
The Purple Flash of Kumo

After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. Naruto becomes a beloved son and little brother. Rated M for Sexual Content and Gore.

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29 Chs

The Black Cat of Kumo

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The Following 11 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 29 (Purple Lightning), Chapter 30 (Yoruichi's Pleasure), Chapter 31 (A New Flower), Chapter 32 (Immortal Blade), Chapter 33 (A Master of Purple Lightning), Chapter 34 (A Blacksmith), Chapter 35 (Yoruichi's Feelings), Chapter 36 (The Sannin of Konoha), Chapter 37 (Names on a Tree), Chapter 38 (An Uzumaki, and An Uchiha), and Chapter 39 (Wave) are already available for Patrons.

As the first rays of the morning sun gracefully ascended over the distant horizon, a magnificent spectacle unfolded in Kumo. The ethereal glow of sunlight bathed the picturesque landscape, unveiling its breathtaking beauty in a resplendent display. Majestic mountains, their towering peaks shrouded in an eternal blanket of glistening snow, cast imposing shadows across the vast land expanse.

Among these remarkable peaks, the twin mountains stood as sentinels, their snow-capped summits soaring to a staggering height of 8 kilometers above the earth. This natural wonder, a cherished symbol of Kumo's rich heritage, held a profound significance for its inhabitants. Once a year, an extraordinary tradition unfolded, beckoning the brave and adventurous souls to embark on a daring ascent to the pinnacle without using Chakra in any way.

As Ay gazed out the window of his spacious office, overlooking the picturesque village of Kumo, the first rays of the morning sun gently illuminated the surrounding landscape. The serene tranquility of the village was only disrupted by the rhythmic ticking of the old clock nestled within the confines of his office.

With a sense of longing, Ay's attention shifted towards his own abode, which stood proudly on the other side of a meandering river that gracefully separated his dwelling from the grandiose Raikage Building. Amongst the myriad of houses that dotted the landscape, Ay's residence stood as a testament to his esteemed stature within the village.

Its sheer size and opulence outshone every other dwelling in Kumo, commanding attention and admiration from all who laid eyes upon it. The sprawling gardens that embraced the house, adorned with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, added a touch of ethereal beauty to the already breathtaking sight. As Ay marveled at the scene before him, a sense of pride and accomplishment filled his heart.

From his office window, Ay's gaze encompassed not only the physical beauty of his village but also the intangible sense of unity and camaraderie that permeated its very essence.

Ay turned his head around, his eyes finding the handle of the legendary weapon lying on top of the table; it looked magnificent. Ay had pondered for a while what to do with the weapon but eventually concluded that the weapon could be used rather than just put inside a glass box for tourists to see.

While the majority of income for the Land of Lightning came from Kumo, from the missions they completed every year, a good portion of their income also came from tourism; the Land of Lightning had good soil and good hot tubes spread throughout the country, people from other regions would come to stay for weeks, bringing money to the Land of Lightning.

But one thing that attracted tourists were the Items that were said to have belonged to the Sage of Six Paths; the same items were put in the largest museum in the Land of Lightning, the Anki Suru Museum, which brought a lot of attractions. The museum held weapons that were used by other legendary ninjas of Kumo, including the first Sannin of Kumo; those legendary items brought Kumo money and a status of power. The museum was protected by three groups of Elite ANBU all the time.

Ay had held a meeting three days ago with his entire council; the council had the Head of every clan, three members of the small council, and one person who was responsible for the economy of the Country, who also represented the common people of the lands of Lightning.

Once Ay had let everyone know that Kumo possessed the Blade of the Second Hokage, the man of the economy suggested putting the blade on display in the Museum to attract even more people so the profit could increase; a few clan heads had suggested that their clan should hold the blade, using their importance and influence to try and change the Raikage's mind.

Ay knew the blade of the second Hokage was powerful, and giving it to a clan head could be profitable for the future, but in the end, Ay had decided that the blade would be used by a chosen Kumo Shinobi, and a young one, quite a few Clan Heads had known right away that Ay wanted to give it to his grandson, but none of them dared to voice it out loud.

While Ay fully believed that Naruto was already able to use the blade, he knew Naruto was still too far away from using the Purple Lightning to the maximum extent.

For this reason, Ay sent a message to the cat, informing her to return from her mission and train a Shinobi.

Ay sat down on the chair and pondered for a while whether he should tell the truth to Naruto. They had yet to tell him the truth. A had promised to tell him the truth, but Ay knew what his son was doing; he was delaying the inevitable. Ay knew Naruto had noticed, and he had doubts, but so far, he had kept those thoughts inside. But Ay knew sooner or later, Naruto would start asking questions, or worse, a Shinobi from Konoha would recognize him.

Ay wasn't sure which one was worse, but he knew he wouldn't allow his grandson in all but name to learn the truth from an outsider. Naruto was a Shinobi and a good one; Ay had no doubts that Naruto was already strong enough to handle problems. For this reason, Ay had decided that he would tell Naruto the truth personally once he returned from the Training.

As the door swung open, Ay's mind was liberated from the burdensome weight of his thoughts. The clattering echo of quick footsteps reached his ears, announcing the arrival of his beloved grandson. Ay turned with anticipation, his eyes meeting Naruto's eager gaze. The young boy's face radiated pure joy, his smile illuminating the room. However, Ay's observant eye couldn't help but notice the loose fit of Naruto's clothes, particularly around his pants and the loosely cinched belt that dangled off his waist.

"Where were you, Naruto? You are ten minutes late. I told you to never be late. What is your excuse, young man?" With an inquisitive gleam in his eyes, Ay leaned toward his grandson; his voice laced with a hint of seriousness and a touch of tough love. His wrinkled brow furrowed as he carefully crafted his words. However, the mischievous glint in Naruto's eyes betrayed his grandfather's facade, as he easily saw through Ay's act. The corners of Naruto's mouth curled into a playful smirk, his laughter echoing in the air as he strolled deeper into the office.

"I-I was busy," As the question was directed at him, Naruto felt a surge of nervousness, causing his words to stumble out with a slight stutter. His face betrayed his embarrassment, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks as he desperately tried to conceal it by averting his gaze. Meanwhile, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, Ay couldn't help but revel in Naruto's flustered state, a devious smirk forming on his lips as he unleashed a playful yet slightly wicked, 'hehehe' laughter.

"Oh, busy, does that have to do anything with my secretary not walking properly for the last week," Ay teased deviously, especially when his grandson's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson as if someone had splashed him with a bucket of embarrassment. The intense flush spread across his entire face, transforming him into a human embodiment of a ripe tomato, his embarrassment palpable to anyone who laid eyes upon him.

Naruto, his voice trembling with uncertainty, stammered out the words, "I-I have no idea, w-what are you talking about?" His wide, innocent eyes darted nervously from side to side, resembling a mischievous child who had been caught red-handed stealing freshly baked cookies from the jar. As if seeking solace and temporary refuge, he hastily hid his flushed face behind a thick volume, snatched surreptitiously from the top of the cluttered desk.

"Sure, but next time tell Mabui that she should use a better excuse than just 'my pencil fell on the floor'" Ay teased with a wide grin, especially when Naruto hid his entire face with the book; his face had gone as red as a tomato.

Ay laughed heartily, walking up to his godson before slapping him on the shoulder, causing the book to fall from his hand onto the desk; Naruto's face had gone entirely red, and he looked at his grandfather with annoyance.

"Don't make fun of me!" Naruto retorted with his nose up in the air, only for Ay to laugh even more; even the Hidden ANBUs couldn't help but find the moment amusing, especially Naruto's blushing face.

"Nah, I would never make fun of you, but..." Ay's words trailed off as he leaned closer to Naruto as if he were about to tell some very hidden secret.

"An advice from me, do you know the girls go absolutely crazy if you touch near their-" "I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to listen to you," Naruto shouted while trying to push his grandfather away, much to his amusement as he laughed out loud once again. Naruto looked at him with annoyance as he walked back until his back hit the wall.

Naruto thought of a way to pay him back when he heard a sudden symphony of gentle meows interrupt his thoughts. His gaze swiftly shifted to the right, where his eyes locked onto the mesmerizing sight of a sleek, ebony feline. Perched gracefully upon the apron of the slightly ajar window.

Naruto's voice echoed through the room as he exclaimed, "Oii, where did this cat come from?" With a mischievous chuckle dancing upon his lips, he gingerly stepped forward, cautiously gauging the cat's reaction to his presence. Knowing all too well that cats typically harbored reservations towards unfamiliar faces, Naruto extended his hand, endeavoring to establish a connection. As his hand inched closer, brimming with trepidation and curiosity, the cat gracefully glided towards him, her soft fur beckoning for a gentle caress upon her head.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Naruto couldn't help but chuckle softly as he reached out to gently stroke the silky fur of the elegant black cat that had gracefully made its way toward him. The cat purred contentedly in response to his affectionate touch, relishing in the warmth and attention that Naruto showered upon her.

Delicately, Naruto's fingers moved to caress the soft spot beneath the cat's chin, eliciting an even deeper rumble of pleasure from the feline companion. As the cat closed her mesmerizing golden eyes, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had brought her immense joy. A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as he playfully remarked, "Can't wait to see Yugito's face, she will be jealous," In that very moment, as if in agreement with Naruto's anticipation, the cat gracefully leaped onto his shoulder.

Naruto's blue eyes looked at the cat's golden eyes; he knew that the cat wasn't just a random home cat. Naruto had seen plenty of cats, and this one was much different. "Is she a summon?" Naruto asked as he turned to look at his grandfather, who had sat on his seat and was writing something on a scroll; Naruto recognized that it was a 'Money' scroll.

Naruto wondered who needed that money. Lost in thought, he absentmindedly constructed a dainty bridge with his left arm. The cat jumped on his arm. With a gentle stroke from his right hand, Naruto playfully caressed the cat's soft fur, eliciting a symphony of purrs and contented mews. The cat reveled in every affectionate moment, its golden eyes sparkling with joy and gratitude.

"She's not a summon, and her name is Yoruichi," Ay explained, still deep into the scroll he was writing; he rolled the scroll a tad bit more so he could have more space to write.

"I like her, but why did you call me, Grandpa?" Naruto asked curiously as he gently caressed the top of her head with his finger; a soft purr resonated from the feline's throat, filling the air with a sense of warmth and companionship.

"Did you have something better to do?" Ay asked skeptically, his eyes looking at Naruto again; a smirk grew on his face. "Don't worry about your girlfriends, I'm sure Samui and Mabui will have plenty to make themselves busy while you are gone," Ay teased with a devilish grin as Naruto blushed once again, especially when the cat on his lap giggled, something Naruto found a little strange, do cats giggle?

"Is not my fault that you're jealous," Naruto remarked with a growing smirk, thinking he had found a way to win this word game, but Ay simply laughed out loud.

"Jealous of you? Never. When I was your age, girls ran after me like bees after honey," Ay boasted, with an amused look as Naruto looked at him skeptically while the cat swatted at the man with a roll of her eyes.

"See, even Yoruichi doesn't believe you," Naruto pointed out, stroking the cat's ears; much to her delight, Ay gave the cat a look of annoyance as he let out a collective sigh.

"Yoruichi is simply jealous of me," Ay remarked with a wide grin of triumph, especially when Yoruichi's eyes bore into him; the cat looked ready to scratch Ay's face with her claws until Naruto started caressing her under her chin.

"Don't worry, Yoruichi; Ay is an old man, way past his time of action," Naruto teased, earning a pointed look from Ay, who let out a low sigh, barely letting out a breath as he rolled the paper into a scroll, he slid it across the desk, stopping right before Naruto who looked at the scroll before looking up at Ay waiting for an explanation.

"Naruto, your ability to use purple lightning is remarkable, but I'm afraid neither Darui nor me can help you much on how to use it," Ay said with a look of fake defeat. Naruto frowned; he had been certain that his sensei could help him with his Purple Lightning; he had been looking forward to learning how to use it.

Kumo was the military village of the land of Lightning, but even Kumo lacked books that talked about any other type of lightning besides normal white lightning. A few books touched upon black lightning, but the information was very limited due to how rare it was; even Darui-sensei remarked that Black Lightning hadn't been used by any Shinobi around the world for over a century now, due to how rare it was, there were barely any books covering the Black Lightning.

Besides a book that spoke a little about the previous user, a Kumo shinobi named Kizuato, but not much, not enough to satisfy Naruto; even Darui had said that it had been difficult for him to be as good as he is with Black Lightning, due to the lack of scrolls, and everything else needed to learn.

But when it came to books that covered Purple Lightning, the books mentioned it briefly, but more like a fairy tale, something that perhaps never existed, to begin with, or maybe it did, but so long ago that people had forgotten about it.

"Why? You and Darui-Sensei are the best Lightning users in the country or even the world," Naruto questioned with a slight frown, hoping his grandfather would change his mind and help him somehow.

"Well, you're right; besides Kakashi of the Sharingan, there isn't much competition when it comes to Lightning Jutsus. Kumo has all of them, but the same jutsu and ways of learning for normal lighting cannot be used for either the purple or the black lightning. They might be lighting, but Black lightning works differently, and the same goes for the purple," Ay explained, sharing information with Naruto, who looked deeply into his thoughts.

Ay stood up from his chair and grabbed a scroll from the nearby scroll holder that held hundreds of scrolls in his office. Ay, read the scroll's title before throwing it at Naruto, who catched and looked at Ay, waiting for further clarification.

"It took Darui a year to get the basics of his black lightning. He tried to use the basics that are used for normal lightning, but it backfired; he almost lost his hand. Black lightning is harder to control and is much more powerful, and the temperature is immense." Ay explained as he walked over to Naruto, who seemed to feel a little down, thinking that he could never fully utilize his purple lightning until Ay tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, don't make the long face; you're lucky that someone out there can help you use your purple lightning," Ay said with an encouraging smile. At that very moment, Naruto felt a surge of exhilaration, as if a dormant flame within him had been ignited, casting a warm and radiant glow upon his face. His ears perked up attentively. Overwhelmed by this newfound surge of energy, Naruto rose from his seat with a sudden burst of vitality, causing the chair to topple backward, its clatter fading into the background as Naruto paid it little more than a passing glance.

Naruto's curiosity piqued as he heard the unexpected revelation, his eyes widening with anticipation. "There is? Where?" he asked eagerly, his voice brimming with excitement. In an instant, his previous frown and overwhelming feelings of helplessness dissipated like a flipped switch, replaced by a radiant smile illuminating his entire face. The vibrant blue orbs of his eyes shimmered with newfound determination, reflecting his unwavering resolve. Ay, observing this transformation, couldn't help but smile warmly, his heart filled with joy. It was always a delightful sight for Ay to witness Naruto in such a state, as his grandson was perpetually prepared to prove himself against any challenge that came his way.

"Yoruichi will guide you there; that's why she is here," Ay instructed as he pointed at the cat whose demeanor seemed to have changed; now she seemed more focused, and her ears had perked up.

Naruto cocked an eyebrow; he knew the cat wasn't a normal one right away; he wondered why the cat felt strange in a way, he couldn't quite put the finger, but he knew she was anything but normal.

"Once you reach the place, your new sensei will train you; she is not someone you should mess around with; she's dangerous and can kill you as easily as breathing," Ay warned him, but Naruto looked skeptical; he doubted this woman was really that crazy, was she?

"Wait, How long will I stay there?" Naruto asked, confused; from what he heard, he would stay there for a bit longer than just a few days.

"Three months won't be enough for you to reach your full potential, but it is enough to learn the basics. Spend every minute there wisely, and don't waste her time; she's not someone that likes playing around," Ay once again warned, with a stern look on his features. Naruto couldn't help but look at him skeptically, like his grandfather was just trolling him, while the cat rolled her eyes at what Ay said, something not noticed by Naruto.

"What about my missions?" Naruto quickly asked, knowing a Shinobi could not do missions only if they were in Free Days. Naruto knew he had no right to Free Days until he had completed over a hundred missions or worked for an entire year; one of these two conditions needed to be fulfilled for a Shinobi to have the right to Free Days once a year. Free Days could go from 2 weeks to 5 weeks, depending on the shinobi asking for Free Days and their rank.

"Don't worry about that; I'm giving you permission to go and train for three months. Meanwhile, your Team will go on supportive missions with the other Genins teams until you return," Ay explained. Naruto still didn't look pleased; he had wanted to go on a date with Samui and Mabui, and they had planned on how to ask Yugito if she wanted to join them, but Naruto quickly shook those thoughts away.

It was only three months, Naruto repeated in his head; once he returned, everything would go back to normal, and Naruto would be much stronger.

With unwavering determination gleaming in his eyes, Naruto confidently declared, "Okay, when I return. I will be unstoppable." As his words resonated in the air, he defiantly raised his fist, symbolizing his unyielding resolve. A mischievous glint danced in Ay's eyes as he quietly chuckled under his breath, unable to resist the opportunity to tease Naruto. He gracefully approached him, his footsteps echoing with a playful rhythm. With a mischievous grin, Ay reached out and affectionately tousled his spiky blonde hair, much to Naruto's vexation. Irritated by the intrusion, he swiftly brushed his hand away.

"That's what I like to hear, but one more thing. When you return, I will tell you something important," Ay promised as he kneeled to Naruto's level, who looked at him with intrigue.


"No worries, next time we see each we will talk about your mother," Ay promised; Naruto's countenance instantly transformed, radiating pure joy as he stretched his arms wide, embracing Ay in a tight and affectionate hug. In a swift response, Ay reciprocated the embrace, lifting Naruto off the ground, reminiscent of the tender moments from Naruto's childhood that never failed to elicit laughter from his young self. And indeed, as Ay's embrace elevated Naruto, a symphony of laughter erupted from his lips.

The Hidden ANBUs watched the scene in silence; amongst them was C, who was touched a little by the Raikage's display of affection for his grandson.

After Naruto bid farewell to his grandfather in his office, he briefly stopped and engaged in a heartfelt conversation with Mabui. As the words escaped his lips, conveying his imminent absence for the next three months, Mabui's eyes welled up with unspoken emotions. In a spontaneous display of affection, she closed the distance between them, pressing her lips tenderly against Naruto's. Time seemed to stand still as their embrace deepened until finally, they reluctantly parted, their hearts aflame with bittersweet desire.

Once he left Mabui, Naruto said goodbye to Yugito and Darui-Sensei, promising Yugito that he would communicate with her through summonings.

Once, he said bye to Omoi and Karui. Naruto went to Samui's house and said goodbye to Samui, but not before having a round of sex in bed with her.

Once Naruto said goodbye to Killer Bee and his father, he followed Yoruichi; the cat was surprisingly fast and faster than even Killer Bee, making it difficult for Naruto to follow her.

Eventually, after five hours of traveling through the village, Naruto and the cat reached a residence; the house was enormous, big enough for twenty people to live in, and looked like a small tower. Naruto quickly understood the house was surrounded by 'Seals,' making it difficult to see it and even entered inside, but somehow Yoruichi was able to deactivate the seals by simply meowing.

As Naruto strolled into the courtyard of the grand residence, his eyes were immediately drawn to the towering entrance that beckoned him inside. The colossal door, constructed meticulously from Iron Wood and known for its unparalleled strength and resilience, stood proudly at a remarkable height of three meters. Naruto approached the door with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. With each resounding knock that echoed through the tranquil surroundings, he patiently awaited a response, only to find himself met with silence as the door remained firmly shut.

Naruto, his face etched with clear annoyance, stood before the seemingly deserted giant house and voiced his question aloud, "Does anyone even live here?" Frustration filled his tone as he prepared himself to knock on the door once more, eager for some sign of life. However, just as his hand was poised to make contact with the wood, a mysterious voice emerged from behind, causing him to freeze in his tracks.

"Well. I live here, Naruto-Kun!" A sudden sultry voice resonated from behind, causing a spine-tingling shudder to course through his body. Curiosity piqued, he swiftly pivoted on his heels, his eyes widening with astonishment as they locked onto the cat. In a mesmerizing display of mystique, a swirling cloud of ethereal smoke gracefully enveloped the cat.

In a mesmerizing display of mystical allure, a breathtakingly beautiful woman materialized with ethereal grace, emerging from the very spot where the enigmatic feline had been stationed merely seconds before. As the wisps of dissipating smoke vanished into the atmosphere, Naruto's eyes were treated to an unobstructed view of the resplendent figure before him. Adorned with an enchanting smile that exuded an alluring sensuality, the woman's stunning countenance radiated an aura of captivating charm. With a coquettish elegance, she struck a pose that accentuated her ample bosom.

She possessed a slender yet athletically fit physique, her body a testament to her dedication and discipline. Standing at an average height, her presence was anything but average. Her dark skin exuded a radiant glow, contrasting beautifully with her golden irises that sparkled with a hint of mystery.

Cascading down to her waist, its vibrant purple hue caught the sunlight, creating an ethereal aura around her. Tied neatly in a ponytail, with chin-length bangs gracefully framing the sides of her face, it accentuated her flawless features.

Her choice of attire further emphasized her allure. She donned a black, backless, sleeveless undershirt that revealed a hint of her toned back. Layered over it was an orange over-shirt adorned with two white straps on each shoulder, adding a touch of dynamism to her ensemble. Cinched around her waist was a large beige sash, not only serving as a fashionable accessory but also subtly accentuating her curves.

Completing her ensemble were black stretch pants that clung to her form, emphasizing her feminine allure. Her lightweight brown shoes added a casual yet chic element to her overall look. Her clothes couldn't conceal the captivating curves that adorned her figure, leaving little to the imagination.

As Naruto's eyes fell upon her, he found himself momentarily speechless. Her otherworldly beauty rendered him spellbound, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her. The way she slowly licked her lips, a subtle movement that oozed with undeniable sensuality, caused a blush to creep upon Naruto's cheeks. His gaze lingered, unable to tear away from the captivating enchantress before him.

"We will have a lot of Fun, together, Naruto-kun!"

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