
The pyrofrost twins and the dark king

In a world where the monarchy's iron grip threatens all who oppose them, siblings Lily and Arthur face unimaginable grief after losing their parents – a brave flame swordsman and a compassionate nurse. As they struggle to navigate life without their loved ones, Lily is consumed by sorrow while Arthur finds solace in practicing his swordsmanship. As time passes, Lily's overwhelming grief transforms into burning anger, igniting her desire for justice against the oppressive regime that tore her family apart.

Mohamed_Azyan_9705 · Fantasy
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76 Chs

chapter 35-The final riddle and freedom.

In the dimly lit chamber, the air crackled with anticipation. Argentus, the mighty crystal golem, stood tall, his crystalline form shimmering with an otherworldly light. He had been trapped in this enchanted prison for centuries, yearning for his freedom. Now, his liberation was within reach, waiting for Arthur and his sister Lily to solve the final riddle.

Arthur and Lily's gazes met, a mix of determination and excitement reflected in their eyes.

"What has a heart that doesn't beat, a mouth that doesn't speak, and runs without legs?" Arthur recited, furrowing his brow in deep thought.

"What has a heart that doesn't beat, a mouth that doesn't speak, and runs without legs?"

Lily pondered the riddle for a moment, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched into the pedestal. "It must be something metaphorical," she mused. "Something that represents life, yet doesn't possess these typical attributes."

As they contemplated the riddle, the chamber seemed to come alive. Whispers of ancient spirits danced through the air, urging them to find the answer that would bring about Argentus' freedom. Their hope swelled, buoyed by the possibility of breaking the curse that had bound the crystal golem for so long.

Arthur and Lily furrowed their brows, their minds racing to decipher the riddle's hidden meaning.

Suddenly, inspiration struck Lily. "I think I know the answer!" she exclaimed. "It's a river!"

The answe is "a river." because "a river has a source where it originates, which can be considered as its "heart." The water in the river doesn't beat, and it doesn't have a mouth to speak, but it keeps flowing without legs."

Arthur's eyes widened in realization. "Of course! A river has a 'heart' in the form of its source, but it doesn't beat like a living creature. It 'runs' swiftly without legs, and yet it doesn't 'speak' like a living being would."

Their hearts filled with renewed hope, the siblings turned their attention to the chamber's walls. As if responding to their discovery, a hidden compartment opened, revealing a radiant blue crystal key resting on a velvet cushion. Arthur and Lily exchanged a knowing glance before carefully grasping the key, feeling its cool energy course through their fingertips.

The crystal key held the power to open the gateway to the fourth and final room, where Argentus' true liberation awaited. With each step they took, the chamber transformed around them. Ethereal blue mist descended from above, swirling and caressing their faces, as if celebrating the impending triumph.

As they reached the massive gateway, its ancient stone doors loomed before them. The key trembled in their hands, resonating with an enchanting hum. Together, they inserted the key into the intricately carved lock, their hands intertwining as they turned it. With a resounding click, the doors creaked open, revealing a blinding light beyond.

As the light enveloped the chamber, Argentus could feel the tendrils of Marlin's curse spell weakening, its grip on his crystalline form loosening. He sensed the presence of Arthur and Lily, their bravery and intellect guiding them through the trials. The hope that had ignited within them had become a beacon of freedom for him.

As the light subsided, Argentus stood tall, his radiant form unencumbered by the curse. His eyes, once dull and lifeless, now sparkled with gratitude and newfound vitality. With a deep, resonant voice, he spoke words that echoed through the chamber, "Thank you, brave swordsman and archer. Your courage and wit have granted me my freedom."

Arthur and Lily beamed with joy, their hearts brimming with the satisfaction of their accomplishment. The crystal golem's liberation had become their own victory, a testament to the power of perseverance and the bravery.