
The Purpose and Shadow (Light powered assasin)

In the shadows of a clandestine organization, a figure emerges - Jason, the ideal recruit for a project that molds killers into something more. Equipped with extraordinary powers, Jason becomes a force to reckon with, just as an imminent, otherworldly peril threatens Earth's existence. Follow Jason's journey as he transforms from a lethal operative into a super-powered guardian, charged with the harrowing task of saving the planet. In a world where danger is as real as the darkness that conceals it, witness the evolution of a killing machine into humanity's last hope.

Williams_7297 · Sci-fi
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42 Chs

Chapter 32: Trust and Deception

Chapter 32: Trust and Deception

To gain Malik's trust, Adewale had to prove his loyalty. He participated in several minor operations, using his skills and connections to help The Syndicate expand their reach. Each success brought him closer to the inner circle, and Malik began to open up more about the organization's structure.

Meanwhile, Jason and the team used the information Adewale gathered to conduct raids on smaller distribution points. These operations were swift and decisive, aimed at disrupting The Syndicate's supply chain and gathering intelligence on their higher-ups.

One evening, as Adewale was returning to his safehouse, he received a call from Malik. "You've done well," Malik said. "The boss wants to meet you. Be ready tomorrow night."

Adewale relayed the information to Jason and the team. "This is it. The meeting we've been waiting for. We need to be prepared for anything."

The following night, Adewale arrived at a luxurious mansion on the outskirts of the city. The security was tight, with guards patrolling the grounds and surveillance cameras monitoring every angle. Adewale was searched thoroughly before being allowed inside.

He was led to a spacious office where a man in a tailored suit sat behind a large desk. The man looked up as Adewale entered, his eyes sharp and calculating. "I'm Victor," he said. "I hear you've been making waves."

Adewale nodded respectfully. "I've done what I can to prove my loyalty. I'm here to discuss a significant investment in Power Surge."

Victor leaned back in his chair, studying Adewale closely. "You've impressed my people. But trust is earned, not given. What exactly are you offering?"

Adewale presented a detailed proposal, outlining his plan to distribute Power Surge to high-value clients across Africa. Victor listened intently, occasionally glancing at his lieutenants for their input.

After a tense silence, Victor spoke. "Your plan is ambitious. If you can deliver, you'll have a seat at the table. But remember, failure is not an option."

Adewale nodded. "Understood. I won't let you down."

As the meeting concluded, Victor's demeanor softened slightly. "Welcome to The Syndicate. Let's make a lot of money together."