
The Purple Moon Pack

Amethyst Moon is rumored to be a blood descendant of the moon goddess. Her journey is fraught with secrets, danger, loss, discovery and romance. Forced to flee into the deep forest from her territory as her pack are being slaughtered by the red eyed wolf's. Her father tells her to keep running and not to look back. Amethyst can hear the screaming for help and feel the pain of her pack members in her mind as their lives are lost one by one. Seven year old Amethyst with tears running down her face has no choice but to keep walking forward, searching for a safe haven. What awaits her in the deep forest is something she would never expect.....

candice_stock · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The purple moon

A cold mist forms densely around an ice cave on the side of a mountain in the moon peak alps. Low guttural howls can be heard coming from within the cave as Luna Samera pushes out her pup with all her might. Alpha Durian paces back and forth outside the cave with worry lines etched on his forehead waiting for his mate to call for him. Luna Samera was brought to this secret cave because of the healing pool found within. This cave is the treasure of the Purple Moon Pack. Known for its ability to revive a wolf on the brink of death.

Samera hears small whimpers coming from her daughter, she reaches over to lick her in greeting. She is meet with lush, fluffy black fur and big stunningly vibrant tricolor purple eyes. Samera then calls for her mate who rushed in with love and joy on his face. How is it, he asks? We have a beautiful daughter. What should we name her? Alpha Durian looks at his new born pup and ponders for a while before saying Amethyst Clematis Moon. May she be blessed by her ancestor the moon goddess. As Alpha Durian declared his daughters name a purple beam of light from the moon could be seen shining on the entrance of the cave.

The Purple Moon Packs territory is found high up in the mountains however, they live within a valley where a warm pocket has formed. The Pack has 321 members with Amethyst being the newest member. Alpha Durian carries Amethyst out of the cave and howls in jubilation. Which is then followed by the rest of the Pack. Marcus is most excited to meet his little sister, he watches and waits as his mother and father slowly walk down the mountain pathway from the secret cave. As the Apha and Luna stand in front of the Pack on the speaking rock. Alpha Durian declared, welcome my daughter and news member of the Pack Amethyst Clematis Moon. Cheers could be heard all around in celebration of their newest female Alpha.