
The Quaternity (Percy Jackson/PJO/The Heroes of Olympus)

The Unbound One who stands unfazed shall do the Forbidden The Proud One shall inspire legions to fight the World The Child of Death shall start Anew The Sovereign of Souls shall bind them All. United they stand, Divided they fall, The Quaternity will shatter the norm, Transcend far beyond. Tags: Adventure, Romance, Several MCs, OP mcs, Character development, Comedy, Action, Harem For advanced chapters, check out my discord: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev

SovereignOfHeaven · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Harry III: A Hero's Romance

I looked at James, who had gone above and beyond to get us to land. I felt a bit uncomfortable throughout thanks to the strong gusts of wind and position I was in for hours on end. Somehow, I managed to sleep through some of it.

Yet… only God knew what he had gone through. It was definitely many times more strenuous flying for so many hours than getting carried. 

He deserved rest, most of all… that's why I put him to sleep.

It was my turn to carry him.

"It's coming home… it's coming home…" James muttered in his sleep. "Football's coming home. I'll make it happen… me… James King. I am the best… I am… the best."

I chuckled. 

"Man… just sleep, you idiot."

I stood up and looked around. The island that we landed on was beautiful with green hills everywhere. Even so, it didn't seem all that large. I could see the ocean in most directions. 

The weather… looked good. Too good for what it used to be. Did we catch a break?

The first matter of priority is food and water, of course. Shelter too. I needed to create an environment where James could recover to full strength.

There didn't seem to be any animals about…

I tried lifting up James but my right arm acted up, shaking uncontrollably. I felt an intense wave of pain as I let go of my friend.

This arm… 

Atlas' strike played back in my mind. I had dashed over and blocked his blow against Zoe with that Stygian iron shield. It was a moment where I did not think of consequences, I just acted. It was instinct.

Back then… the wound didn't seem so bad. But it kept getting worse over time…

Now it feels like I have no strength in my arm at all.

Given the prophecy, the last line in particular…

"One shall perish by a parent's hand."

It didn't happen, not that I know of. The four of us broke into their quest and changed its outcome, defying the prophecy… so is this the price?

Is my life forfeit in exchange for Zoe's, eventually?

Maybe I'm complicating it…

I turned away from James and decided to scout ahead, keeping an eye on him from time to time just in case. I saw a garden in the distance and… fruits. My stomach rumbled.

It wasn't that far… and there didn't seem to be any immediate danger.

I decided to run ahead.

The garden was clearly well taken care of. Someone had to live here for it to be so tidy… maybe they could help. 

I reached the garden pretty quickly, looking around. For a not so large island, the garden was pretty big. It was beautiful, too, but that's just me talking. I love all gardens (as long as they're tidy and well kept). 

"Two heroes… that has never happened before."

I heard a feminine voice behind me.

I turned to see James floating in the air, as if he was being lifted up. Right in front of me stood someone immensely beautiful. 

For the first time, I felt my voice fail me for a moment because of a girl. She wore a white Greek sleeveless dress and her caramel-coloured hair smelled like cinnamon. I don't know if it was a scary coincidence… but I loved cinnamon buns (even more than Rokas).

This feeling… is strange. 

"Uhm… what do you mean by that?" I questioned. "Do you get people crashing down one by one or something?"

"... Something like that, yes. Once every thousand years or so."

One every… thousand years?

I blinked.

How old…

It's not good to ask a woman her age. It wouldn't be the first time I was shocked by someone's age, either.

"Are you some kind of goddess?" I questioned, putting a nicer spin on it. "I don't remember you at the Olympian Party."

"You were at an Olympian Party?" She raised an eyebrow. "I doubt they let just any mortal attend."

"Well… my friends and I kinda jumped on a quest to save Artemis. We went through a lot of challenges and ultimately had to overcome Atlas… though, I didn't do too much in particular. My abilities aren't really suited for combat."

"Atlas…" Her dark eyes widened slightly at the mention. "I see."

Atlas seems to be a name that she knows. 

"Rule, Britannia… rule the waves." James sleep-talked again. "King James… has arrived, kneel down you lowly baboons and praise mine own golden radiance."

James… James really loved giving me second-hand embarrassment… 

I glanced at the woman.

"... Can you please help my friend? He strained himself a lot trying to get us back home. At least… Can we stay here long enough to recover? I'm more than happy to help out anyway I can in the meantime."

"Of course… I won't turn away a request like that." She nodded, smiling slightly. "I will heal both of you."

"Thank you so much… uh, what's your name, Miss?" 


"You have my gratitude, Calypso. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

I exchanged eye-contact, giving an honest smile.

Though… her look wasn't quite as happy. Her eyes felt heavy and dim as if they carried a deep sorrow. I felt the strain in her heart.

Maybe Rokas would've known just off of the name of Calypso… because I had no idea.


Calypso's magic healing abilities were really something else. I watched in awe as she mended James in no time whatsoever. My ability of blessing really paled in comparison.

After that, she turned to me and made all the earlier discomfort fade away. My right arm then caught her attention soon enough. Admittedly, I felt a strange sense of embarrassment.

My heart was going a bit wild… so a part of my body unintentionally rose.

Lord help me.

"This is no ordinary wound." Calypso remarked, stretching out my right arm. "Lay down on the head."

"Do I have to?"

"You have to." Calypso nodded, pushing me down.

She is… surprisingly strong, I'll say that much. I didn't even get a chance to resist. 

Now… the 'hill' among the fields became all the more clear. I just hoped that she didn't look there and it went away as soon as possible.

(E/N: Harry has a boner.) 

"I see." Calypso remarked with a curious tone. "Do you remember what caused this wound?"

"It originally happened when I defended a friend against Atlas." I replied, recalling the incident. "Even though I had a shield, I still took the blunt force of the attack which caused this wound. It seemed alright after I healed it… but it kept opening up. Each time, it's worse and harder to treat."

"Is there anything else?" 

"Well…" I paused. "Are there punishments for defying fate… stuff like prophecies?"

"You… defied fate?" Calypso raised an eyebrow.

"Well, the quest had a prophecy that ended with the line 'One shall perish by a parent's hand'... and the person I defended was a daughter of Atlas. If I hadn't moved, then there's a chance that she would have died."

"So… no one perished by a parent's hand?"

"Not that I know of, no." I shook my head. 

"It shouldn't be possible for a mortal to defy fate..." Calypso stated. "The Three Fates are too powerful, even immortals can't deny them. Perhaps… all you did was delay the inevitable."

"Maybe… I just figured it was some kind of curse because of my inability to treat it."

The Greeks have far too many gods. Someone should've told them that sometimes less is more.

"Rest assured, I will do all that I can."

"I'm confident that you'll be able to treat it.* I smiled slightly.

"Your confidence is appreciated." She smiled before dropping it a second after and turning away slightly.

It was weird… like she was actively fighting the act of smiling. Or rather, suppressing her emotions. Like little James would when he was trying to act indifferent.

"It would be for the best if you slept. This might take a while."

"Okay… yawn..." I raised my hand to cover my mouth as I let out an accidental yawn. "Well, it seems like my body agrees."

"It seems so, indeed." Calypso chuckled.

Again, she did the same thing.

I sighed a little and closed my eyes.


It was the winter of 1996, right around when I was five years old and in reception. It had been technically over a year since we started school in nursery. 

Though… back then they didn't really teach anything. We were just playing and goofing off while learning little things.

Dennis was always greedy with his toys, even going so far as to take from others. I recalled having a strong dislike for him that was only smoothened out over time as he changed.

Meanwhile, James… was not the same charismatic person he grew up to be. Instead, he sat quietly in his own corner and read books. 

He was a completely different person.

He took no interest in anyone else and hardly ever spoke. His blue eyes looked dark… almost lifeless. His blonde hair was wild and scruffy, he tended to smell pretty bad, always had some sort of bruises and did not put much effort into anything. 

It seemed as if he was like a piece of paper being thrown around by the breeze. He went wherever it took him…

When it was hometime, his dad would never show up on time. He would always be left alone to wait as the rest happily returned home. In those days after school, I'd always go out to the local park to play and would see him constantly. 

Though… we never talked.

If anything, it seemed like he was avoiding me. He'd just walk around aimlessly, maybe play with the swings and sometimes he brought his own ball and kicked it around until it got dark. Everyone thought that he was weird or that there was something wrong with him.

Overtime, I began to realise just how lonely he was. 

No one seemed to care about what he did. 

Or… more accurately, he rejected everyone and so everyone eventually rejected him. His fellow classmates, his teachers and seemingly even his family.

He… was isolated from everyone else. In his own empty and lonely world.

There was this large cage with four basketball rims around each corner. To the left and right ends were two "goals". James would almost always be trying to hit the goals from one end to the other… and he was amazing at it, even then. It was the one place he put energy into. Even during winter, when most kids would stay inside, he would be there.

This time… it was completely empty except for him.

"That boy… where are his parents?" My father questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Isn't he from your class, Harry?"

"... Yes." I nodded.

"Why don't you play with him?" He smiled, tilting his head. "It's always better to play together than alone."

"He doesn't like playing with anyone." I replied, shaking my head.

"How can you be so sure, Harry?" My father tilted his head as he questioned. "Have you tried?"

"..." I lowered my head as I felt a twinge of guilt. "I mean, I did…"

"Harry…" My father sighed. "It was our Lord's desire that we would treat others as we would expect to be treated by them. Would you like to be ignored as he is, Harry? It is good and all to pray and have faith, read and comprehend the text, yes. But… What good is faith if we do not act? If we do not live by it? James 2:16 applies to this situation rather well… Do you remember it?"

"No, I don't." I shook my head.

"Well…" He smiled. "If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? That is the exact quote. Now, go on. Every boy needs a friend. If no one will approach him…"

I stepped forward. "I will."

"Good." My father nodded. "Take as long as you need."

I approached James, who had scored but just missed the top right corner. He looked upset.

"You're good at striking." I stated, looking at him.

He ignored me and walked back to his ball, kicking it again. 

In PE, he always was put in goal and just sat out. 

He hated playing goalkeeper but no one let him play striker because he was terrible at it. Since he was very unpopular, everyone wanted him away from the action. 

Then… they blamed him when he was scored on. Eventually, he just moved away and played on his own.

"I don't get why you don't play well at school… you should be able to score goals."

James glanced at me, frowning slightly. He didn't say anything before turning back to his ball. He kept shooting and ignored me completely. 

I tried to think of something… and decided to get in goal. Usually, I played striker myself but this was a way to interact with him without getting in the way.

I mean… every goal had a goalkeeper. It wasn't a real test if you shot at an empty goal.

I was awful at it, though… but I had fun trying to block James' shots. Everytime I did, he tried even harder and made me look like the worst five-year-old goalkeeper in the world.

Eventually, he got tired and sat down to the side. I joined him.

"I don't get why you don't talk to anyone." I remarked. "I mean… don't you get lonely?"

"I don't need friends." James affirmed, hugging his ball. "They all act like they care… but they never do. They don't know me. They… don't know what I go through. When they get hurt, their moms comfort them. When they fail, their dads teach them how to do it."

His voice almost broke as he lowered his head.

"My dad…" 

"It's alright to cry." I reassured him, lightly grabbing his shoulder. "I'll be your friend and we'll sort out all your problems, alright? I promise."

"... I don't need your help." James brushed me aside and stood up, shaking his head. "I'm strong on my own…"

He took his ball and sprinted away.

'His dad… What about him?'

I really did want to help him…

I kept coming to his practice sessions, much to his irritation. I guess he was embarrassed that I almost saw him cry. James was always prideful, even then.

"Why are you playing with me… don't you have plenty of friends?" James mused. "Why do you care?"

"But… you don't have any." I countered, managing a smile. "I want to be your friend."

"... My friend…" His eyes widened as they started showing their blue colour. Then he pouted, turning away. "I said it before, I don't need any."

His stomach rumbled.

"You're hungry?" I questioned, stroking my chin with a slight smile. "We're having roast chicken today. It's very nice and there'll be plenty for you too if you want."

"Roast chicken…" James gulped, closing his eyes as he probably imagined it. "Is it tasty?"

"You never had it? Of course, it is. My dad is a great cook."

"Your dad… can cook?" James questioned me like it was some kind of legendary feat.

"Yours can't?" 

"No… I have to get back home." James sighed. "I'll get hurt if I'm away for too long."

"... Hurt?" 

After that, I ended up telling my dad everything. He took note of everything and promised that he'd take care of it. 

It was not all that long after that James was separated from his alcoholic, uncaring and even abusive dad. 

Instead, he was now taken care of by his grandparents who, while strict and traditional, took care of him.

I didn't see him for a while then… but he did make his return after two weeks.

In the following days, he seemed more… alive. Especially when we were spending time together. I'd usually share my lunch with him and we'd talk about our classes. He had become far more accepting of me. 

You could even say we were friends.

In the next PE session…

I realised that I could persuade someone else to play goalkeeper… but, honestly, I didn't want to make anyone's day worse. So I took the bullet (as I tended to do).

"James, you don't have to play goalkeeper or stand in the back anymore. I'll do it." I stepped in his place. "Go and play how you want."

"... But you don't like to play keeper." James remarked.

I smiled and put up a thumbs up. "It's okay because you're a better striker than me. We can win more."

"... I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Now go and prove me right."

At first, he was hesitant but I pushed him forward. His first possession, he got tackled by Dennis who stampeded through our defence and smashed a goal (almost smashing my head in too but I managed to duck). The next time, he missed and everyone on the team got onto him.

"This is too easy!" Dennis grinned.

"Harry, please… get back in front. We're going to keep losing like this. James isn't good."

My teammates all blamed James, who turned to me and looked down. He looked angry, but not at anyone in particular. He was angry at himself.

"I'm sorry… I missed."

"Keep shooting until you make them." I pat his shoulder. "Come on, I know you can do it!"

"I can…" James raised his head.

"Yes, you can. Don't think about missing or what anyone else says… think about scoring."

James managed a smile. "Scoring… yeah… I can do that."

The real James started coming out.

He took a deep breath and scanned the field.

The next time… there was no hesitation.

He took the ball and dribbled around the defence, speeding straight to the opposing goal. He ignored all of his teammates and went for the kill. 

Dennis was basically the last line of defence, towering over James. James faked him out and went to the other side… leading to Dennis tripping on the ground.


He took the shot without a moment of hesitation, banging it right in the top right corner. The opposing goalkeeper didn't even have a chance to blink.

The 'Red Carpet Run'... James' signature where he would just take the ball from the centre of the field and sprint to the goal. No matter how many defenders crowded him, he'd always find a way through them.

After two more goals, he was the hattrick hero and won the game singlehandedly. Dennis was very upset while James was the happiest I'd ever seen him up to that point. When James turned back, his team cheered for him.

"Winning… I love winning!"

James remarked, grinning as he expressed himself.

After that… he never looked back.

His confidence kept growing more every year, he became outgoing and far more cheerful. His drive for winning also kept growing as he chased every accomplishment within reach. He took better care of himself and became the inspiring James of today…

I was happy for him, but I feel as if our bond stagnated the more he shined. He got his own friend group and the phrase 'King James' became far more common. 

In a way, he did become the King of our school. Some of his confidence became arrogance and his drive for winning could lead him to being bossy and even angry when others weren't as dedicated to winning as he was.

He constantly fought with Dennis and they'd always make up in the early days… then Rokas moved in during Year 3 and that's when James brought him into our circle. With all four of us having ADHD and dyslexia, we always had the same special classes from time to time…

From almost day one, James took care of Rokas like a little brother. They were practically inseparable. Looking back on it… I understand why.

They are two sides of the same coin. James is the sun and Rokas is the moon.

Well, James is my best friend, I'll say that without a doubt in my mind… but I doubt I'm James' best friend. I guess it doesn't matter all that much, in the end.

All four of us… may as well be brothers.

No, we are.

He'd give his all for me… and I would do the same.

That's what matters.


I felt something shake me awake.

"Man, you're sleeping longer than Rocky…" 

I slowly opened my eyes to James sitting by my side with a new set of clothing. He now had a white Greek toga which is definitely not something he'd wear on a normal day. He smiled slightly when he saw me awake.

"You slept like you did all the flying." James remarked, getting off his seat. "Well, I won't lie, these circumstances are a bit mad. A beautiful island with nice summer weather, lakes, some nice ass gardens and a sexy girl with magic powers that can heal our wounds. She also has invisible servants that do everything for her and by extension, us. She also seems to be good-natured… how much more lucky can we be? Free sex?"

"James…" I frowned.

"Just sayin." James shrugged.

"Anyway, when did you wake up to have enough time to make all those deductions?"

"It's been like… an hour?" James stroked his chin. "It's hard to tell time here. Anyway, I figured that we were a bit too lucky with these circumstances. There has to be some sort of catch… there always is."

"What kind of catch?"

"What if this hot chick is… in fact, some kind of evil, old, fat haggard witch called Gorlock the Destroyer that has locked us on this island and plans to eat us eventually. Hell, that's a pretty good horror movie plot if you think about it-"

"... What… are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow. "She wouldn't heal our wounds if that was the case."

Speaking of wounds…

I managed to move my right arm without any problems.

No way… 

She really is amazing.

"She did patch you up, I guess…" James shrugged. "You never know with women, mate. They can be deceptive. Maybe she's only satisfied after making us fall in love with her or something. That's why she acts so nice."

"No, I don't think it's an act." I shook my head. "She's just… like that. I can tell that she is a good person at heart and has no ill intent towards us. If anything, something is hurting her."

"...You tend to be pretty naive, Harry. I mean you practically said everything about yourself without any caution to what was basically a complete stranger." James sighed. "All I'm saying is that some of this stuff is too good to be true… and there's a good possibility that this is some kind of trap."

"It wouldn't be the worst trap." I remarked, sitting up. "Anyway… I'm…"

My stomach grumbled like crazy.

James surely heard that.

"Hahaha… you're hungry, mate?" James laughed, pointing at the bedstool where a bowl and spoon laid . "Well, we can sort that out. There's that nectar of the gods ting right over there."

I turned and took a spoonful. Instantly, I felt better… and the taste… It tasted like the magnificent lasagna my grandmother would cook up. Being an Italian (and a grandma), she knew the right way of doing it. 

"So… did she tell you anything?" I asked, glancing at James.

"Yeah, a few things. I asked where we were and she said Ogygia. Apparently, it isn't near anywhere… whatever that means. That's the most concerning part for me. How the hell are we going to get home?"

"Oh-jee-jee-ah…" I tried saying it the same way, albeit a bit slower. "... Well, we should recover fully first before thinking about leaving."

"That's the thing… if it isn't near anything… How are we going to leave? Which direction?" 

"Well, you're the guy who thought it was a brilliant idea to use your wings to fly across the world." I replied, with a twitch of sarcasm. "I mean, I really don't think that we should be in too much of a rush. You're not fully rested, are you?"

"You were the guy rushing me earlier." James stated, raising an eyebrow as a slight grin surfaced on his face. "Could it be… you want to hang out with the girl?" 

"..." I paused, glancing away. "I don't know. Maybe..."

"Not my boy Harry… " James chuckled. I could tell he was going to make fun of me for weeks to come. "I thought you were Godsexual, mate. There's absolutely no wayyyyy you have a crush on that girl."

"It's… not a crush. I'm just… curious. Is that the word? I want to understand her circumstances better. I want to know what's straining her happiness."

"Uh-uh. Straining her happiness. Curiosity." James nodded several times. "Yes, that's one way of sweetening it, alright. Get out of bed and chat to her, then. I'll be chilling somewhere."

"... It's really not like that."

"Yeah right." James chuckled. "Rocky said that too but we know better than that. Dennis really is the last man standing, huh. You ever wonder what kind of girl would attract him? I think it would have to be some kind of gorilla… just as crazy as he is and strong enough to excite him."

"A gorilla…" I raised an eyebrow, trying to imagine a girl like that. It was difficult. "I think otherwise. I believe Dennis would like someone who is his opposite."

"You didn't deny it that time." James remarked, grinning slightly.

"Wait, that's not fair— you changed the subject."

"Hey, you're a sixteen year old young man. It would be weird if you kept seeing hot chicks and didn't want to shag at least one." James shrugged, turning away. "I'll leave the rizzing to you, best buddy."

He left me to my devices rather swiftly. 

I sat alone for a while, gave a quick prayer to God and thanked him for another day.

I also had to thank Calypso for treating my wound…

I got out of bed and looked around. There was a fresh set of clothes just for me. Greek styled. I took a look at my ragged, torn, white t-shirt which looked more grey with dirt than white. 

Having had to live with wolves, I hadn't quite had the time to think about how I looked or hygiene all that much.

Now that I was back to some form of civilization… my dirtiness did irk me slightly. 

I recalled seeing a lake…

Yeah, I did need a bath.

I got out of bed, took the clothes and went outside.


I didn't know where Calypso was but I didn't see her at the lake. I took off my clothing and jumped straight in. The lake water… felt amazing. It felt like for a moment I had become one with nature. 

It was completely clean, too. I guessed that was thanks to Calypso's hard work.

I took a while to clean myself, maybe a bit longer than I would usually but it was justifiable given how dirty I had been. 

Before I knew it, it was getting dark. I reluctantly got out of the lake and stretched my body a bit. Even though the night sky was coming out, I didn't feel cold at all. 

The warm touch of summer… I closed my eyes and took it in for a bit. You could even say that I lost myself.

It was strange… even though I knew that I had to return home, I didn't feel trapped or anything. Even so, I felt guilty for not rushing to get back as soon as possible. I thought about how concerned my family would be… they might even think that I'm dead.

I'd give call, but my phone was completely dead. Would this place even have any kind of service? I doubted it.

I sighed, looking up at the sky. 

By now, my father would be really concerned that something had happened to me. My grandparents would probably be horrified too… if only there was a way that I could tell them that everything was okay.

After thinking about my family, I turned around to put on my new clothes. It was then that I had made a huge mistake… and realised it instantly.

Calypso was right in front of me. That's right. I was butt naked with only my silver cross on me. In front of her…

I felt so embarrassed I just froze (which didn't make it any better). Also did I mention that my body's blood rushed again and it rose. Yeah, it was so over.

"Oh…" Calypso blushed, turning away slightly. "Forgive me, hero… I-"

"I… I'm sorry. So sorry. It's all my fault."

Maybe I shouldn't have stood still completely naked like I was Tarzan…

I quickly grabbed my new clothes and rushed to put them on while Calypso turned away. I managed to calm myself down, convincing myself that it wasn't all that big of a deal. It was just a second or so of a look… What harm could that be?

After getting dressed, I grabbed my cross and put it over my new Greek toga. It felt refreshing to be clean for once in the past three weeks. 

"Alright, I'm done." I said, sighing a little. "I'm sorry you had to see that… it wasn't my intention at all."

"Well, if it helps… it wasn't all that bad of a sight." She smiled, brushing some of her loose hair over her ear. "There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Uh…" My voice failed me as I was strangely flattered. I wanted to change the subject the moment I had the chance. "Uhm… right. Thanks for healing my arm and stuff. I really appreciate it."

Calypso seemed to understand, nodding with a slight smile.

"Well… it was the least that I could do." She lowered her gaze slightly. "You did say that wound came from Atlas, didn't you?"

"... Yeah. He didn't hold back at all on that one."

"Think of it as a way of making up to you for what he did… my father."

"Your… father?" I blinked with shock. 

I couldn't believe it. What were the chances of that? 

"Atlas… is your dad?"

"Yes…" Calypso glanced away. "That changes your opinion of me, doesn't it?"

"... No?" I tilted my head, shrugging my shoulders. "Whatever Atlas did shouldn't reflect on you. At least, that's not how I see things. You should be judged on your own actions."

"Wouldn't you support your family in a war?" She suddenly asked, her almond eyes looking into my own. It seemed like a random question.

"Well… I don't approve of war and fighting in general. But, if it came down to it, I would support my friends and family in whatever way I could."

"I see…" Calypso nodded. "That is the reason why I am here, young hero. Because I supported my father… and the Gods were victorious in the end… I was sent to this island as punishment. I cannot leave even if I wanted to."

"So… it's like a prison?" I questioned. "Does that mean we can't leave either?"

"… You may leave anytime you wish but you will never be able to return." She glanced away. "That is the choice that every hero before you took."

"... So you've been alone all this time, trapped on this island?" 

I couldn't imagine how lonely she must have felt. I couldn't imagine being locked to one place for thousands of years, either. I would have hated it.

"Apart from my servants and occasional visits from the gods… yes." Calypso nodded, sighing. "I wouldn't expect you to make the other choice. In truth… it would be better if you left as soon as you were able."

I… think I understood her. She wanted us to leave as soon as possible because it was more or less inevitable. More precisely, she must have been pulling away all the time because she didn't want to form any attachments. 

At least, if it's true that we can't return to this place…

"I couldn't imagine what it's like…" I sighed, shaking my head. "You seem like a kind and caring person… There's no way a punishment like this is suitable. I mean, this island is beautiful and all but staying here for the rest of your existence on your own… it's not like you'd do anything terrible if they let you leave from time to time."

"They have their reasons." Calypso remarked with a resigned tone.

"You didn't actively fight against the Greek gods though, did you?"

"... Well, not quite."

"That's… completely unfair. Obviously you'd support your father. It's like being punished for existing."

"Such is the way of the vanquished. The punishment could have been worse."

"Don't you want to see the outside world?" I questioned. "How many years has it been since you saw it?"

"... Of course, I'd like to." Calypso admitted. "But… it's something I can live without."

"You're lying to yourself."

Her eyes widened as she didn't deny it.

"Sure, you might have convinced yourself over all those years that you'd be fine without your freedom… but deep down, there's no way in hell it isn't the thing that you want the most!"

"There's little use in fighting the decision. They would never go back on it."

"I'm not accepting that. I'll make them change their mind, I promise. I'll do everything I physically can and if talking alone isn't enough…" I managed a smile. "We'll just have to break you out. It wouldn't be the first time we aggravated the Olympians and probably not the last, either."

A task like that was beyond me… but I had hope. If the gods were like humans as Rokas said, then surely they can be reasoned with too. 

She blushed red, brushing her over her shoulder. "... For some reason, I can't help but believe you. Even so… to go so far for me, someone you hardly know…"

"You healed me even when I was a complete stranger. As far as I'm concerned, I'm indebted to you." I looked into her beautiful eyes. "Also, what's the use in having principles and ideals you believe in… but never fight for? I believe in freedom… so I'll fight for yours."

Maybe I really was in love… but I strangely felt confident in myself. Completely. I believed every word I said.

Maybe James had rubbed off on me…

Her eyes shook slightly as they seemed to get teary.

"Then… you will have to leave to accomplish that, my hero."

"What other choice do I have?"

"Well… I… can offer immortality to any hero who lands on this island. If they choose to stay, they will not be capable of leaving either but we would be able to live together."

"I mean… if it weren't for being trapped here, it's not a fate that I'd dislike." I smiled, shaking my head. "Even so, by accepting that, changing your circumstances would be far more difficult. Maybe even impossible."

"That is why I won't extend it to you." Calypso smiled and this time it wasn't a small smile that faded away in a second. "I believe what you said, my hero."

"I'm… not a hero."

"I find that hard to believe." She blinked, tilting her head. "You are just like one."

"Well, a hero is someone who has done countless courageous and noble deeds… to me, at least. Someone who would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. " I said, shaking my head. "I've done hardly anything at all with my life worthy of a label like that."

"You fended off a blow from Atlas for a friend of yours. Even though the wound affected you… it did not seem that you regretted the act and bore the sacrifice. That's just from the little you've told me about yourself, no less… there are surely more unspoken deeds."

"Well… maybe." I scratched my cheek. "Though, I still wouldn't call myself a hero. It feels too… pretentious. Really, I'm just a normal person who wants to do good."

"There is no issue with that…" She smiled, raising her hand and running her fingers through my blonde hair. "Real heroes do not proclaim themselves as such… others do."

It felt weird having a girl touch my hair like that… but I didn't mind it.

"I guess you're right about that."

"Besides that, you wouldn't be here if you were not a hero." 

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Only heroes chosen by the gods wash up here…" Calypso said, looking at me. She looked like a dream under the moonlit sky.

"Great heroes that I couldn't help but… fall in love with."

"Me…?" I blinked. 

I was getting pretty flustered, admittedly.

"Of course it's you… who else?" Calypso chuckled. 

"But… isn't that a bit quick?" I scratched my hair, blushing as I turned away. "I mean, we only talked twice-"

"And yet you made such a heartfelt oath…" Calypso chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "What is a girl supposed to feel when you say things like that?"

"I… well." I couldn't think of a valid excuse. My lips just curled into a smile. "I just… didn't think it was right. The punishment, I mean."

"Mhmmm." Calypso didn't look all that convinced, in a playful way. "From what I've witnessed, you feel the same way… in just two conversations, was it? 'Isn't that a bit quick'?"

She got me. I guess I was just as obvious as Rokas, maybe even more. 

"That's what my mind tells me… but my heart… it feels as if things are just right." 

"The heart does not lie." Calypso stretched out her hand. "Come, I'll show you."

I blushed. "Show me what…?"

"My gardens. You said you'd help anyway you could, didn't you?"

Oh… right. I think I can safely blame James for making me think of something else.

"Of course…" I nodded. "I'd love to, actually. I do gardening all the time back home."

"Oh, you do? It seems that we have even more in common…"

To say that the following hours were magical… was an understatement. I loved exploring Calypso's gardens and finding out about all types of plants. 

There was one called Moonlace and it could only be planted during the night. That is also when it grows, instead of under sunlight unlike most plants. 

I loved gardening on my own in general… but doing it with her by my side was something else. I got to learn more about her, too, and likewise I shared my experiences. It was almost scary how similar we were… in a good way, of course. 

The more time we spent together, the less I could deny my heart.

Beautiful, kind hearted, caring, understanding… She is like an angel. 

Or, at least, how people would imagine one to be. Biblical angels don't exactly appeal to human beauty standards.

Once we finished cleaning everything up, I went out to look for James. He sat alone on the tallest patch of land on the entire island. His baby-blue eyes seemed focused on the shimmering moonlit beach.

"So… how did your date go?" James asked, glancing back at me. He grinned slightly. "Actually, I think I can see it on your face."

"... You've always been observant."

"You're head over heels for that girl." James remarked, turning back to the horizon. "First it was Rocky, now you… all the lads are being snatched away, one by one."

"… If I recall, you were the first." I looked at him.

"Yeah…" James nodded. "I was."

His hair swayed a little as a warm breeze swept over us. There was a moment of silence. If I could guess, he was thinking about her. I stepped closer and sat down next to him. 

"I was thinking… maybe this girl could've been next. A serious thing, you know? Birdie might've changed me, even. Someone did tell me that she falls in love with anyone who lands here." James remarked, managing a smile. "Though, she really feels too pure for an asshat like me."

Someone… visited James?

"You mean… Calypso?"

"No shit, sherlock. What other bird do you see on this island?" James chuckled, leaning all the way back until he was laying on the ground. "But seeing you like this… I ain't fucking it up. No way in hell."

"... You deserve love, too."

"Shut up and listen to me. You're the striker now and I'm just a forward passing the ball to you. All the defenders are on their knees since I just broke their ankles with my sick dribbling, as I always do…" James took a deep breath and let it out, smiling afterwards. 

"Now, I'm going to stare at this fucking horizon as long as I have to until you score."

"..." I chuckled. "Right. Did you have to use football for that analogy?"

"What? It makes sense." James raised an eyebrow. "I set you up, innit. Wiiide open goal. You better fucking score."

"... 'Kay. I will." I looked at James and smiled. "But, in the next match, I'm setting you up."

"Heh… I don't need your help when it comes to girls, mate." James turned back to me with a proud light in his eyes. "I could have anyone I want."

"Then find the person who makes you truly happy."

"... I will, when I'm ready." James closed his eyes. "But first, I'm going to build my castle. Proper foundations, impenetrable. Strong and dependable. Ready for any type of assault. A fortress fit for a King… and only then, when this castle of mine is the greatest in the world, will I open the gates."

"I'm guessing you don't mean an actual castle." I chuckled. "You want to grow, don't you? As a person."

"Well, after your whole speech about love right after the party and the one after about the future… I've taken a good look at myself and felt ashamed. Vulnerable, even. My heart was torn in half and all I ever did was put some shitty plasters on it that did jack shit. I don't ever want to feel that weak and pathetic again." James sighed, opening his eyes to the sky. 

"I'm going to focus on myself instead of seeking… pointless, temporary, things. When I find the right person, I want to be ready for something serious again."

"By then, I will be King."

"I'm glad to hear that, James." I smiled, patting his shoulder. "I believe that you'll find what you seek eventually. You always do."

"Mhm… so, how's your bonding with Calypso going?"

"Well, we sort of did confess feelings of… love to each other."

"On… the first day? You two work fast, huh." James laughed. "Is the wedding tomorrow, Harry? Do I need to prepare a suit?"

"I… don't think so." I chuckled, shaking my head. "I'm not getting married or anything like that. Well, at least not soon."

"Yeaaah, right."

I told James about my day and what happened with Calypso in more detail. I also told him how we could leave the island and essentially teleport to any place of our choosing. 

James was slightly disappointed that he couldn't continue his winged voyage across the world but also glad that the path home was right before him.

"Man, you really said something like that… yeah, it's wraps. You might as well have put a ring around her finger because she ain't letting you go." James chuckled.

"Still… I… don't know how to go about it. We have no way of contacting the gods and I doubt they'd just go over their decision just because I asked."

"... Don't worry about it too much." James smiled, patting my shoulder. "Me and the lads… all four of us… we'll make it happen. We'll be so fucking amazing that they can't even think about saying no to our request. I mean, we saved Artemis' ass once. I'm sure they'll need ass-saving again."

"I see…" I glanced at James. "So… I take it that I won't be the only one going to Camp Jupiter."

"Whatever it takes for my fellow brother to win."

James and I looked at each other, sharing a smile.

"Thank you, James."

"No need to thank me. We're in this together… forever."




Welcome to the Quaternity's first Post-Chapter Conference!

(I've been thinking about it for a while and was too lazy to do it for the other chapters… So here we go. This is mainly for comedy and explaining things.)

The four main characters gathered together, reviewing each other's experiences.

"You're telling me HARRY fell in love?" Dennis raised an eyebrow. "Nahhh, it's over. All my best friends are being snatched away by these witches."

"It's truly joever." James added, sighed. "She reeled in our saint… no one is safe out there."

"Another one of Atlas' daughters…" Rokas scratched his hair. "Harry, are you genetically coded to have a boner for all of them? Is it your destiny to shag all of his daughters or something? The hesperides, Zoe and now Calypso…"

"Pfft." James chuckled. "Harry's talking about me being a playboy but look at him rizzing up all these chicks. Watch him turn out the ultimate hypocrite and have a whole harem of beautiful women."

"I… that's not my intention." Harry blushed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, we know you. You're virtuous on the outside and devious on the inside." James chuckled.

"I… I'm just being myself." Harry sighed. "It's really not my intention to have all this attention-"

"Uh-huh." Dennis didn't look convinced. "By the way, since he's always holding up the sky… how does Atlas get kids? Does he just stand there and some chick comes up to ride him?"

"... That's pretty mad." James chuckled. "Has he gotten raped that way?"

"You idiots, he wasn't always holding up the sky." Rokas rolled his eyes. "As a matter of fact, he wasn't the one who held it up originally. It was only when the titans were defeated that Atlas was sentenced to holding the sky by Zeus."

"Interesting stuff innit." Dennis nodded. "Why does the sky need holding anyway?"

"Ouranos, the Protogenos of the Sky was once married to Gaea, the Protogenos of the Earth… and even though he was spread into thin air by his children, the Sky still longs to join with the Earth. Or.. something like that." Rokas explained.

"So you just cock-blocked the sky when you held it up?" Dennis questioned.

"... I guess?" Rokas stroked his chin. "I never thought about it like that."

"So, how heavy was it?" James questioned.

"Well, as you'd imagine… very heavy." Rokas replied. "The heaviest thing I ever lifted."

"No shit Sherlock." James chuckled. "By the way, why don't you and Dennis hurry up with your POV chapters. Y'all goons are like three weeks behind."

"It's not my fault you idiots ran away from Camp Jupiter." Dennis shrugged his shoulders. "We're going to be civilised members of society and participate in our camp's activities… ain't that right, Rocky?"

"Mhm." Rokas nodded. "Besides that, you guys are beyond stupid for not going there. New Rome is fucking amazing."

"No one told me that." James raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, we'll be there… eventually. After all, this King needs a Kingdom and what finer place to start from than Rome? All roads lead to it, in the end."

"Yeah, you sure do love your metaphors." Harry remarked.

"Uh-huh… this segment's about to end." Rokas stated.

"One last thing… fuuuck Luke Castellan, the prick who just suddenly woke up and teleported to fuck knows where. Seriously, what the fuck? He also did it off-screen, the prick. Hmph!"

"Shepherd… Castellan… King…" Rokas stated, chuckling. "Is that the pecking order?"

"Fuck that Castellan, he's fired. This King only needs a Shepherd!"