
The Queen’s Curse

Adalene Smith finds out she’s been cursed under the guise of protection. Breaking this curse means finding out who she really is and who she’s meant to be but there are people who will stop at nothing to make sure this doesn’t happen. She’s in a world she never knew existed with a man she can’t explain her feelings for. She’ll find many exciting paths, magic, herself, and love along the way.

CoMy16 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 5

A soft snore woke me from my slumber.

I look around to see where it's coming from, I feel a sharp pain in my head and a throbbing in my face. The events from the night before came rushing back forcing me into a panic.

I jump up and check my surroundings, I don't know where I am or what happened after I was attacked.

I see Cyrus sprawled in a chair much to small for his body. He saved me. Again.

I feel drawn to this man and I've just learned his name only hours ago.

As I'm looking around, I don't see much that could tell me where I am. A small fireplace with an empty mantle, bed with a cypress frame, and a dressing table. I walk over to look at my reflection. I know I must terrible after what had happened. I braced myself, fearing what I'd see when I finally looked. My bruises looked days old, like I'd already been healing. No swelling or open cuts that should have been there.

"CYRUS!" I yell. "Cyrus! How long have I been asleep?!"

Cyrus jumped from his chair assessing the room for a threat when his eyes landed on me, he relaxed and a small grin tugged at the right side of his mouth.

"It's only been a few hours princess." He said smoothly. "There's quite a bit we need to talk about—" his eyes shifted and he looked almost pained "but first I want to apologize for this."

"For wha-"

Someone bursts in the room. A woman with waist length blonde hair long tan legs made her way to Cyrus wrapping herself around him.

"Cy! I've been so worried baby. Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a month!" She whined.

It felt like something was scratching and the surface of my skin. Like my body was outgrowing my skin and a pang of jealousy shot through me.

Cyrus looked over and seen the obvious hurt on my face as she pushed her off.

"Lilliana, what are you doing here?" He growled.

"I smelled your scent silly. Why didn't you tell me you were back?" She pushed her lips out and pouted like a small child.

"Lilliana, I told you it was over and I meant it. You need to leave." He looked at me apologetically.

"You want to make me leave because you decided you wanted a good for nothing human whore?" She spat.

"Leave." He said calmly.

"I smelled her scent across the village. I'm sure the alpha will be here soon to try her out." She giggled.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her once "I don't want to hurt you but you need to listen to me. You will not talk about her like that. She is NOT a whore and you will leave before I lose my patience.

Liliana looked over at me and grinned "You won't keep his attention long you little-"

"LEAVE!" Cyrus growled making the whole house echo and shake. She whimpered and ran out of the room. I heard the door slam behind her and I realized I'd been holding my breath, trying not to let my tears fall.

"I am so sorry. I couldn't possibly fathom why she would come in here like that, I haven't spoken to her in a month.

"But you were with her?" I said quietly so he couldn't hear my voice breaking.

"I was, but it's been over between us for a while." He hung his head.

"I don't know why it should matter to me, we've just met." I say. Straightening my shoulders.

"I should really be getting back home. My mother will be worried."

"Ada, don't let this get in the way of finding out who you are." He said with a sadness.

"Very well then. Tell me who I am and how you can help me." I stated coldly.

"As you wish, Princess. But first, let's have some breakfast. I'm famished and I know you must be." Just then my stomach growled.

I can't remember the last time I'd eaten so I nodded my head in agreement.

"There's some extra clothes there in the closet" he pointed to the door in the corner of the room. "You get some clothes on and I'll cook." Again, i nodded in agreement, too angry and hurt to verbally agree with him.

I walked into the closet, it wasn't huge but it definitely wasn't small. I looked around until I found a corner with women's clothing. I didn't want to wear anything that belonged to Liliana so looked for the smallest pair of mens breeches I could find and a small blouse that was still a few sizes too big.

I walked out of the bedroom and followed the smell of meat cooking. I walked through a hallway with three more doors. They were all opened so I peeked inside. The first door was a bathroom with a double sink and a huge bathing tub. The second door was another bedroom. This one was much like the first bedroom. Fireplace, empty mantle, dressing table. The third door looked to be an office. It had a nice desk with couches and chairs in it. It had a portrait on the wall above one of the sofas. I walked in to take a closer look, I couldn't believe my eyes. There were two men with their arms thrown across the others shoulder, two young boys, and two women on the other sides of the men. I only recognized one person in this photo, it was my mother.

Her porcelain skin radiated beauty and her long hair had began to blow in the wind. Next to her with his arm around her waist was a tall man. He was dark, darker than me. Even in the picture I could feel his power.

"Tap tap tap" I heard Cyrus knocking on the trim of the door.

I turn to look at him with tears in my eyes "is this my father?" I ask.

"It is. Alpha to this pack and king of the wolves in this region."


"I know the humans have told you stories of the scary beasts that live outside your town that prey on those who dare step foot outside the town at night, but we're not all that bad."

He must have seen the doubt on my face because he pointed his head down the hall and said "let's get some food in you before we get into all this. It could be a lot to take in."

"Okay" I agreed. I was starving but I was also overwhelmed. I'd never seen a picture of my dad before and there's one in Cyrus's house.