
The Pyre

Osha was captured at a young age by the Vampyrs of Castle Ishavek. Shortly after she meets the Twins, Misha and Pasha, also Vampyrs who end up sparing her life. Having grown in captivity and indentured to the twins, she struggles to decipher the thin line between adoration and blind loyalty. Osha navigates through the dangerous world they live in. Secret plots, betrayal, death, desire, and love all await. What path will she choose?

Katlyn3 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Three: Plots


In the span of three day's time, I bound myself to my quarters, fearing the spectacle I made of myself. I resumed my duties as of this morning. Due to the attention I attracted, I was demoted from being the brothers' attendant. I received a message from Misha informing me of such. I hadn't seen either of them since the incident. I've not once before, acted out of recklessness but upon hearing Pasha potentially being in danger, I panicked. Being slaves we lived on the brink of death almost perpetually, Vampyrs on the other hand, were not easily subdued, question being why did I fear for him so? I rushed to their side, knowing what they are, knowing they regarded me and my people as an inferior species. Throughout the years of serving them dutifully, of keeping their secrets, I began to care for them, in spite of what they represented, pushing my resentment to the darkest parts of my mind, I befriended them. I could not help but feel a small sting of being removed from my position, as petty as it was, it was all I had.

Having already tidied up my quarters, I sought out the kitchen, to which I was newly stationed, under a cook named Gertrude. I had reverently prayed she wasn't a thing like Maud, although I don't have to fret over her, she's been dead a long time. Upon entering the kitchen, I was greeted by the delectable scent of bread baking, my gut twisted with hunger. A woman was in the process of slowly removing the bread from its warm home. The kitchen was no different from the rest of the castle, same dismal appearance, cupboards and shelves decorated the room. Cauldrons and utensils hung about, the enormous stove claimed the back wall. "You must be Osha, I'm Gertrude." She grunted, plucking a roll of bread she dropped from the ground, dusting it off and biting it. She was a plump woman, she was well in on her years of life, her hair was the color of snow, beginning to turn yellow at her scalp. Waves of distant oceans colored her irises, her lashes in a thin uniformed line. "Yes Madam, I apologize for ogling, I'm prepared to begin." I bowed nervously, wheezing grew from her chest producing a deep hearty laugh, I peered up at her perplexed. "You scaredy-cat, I'll not harm you, come closer child! She grinned, wiping a stray tear from her cheek. Coming closer I couldn't help but notice the bread, how I longed for a fresh baked slab of bread. "Take one, eat it quickly." She urged. "Are you sure? "I paused waiting for her response. "Aye." She confirmed. It didn't take but a second for me to demolish the piece of bread, satisfied I let out a sigh. "Now, we must fetch blood from the Alchemist's Den below, it's preserved in bottles so it's a simple matter of pouring it up and serving it." Gertrude explained. She was an enigma to me, she spoke as if it was as common as baking a pie, she didn't seem the least bit fearful. Not wanting to appear lazy I decided to make quick work of this. It's been a long time since I've been below, my stomach dropped. Alright, pull yourself together.

I came to the door, beads of sweat prickled on my forehead, a throbbing pain formed a tight lump in the base of my throat. I closed my hand in a fist, gripping the door with more force than needed. Heaving myself through, I swiftly and silently crept down the stairs. Every step was muted, my heart beating wildly, I paused at the base. "Hello...o..o..o..? My voice echoed back at me, the hairs on my neck raise in attention. I'm taking too much time, I need to hurry. Focusing on my task I pressed forward, past the preserving room, it opened back up into the the old man's torture chamber. There they were just as before, my people in cages, afraid and waiting to die. I forced myself not to make eye contact. The cages stayed to the wall, the center filled with new contraptions and devices of all kinds splayed over a long wooden table, shivers rushing down my body. Blood stained the table, how many times were they thrown there after usage, how many lives ended here? Movement from behind me startled me, temporarily relieving me from my overwhelming guilt. "My, my, fresh meat." I knew that wheezing, it was him, the old man. Emerging from the dark behind me he paused to meet my horrified stare. "I come from the kitchen, I need a bottle of blood for the masters!" My voice coming out louder than expected. With a lascivious grin, he turned me back towards he preserving room. "Tsk, shame, I would have enjoyed having you try out my newest project." Leading me through the threshold I gathered my wits, impatience eating at me, he took his time finding what was requested. Holding it out to me was the bottle, it was heavy with thick red liquid, smirking he placed it in my hands. I had no care to thank him nor bid him goodbye, I went up the stairs at such a pace it felt superhuman. I broke out in a mad frenzy trying to locate the kitchen, bless my God, it thankfully didn't take long. Wild haired and out of breath, I set the bottle on the table with a huff. Gertrude sat next to it, diligently cleaning her nails. Elegant goblets with jewels as big as your eyes covering them sat on individual trays that rested on carts which were stationed and ready. She peered up from her hands. She unleashed another mighty laugh "You look a fright! You poor dear." Her laughter carried throughout the kitchen as she grasped the bottle, uncorking it. The stench of the blood invaded my nostrils, how can anyone willingly drink this? My mind went to Pasha and Misha, my chest felt tight, I felt more alone in that moment than I had in my isolation. "Right, now you bring these to the twins first, then make your way to the main hall, we will have to deliver to guests visiting. We must never go alone, that is an important rule to memorize." "Yes madam." I bowed and grabbed on to my cart. My thought we're already on the brothers, what will they say once I get there, what will I say? I breathed out in a sigh.

I took a only a moment's pause outside Pasha's chambers. I brought my knuckle to the door audible enough to heard from within. "Enter." His voice was muffled against the wood, I pushed the door clumsily the cart trailing behind me. Oh my stars... Pasha, being remitted of his shirt was near the fireplace with nothing but a sheet covering his lower half. His hair was damp and dripping, water beaded down his body. He must have returned from the bathing wing. His arms stretched over the back of his sapphire chaise, he was draped over as if he were the subject of a painting. So... "Beautiful." His head shot up, shock evident in his expression. It was in my absentmindedness that I permitted the last word to leave my lips. You swooning fool! Bowing deeply to hide my face I addressed him. "Master, your evening meal is here." Straightening myself, I whirled around to bring the tray to the table. In that small amount of time, he moved to the front of me, the sheet tied to his waist hung dangerously low. Fire erupted beneath my cheeks. Good God man! He was... delicious, deep muscles cut their way throughout his body, I would bargain I could wash linens on them. His titanium eyes honing in on me. "Don't be so formal Osha, I must speak with you." Those lips, surrounded by a light stubble that ventured to his throat, I dare wonder what they felt like. "Osha, do you not hear me?" He ask whilst snapping his fingers. "Of course!" My face hotter than a bakery, I kept my gaze to the floor. With the gentlest touch, more gentle than my own mother's he tilted my face to meet his. Titanium took me in, I was further embarrassed by my heart beating like a drum before war, I'm certain he could hear it. "It would appear I have unsettled you." The titanium warped into lightning, I couldn't blink, I was completely mesmerized. "The hour is late, I must deliver the rest to the others, afterwards I must meet in the great hall to serve our guests." I yammered, gesturing to the cart. "Osha." His voice rung with authority making stop cold in my tracks. "You were injured because of me, for that I apologize." I turned to face him, his eyes full of sincerity. "Why did you burst in there like that Osha? You know better, I TAUGHT you better. Even the smallest gestures could cost you your life." I averted my line of sight from him, struggling to maintain a sense of composure. "I ... care for you...is that so unfathomable?" I stammered. Something shifted in him, without warning Pasha scooped me in his arms. "Pasha?" I breathed. He rose his head and pressed his forehead to mine. "I pined for you in your absence." He whispered. I've never been touched like this by him, we were of course friends but the way he touched me now, was out of characters for him. I couldn't suppress my breath now coming in short pants. "I hear your heart..." His voice lowered. "Pasha..."I sighed. Deciding to not delay any further he crushed his lips to mine, my flesh was on fire, my nethers throbbing with need. His fangs grazed the tip of my tongue, I was on the precipice of going absolutely mad. I pulled him to me, his arms securing me, I could make out his manhood, it bulged into me more. Oh my... I was going to drown myself in him. Just one night. I knew what he was, what world we lived in, but at the moment I lost all my cares, all I needed was him. I ran my hands up his sides, making him shudder. He groaned, his eyes came alive under my touch. "Is this what you want?" I asked tentatively. He froze for a moment, his eyes flickered to me, he seemed to snap out of his haze. " Osha.-" He broke away from me, his hand rubbing his mouth in shock. "We can't- I'm sorry Osha. You need to leave, I'll send word for you when I can." He spouted anxiously. "Why do I have to be sent away? I blurted. "I understand what I did but the both of you..I..I hold close. I was worried." I eyed a crack on the stone behind him. "My Little Osha, we had to. The King can't keep seeing you or you would further draw his attention. We are protecting you, even now." He caressed my face. "I ...feared you'd both had discarded me." With arms around me he soothingly replied, "Never My Osha Never." I sagged in relief like a pile of pudding, though I was still troubled. "Pasha? What did your father mean when he said you would be joining the vanguard, will you train here?" Visibly sinking, I already knew. "No..." Pasha as well as Misha were skilled in battle, the King couldn't breed weak sons. No, they needed to know the feel of their steel jab into another man, to witness the precise moment the irises become a thin line and the pupil to dilate with lifelessness. The moment where the soul leaves a man. I knew Pasha could handle himself but it's war, you can't predict outcomes of war. "What can you do?" I asked as I gripped his arm. Eyeing my hand on him, he replied, "Nothing, I must go, you'll be looked after, I have already made arrangements." Shooting out of my mouth I shouted, "That is not what warrants my concern! What if you never return?!" Tears that sprung forth adding to my anger, tumbled down my face. In a flash, he was wiping them away. "Don't trouble yourself, I can certainly defend myself. I'll return, I swear this to you, I'll return." He stroked my hair, letting out a heavy sigh. After staying that way for a few moments he broke the silence, "You mustn't be late go, I will talk with you soon, I promise." He assisted me out of his chambers. "Be careful, we will see each other soon." He repeated softly before closing the door behind him.

Standing outside of Misha's door I understood the stark difference between the affect each brother held over me. I was more worried than I was standing in front of Pasha's. With a knock and proper amount of pause, I opened the door and entered. His chambers were much darker than Pasha's. The bedding, curtains and rugs we all a deep ruby color in opposition to Pasha's sapphire theme. Misha burst up from the desk he was at. "Have you any sense of time? I have been starving!" He snatched the goblet from the cart before I had the chance to move. "Honestly you are more trouble.." he muttered. With the conversation between Pasha and I still fresh on my mind, I reached out grasping his hand. "Have you no shame now?! Master yourself!" He balked. "Master Misha, what will happen to Pasha now?" My eyes welled with worry, I saw Misha visibly relax, my hand still gripping his. "He's my brother, we will sort it out as we always do." I rose my eyes to search his. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to protect him." With an incredulous look he patted my head. Of all these things I've seen thus far in my lifetime, nothing shocked me more than the sudden burst of humanity Misha expressed. It was short lived of course. He cleared his throat. "Now, away with you." He gruffed, prodding me to the door.


I could no longer hold back, after seeing her, touching her while she panted my name. I required release before I hunted her down, before I took her without the restraint needed to not kill her. I sent for Lydia not moments after parting with Osha. Lydia, being of a lower house, offered her services freely to me all the while ambitiously trying to clamber to a higher status. With her face buried in the mattress, her blonde hair in tight swirls around my fingers, I took her. Her lean tan body bouncing against the bed, her moans growing louder as I pounded into her. I pictured Osha, what she would look like opening herself under me and screaming my name, surrounding me in warmth of her sweet little pink flower, how her nectar tasted in my mouth... "My Lord, you're hurting me!" Lydia cried out. "Quiet!" I growled. "You're a vampyr, take it." Still emerged in thoughts of Osha earlier, I desperately tried recapturing the touch of her soft lips against mine, the little moan she released under my touch. The deafening beats of her pulse while my tongue explored her mouth, her clinging to me practically begging for more. Most importantly, I clung to the memory of the smell of her arousal. I couldn't hold back anymore. Osha...do you have the slighted inclination of what you make me do? Reaching my summit, Lydia's protests grew louder when I snatched her hair back, with my canines elongated. I tore into her throat hungrily, filling her with my release. More. I needed more.

I lost myself... again...

In bloody twisted mangles cast about the room, lay Lydia's body parts, blood spattered throughout the chamber.

What have I done?


I was consumed with finding a way to excuse my brother from service. But how? Could I once again serve the court in order to gain their favor? If any should, I would be me, I've a mind for it, I enjoyed it. For Pasha, however, the ways of court were lost on him. He held no regard for the hierarchy, he was also far too blunt and impatient to do what was required of a member in court. His lineage bound him to a lifetime membership yet he didn't want it, he the wanted freedom only a peasant could have. Peasant. There she was, in my mind again. Her appearance gave away she was flustered, rouge lingered on her cheeks, her scent was mixed with that of my brothers. What happened between those two? A hollow pit formed in my gut, a fire unfurled and scorched my insides. What was I so upset about? What was the business of her touching me? She not once acted so freely before. Her being so close, I could smell her below, oh yes indeed my brother did do something. I caught myself debating on marking her, a slave, of all the beings on earth. What made her so....so... impervious to me? She held no sway in my eyes, what made my mind decide to take up valuable time thinking of her? With a grunt I rolled to my side, the silk sheets cool beneath me. "Utter nonsense, complete utter nonsense." I muttered to myself. My chamber door open and closed instantaneously. It was Pasha, he was covered in blood, breathing erratically. "What is it?! Spit it out!" I demanded, panic rushing through me. "I-I lost it Misha, I was- I murdered Lydia." He breathed. For fuck's sake, this must be the result of being with Osha. I did not like this, not a single bit.