
The Puzzle?

destony_hall · Action
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chapter 16: hallucinations

''Hm...Blake...you okay?'' i questioned as me and Anika is still laid on the grass glacing at each other in astonishment ''yeah...never better Rose'' Blake spoke in a chirpy way i scanned at Anika and motioned to stand up i walked over to Blake whle Anika stood still maybe in shock i'm not too sure,

Blake grabs me in for a warm embrace it was long, sweet and comforting for a minute i was ecstatic thinking my Blake was back until i remembered what he was like a couple of hours ago, i pulled the embrace apart Blake was smirking at me i took one look and quickly looked away he still makes me feel warm and cozy, like your in a warm bed on a cold night you feel safe a stronger sence of security, he is the person who in not exendable and cannot be easily replaced.

The one you love truly is your touchstone,

your witness! through life.

That's how i used to feel with him and in that minute long hug but not anymore!.

Blake slowly rolls his sleeves up to his elbows and runs his hands through his hair, no matter how much of a dick he is i'll always want to pounce on him like a stray cat ''what do we do now?'' Anika asked ''destroy Sally she deserves what's coming to her!''.

We headed back to the apartment, Blake ran into his room to try and frantically inspected his draws ''it's not here!'' Blake bellowed ''What's not here!?'' i asked Blake ''the letters!'' he cried still scanning not even his draws but all of his room,

throwing, tossing and flipping thing's ''Anika!?'' he yelled, she bolted into his room ''have a look if you can find the letters in the evidence room!'',

she nodded and tapped the door on the way out to swing herself round the corner ''what letters Blake?!'' i asked him ''them between my father and Sally!'' he replied in a agitated tone. Blake's POV: does Rose even care,

she's stood there doing nothing no helping to find the letters.

''Rose?...are you going to help?...anything!'' i look over at Rose her eyes turned blood shot red she slowly stepped forward,

blood leaked from her eyes like she was crying blood her voice wasn't her voice it wasn't sweet and soft it was deep almost lke she was growling ''what did you do!?'' outcried Rose she shoved me into the wall she was extreamly strong like she was possessed,

i was speachless, quiet and terror-stricken ''i want my life back!'' she yelled ''did you just forget about me or something?!'' each time she screamed in my face she got closer and closer ''you hurt me Blake!'' the voices and whispers started once again ''your a monster!'' i tried to cover my ears but it wasn't enough it was coming from inside me inside my head.


A gunshot once again this time it wasn't a blackout but a dream? no nightmare! it was the same house once again nothing was different apart from no picture frame once again me and Rose were arguing but not me,

''what did you do Blake!?'' Rose screamed at me ''nothing that concerns you!'' i yelled back ''you did something Blake...'' her voice went more softer ''i don't know if i can love you anymore...i'm sorry Blake'' she looked really apologetic ''no...no...no! i did it so i can be with you...Rose'' he whispered to her ''what did you do!?'' she yelled once again he stared to sb and plead for forgivness on his hands and knees '' i did it so we can spend more time together'' I spoke while grabbing her hands she qickly shoved them away ''what!...what!...did you do!?'' ''i killed them Rose...your parents'' he wailed ''you lied.

You lied and you lied and you lied and i, the fucking idiot that i am believed you. It would have been better for you to be fucking some other lass or you actually trying to find a job not killing people and not my parents. Well, guess what? i'm a different person''.

I heard a gun cock. ''I will pull this trigger,

and i will kill you".

Rose was holding a Glock 16,

my sad expression changed into range,

fury all of a sudden i grabbed the gun from Rose and shot her in her left eye killing her instantly,

in happened in slow motion her collapsing to the floor, blood splattered on my face,

i screamed at myself you could hear the ache in my cry for Rose unti i was shaken out of my nightmare. Rose's POV: Blake was unresponsive i tried to shake him awake but nothing ''sorry Blake'' i spoke before slapping him he finally awoke ''Rose!'' Blake yelled in a joyful matter while grabbing me in for a hug that was tight like he didn't want me to go ''okay...Blake'' i spoke in a creeped out way as i pulled the hug apart,

shortly Anka ran into the room ''oh...sorry but it's not there'' she spoke in a breathy way ''looks like back to the police station'' Blake said while sitting up ''why?'' i questioned him ''we need evidence or something''Blake spoke ''what about Sally?'' i asked ''she'll be on the field scanning the area by now'' Anika responded,

we all looked at each other knowing what we had to do.

Anika would go near the field and call us if Sally is heading back, at the station there was a police man near the reception me and Blake walked up to him as we did Blake was asking him questins random ones at that as i asked the man where the toilets were he spoke in a deep was as for him being a lean type he poined as he spoke ''round there'' as i smiled at him while i walked towards the toilets i smirked as i knew Sally's office was smack bang across them.

I swiftly opened the door and leaned up against it breathing heavily,

i ram to her desk scanning fighting to find something a folder? that's new it read ''the Smith case'' i knew i had to keep that but i knew i was running out of time and grabbed some random piece of paper, documents and folders and placed it in my backpack, as i reached Blake he asked the police man ''when would Sally be back'' he replied ''in a hour'' we said ''thank you'' and walked out before he asked our names.

We got to the apartments where Anika was waiting she grabbed my backpack and picked a random folder she went drip white her sholders were moving fast up and down like she was about to have a panic attack ''what is it Anika?'' Blake questioned in a concerned way she took a deep breath in before speaking ''body description long brown hair, green eyes, 5-ft 7,

body found 7th of August 2005 the body has been pronounced dead in 19th of March 2003 the same date she went missing'', Anika was about to speak but stopped ''spit it out Anika!'' i cried ''name R...ROSE...SMITH!''.