
The Queen's Rise

The princess had been missing for fifteen years. Yet every year, Queen Viola presents "the princess" to the noble court. Unfortunately, none of these girls have been the princess. None have even looked similar to the princess, though the court accepts them as such. Until this year. Things are different, and I decided to keep this journal as proof of the Queen's deceit. My name is Laura. This year? I was the girl chosen to play the missing princess.

Heather_Waage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


So I just had a figurative bomb dropped on me in the form of information from my mum. I asked about the nobility, and the Queen's ability to strip titles. The good news is that the Queen needs a pretty good and well-documented reason to strip someone of their titles. The shocking news is that my mum was once a part of the nobility. She was once a part of the group of selfish swine that care naught for others! Why did I not know this! This is something pretty important to know about someone! And even more shocking news! My mum is the only female of noble descent that had their titles stripped during the "lovely" Queen Viola's reign! Can you figure out what that means my dear reader?

-My rising phoenix, you are The Missing Princess. As these events were happening, I admit that you being the princess was not something that I was expecting. I had known that your mother had been one of the nobility. I also knew that the Queen had chosen you to play Princess Loralina, not that you WERE Princess Loralina. The question is, where do you go from here? I know from my perspective, but yours has details that I missed or wasn't present for.-

You guessed it, my fair friend. I'm the princess. I'm not just playing pretend princess, I actually am the princess! My name isn't Laura, it's Loralina! Laura is a nickname! A shortened name to call me by as we hid among the servants of the palace. I mean. I guess that explains why Viola hates my mum. And me. Does this mean that the Queen is technically my stepmother!?! That's like a stereotype, isn't it? Evil stepmother, hates the stepdaughter, and forces her to clean? This is starting to sound like a real-life Cinderella story shaken together with a Snow White, or a Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. I hope I don't get hunted down and cursed by a warlock who's working with Viola. She doesn't deserve the title of Queen. At most she's a regent. Not anymore! The Princess has been found, and she's of age to take the throne. Now, how do I get her to step down? Preferably before she has me killed.

-I don't know how you managed to get her off the throne, but her defeat was an amazing act. It was that day that the lives of many were changed. You truly have grown into your strength my phoenix. Always rising and soaring, even when facing the greatest of all challenges.-

Are you still hanging on my dear reader? What do you think, do I gain the throne, and fix the evil deeds of Queen Regent Viola? Maybe I already have, and you're already living a better life. Have we met? I suppose that unless you hunt me down after this ends, I'll never know. At least I have some time to deal with this revelation. My mum could have always revealed it later, or even not at all. I could have gone to my grave without knowing that I was Princess Loralina. Is it terrible of me to think that maybe that would be better? Am I strong enough to get through this and lead these people into a brighter future?

-You are amazing Laura. You would make your father proud. Keep pushing, keep rising. Keep living another day. I'll be next to you for every step. I'll help you rise again if you fall.-

The ball starts in a few hours. I'm currently with the tailors, being fitted for the last time, and I gotta say, the final product is amazing. The Master Tailor decided to use both lavender and a lovely shade of rose to make a mixed-tone dress. The bodice front is a light rose pink with some lovely rose embroidery and accent beading. The back of the bodice and the skirt skillfully blend from the rose pink to a median shade of lavender. The rose compliments my skin and accentuates my eyes, while the lavender makes my hair look like a fall of silver fire where it flows down my back. (yes, I know I've said this before. I'm gonna say it again. The Master Tailor did amazing work. I look stunning.) I am truly astonished with what he has come up with. I guess this is why he's a master at his craft. He also wasn't expecting to receive an armful of grateful princess. He just kinda stood there while I squeezed him in the biggest hug I have ever given.

-That would be a sight to see. The Master Tailor is not a thin man. Nor does he commonly get gratitude, it seems. -

I managed to get a hold of Kat. Yes, I'm aware that the ball starts soon. This was important. I finally realized why his last name was so familiar to me. I told you about warlocks, yes? Well, a family that had at one point been famous for the number of practicing warlocks was named Tamergon. The warlocks used to work with various rulers in various kingdoms until, one day, they had enough of being used and abused by the rulers. They fled, and went into hiding. Now, its rare that you see even one poorly trained warlock, never mind someone from a well-known warlock family. I'll need to ask if he practices, but have no guarantee that he'll answer, or answer truthfully. The answer might put his family at risk, after all.

-I'd answer anything that you ask unless it puts my family in danger. Even if I am the spare heir. The safety of my family, and my people are worth more than anything I could gain by answering that question.-

I got off track. I told Kat about me being the princess, and while he was shocked, he wasn't as shocked as I had been. Apparently, I looked incredibly similar to the descriptions of, well, myself. Also, he said that he recognized my mum from when she had been a part of the court. Apparently, there are paintings that depict her in a ball gown and reports that name her as attending some function or another. He also went digging through old newspapers and found the scandal of why her title was stripped (apparently, it was a very brief mention). I kinda feel like I was slacking on the research side of things. I didn't think to go through old newspapers. I didn't even know that the castle kept them.

-Don't feel bad. I needed to know, my kingdom and yours were counting on that information, and on your continued existence. Of course, I didn't expect to be ensnared by your beauty, then enthralled by your personality either. -

The ball starts in a few minutes. Do I sound as nervous as I feel? Tonight should be light gossip, maybe some dancing. Nothing to worry about, right? The big topics and important debates come tomorrow and the night after. I should be fine. I'll be fine. Nothing to see here, just your not so pretend princess trying not to panic. I'll survive. I hope. No one's going to try and kill me on my birthday, will they? I feel silly for writing my panic down, but if I don't write it then you, my fair reader, won't know what's happening. I can do this. I've been practicing. I have the court etiquette memorized. Nothing bad will happen. I'll be fine. Deep breath Loralina. People are watching. Waiting for you to mess up. Get your game face on. This is what you've been practicing for.

-You were amazing at the ball, simply stunning in a masterpiece of a gown. I couldn't tell that you were anxious. I feel silly for not realizing. Of course you were worried. You had just discovered you were the princess, and you had a duty to the people of your country, and very had had very little time to process. Still, you were the talk of the room. Not just because of your gown.-