, but instead dressed up maids. Did I mention that I was one of those dressed-up maids? Yeah. He's aware that I'm not actually the princess, and he's been trying to find her. Hence the snooping, and the stalking. I freaked out a bit at that, perhaps a little too much.

-That you did. I didn't appreciate being stuffed into a closet. Or smacked over the head with a book. Or punched in the face. Or being kneed in the groin. Good defensive technique though. I wonder who taught you? Probably one of the numerous rotating tutors.-

I admit it. I shouldn't have freaked out. And kneeing him in the groin was probably a step too far. So was locking him in one of the storage closets while I paced in panic. I went back for him though! I didn't leave him there! I even gave him all of the papers that I found in the king's rooms, and the letters to and from "Miss Teacup". He was excited by the amount of papers that I had found, and had tons of questions for me. Questions like; How did I find them? Where were they? Why didn't the Queen burn or destroy them? On and on the questions went, and I couldn't give him very many answers. I didn't have answers for my own questions, let alone his. He had thought about things that I had never considered.

-I saw your expression throughout my questioning, and honestly, the last few were to tease you more than anything else. I like you, Laura. Your passion and drive for justice is beautiful. I apologize once again for following you.-

On another note, hopefully, I can get the nobles to listen to me. If not, then there is always the next night. I know I've mentioned it before, but the ball lasts for three days. I found a few laws to back my argument. What the Queen has done, and is still doing is illegal. Even the Queen is not above the law. I also found out, via my history tutor, that the Queen is not actually royal blood. Or at least, she's not a part of our kingdom's royal bloodline. She married in, and is ruling in absentia, otherwise known as ruling regent for Princess Loralina. (I kinda already knew this, but I didn't want to leave any information out.) Wherever the princess is, I hope that she is alright, and that she's found before too much longer. The only way that the Queen can stay in power is if the princess remains hidden, and dies (or gets killed) before having a child, bastard-born, or not. Let's hope that day never happens, my dear reader.

-The Queen has met her match, she just doesn't know it yet. You, my phoenix, are wonderful at making successful plans.-

After a troubled rest, I got with Mr. Ambassador to compile everything we knew about the missing princess. Also, he finally told me his name. Katniar Tamergon. He goes by Kat for short. Tamergon. That seems familiar. Why is it familiar? I know it from somewhere. I'll let you know if I figure it out. Anyways, onto our list. We stuck our heads together and brainstormed everything we had learned about Princess Loralina. Two heads are better than one, after all.


Princess Loralina is the daughter of the King, but is not related to the Queen

She's almost 18 ( she will be 18 tomorrow)

Her mother is the king's mistress, known as "Little Teacup"

Had a love for blue pigs? (see stuffed pig toy)

She is a princess (obviously)

She is a bastard-born (again, obvious)

The Queen hid her from everyone a few years after she was born

The Queen had King Elijah killed (poison?)

The Queen is only regent while the princess is missing

Little Teacup was one of the nobility

The Queen punished "Little Teacup" by stripping her noble title.

The princess was reportedly born with silver hair, and green eyes.

The king named her the heir to the throne in his will

The princess was adored by her father

Her mothers' family wanted her killed before her birth

The Queen has had look-alikes pretend to be her from a young age


So overall, not a lot, but more than what we knew individually. Kat suggested that I ask my mum if she knew of any demoted nobility. How often does that happen anyways? Can the Queen just strip a title on a whim? Or does she need a reason? If its at a whim, then I'm not too sure that my plan of asking the nobility to change the taxing laws will work. Hmm. Perhaps I should see what Kat thinks of my plan before I go through with it. I'll have to see if I can catch him before the ball starts tomorrow. Too late to ask about it for tonight. I'll need to hunt her down, but I have a mother that I need to interrogate. Hopefully, I can find her before the ball starts tonight. I have a feeling that I won't like what my mum will tell me.

-Prepare yourself Laura. I don't think you are expecting the information you receive from your Mother. I've said before that she was once a noble heiress. Be prepared for a shock. I know you weren't prepared for what she had to say.-